Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Sorry I meant a K deficiency. I’m fried. But I think the colder temperatures are creating a small potassium issue. Winters here are short and nothing like what a lot of you folks experience, but still can cause issues. It’s not a huge deal I guess. Will be interesting to see how it affects the plants though. My plan is to keep rolling until June, then shutting down for summer. Maybe do a couple outside.

I’ll try to get a couple photos of the 4x2 later. Once I move either Glue Sniffer or Jeano out to the 4x4 I’ll be popping the Mendel Pina Kaleidoscope.

Still waiting on Sherbet and Sage to finish drying so I can post harvests. And recently just chopped Strawberry Nuggets. Everything is taking time to dry. But looks like the best harvests and quality yet.
Sorry I meant a K deficiency. I’m fried. But I think the colder temperatures are creating a small potassium issue. Winters here are short and nothing like what a lot of you folks experience, but still can cause issues. It’s not a huge deal I guess. Will be interesting to see how it affects the plants though. My plan is to keep rolling until June, then shutting down for summer. Maybe do a couple outside.

I’ll try to get a couple photos of the 4x2 later. Once I move either Glue Sniffer or Jeano out to the 4x4 I’ll be popping the Mendel Pina Kaleidoscope.

Still waiting on Sherbet and Sage to finish drying so I can post harvests. And recently just chopped Strawberry Nuggets. Everything is taking time to dry. But looks like the best harvests and quality yet.
I have run outdoors in summer but don't have a good sunny spot. So I think a photo run indoors would be the best for me
I have run outdoors in summer but don't have a good sunny spot. So I think a photo run indoors would be the best for me
I’ve run photos outside the last few years. They get massive, think I posted one in here awhile back that got up to 12’. Normally between 8-12 feet tall depending on strain. Obviously we have nothing but sun here in spring and summer.

Big issues though with many of them. Mostly pests. A lot of that has to do with the droughts here. Last year spider mites and caterpillars were fucking insane! Turns it into a huge drag battling that crap for 6 months.

I think if I do any outdoors this spring/summer, I’ll play around with a few freebie autos I have. That way if it’s another pest infested year, at least I can fight it for less time.
Well, bad news here. Just met with the landlord. They’re building an ADU in the backyard. Beginning February 1. I’m losing my garage/shop. We have to move. Not sure if the 4x4 will have time to finish and the 4x2 definitely won’t. That’s secondary to my business though. But looks like I’m going to have to shut down the 4x2 asap. Not sure if I’ll be around here much until we relocate since we’ve had that bomb dropped. It is what it is I guess. I will still try to post harvest soon. But if I don’t/can’t, hopefully I’ll be back soon.
Well, bad news here. Just met with the landlord. They’re building an ADU in the backyard. Beginning February 1. I’m losing my garage/shop. We have to move. Not sure if the 4x4 will have time to finish and the 4x2 definitely won’t. That’s secondary to my business though. But looks like I’m going to have to shut down the 4x2 asap. Not sure if I’ll be around here much until we relocate since we’ve had that bomb dropped. It is what it is I guess. I will still try to post harvest soon. But if I don’t/can’t, hopefully I’ll be back soon.

if u have final dry weight on jus one of ur plantz, with picz if possible, then i can getcha ur secret decoder ring before u hafta leave :thumbsup: ppp
if u have final dry weight on jus one of ur plantz, with picz if possible, then i can getcha ur secret decoder ring before u hafta leave :thumbsup: ppp
Thank you. Totally threw us for a loop. Especially the short notice…5 weeks. I’m literally nauseous. It really sucks to shut the 4x2 down but what can you do? In reality that’s secondary. We need a place to live and work out of. We both work from home.

I’ll shut down the 4x2 probably today. No sense in wasting the electricity. 4x4 may finish in time.

I’ll post some final weights of what is harvested. But I will be back in full swing again soon.
We just cruised by some places nearby that have promise. Had me thinking that I will hold off on shutting down the 4x2 until I know more about what is up. If we move a mile away it would be an easy transport. If we move across town, no way am I wanting to transport 3 larger sized plants (by that time) - that's just me though.

Sorry for the drama. I have been busting my ass to get my business back in full swing since the Pandemic kicked in. I had been running a large garment facility here, and put my business on hold, and the Pandemic put a lot of life stuff into perspective. It's finally getting back to a place I can count on. Plus I've started to hit a groove as a gardener. News today was a gutpunch and needed to vent.
We just cruised by some places nearby that have promise. Had me thinking that I will hold off on shutting down the 4x2 until I know more about what is up. If we move a mile away it would be an easy transport. If we move across town, no way am I wanting to transport 3 larger sized plants (by that time) - that's just me though.

Sorry for the drama. I have been busting my ass to get my business back in full swing since the Pandemic kicked in. I had been running a large garment facility here, and put my business on hold, and the Pandemic put a lot of life stuff into perspective. It's finally getting back to a place I can count on. Plus I've started to hit a groove as a gardener. News today was a gutpunch and needed to vent.
:pighug: hang tight bud, you'll figure something out. We went through something similar earlier this year.
:pighug: hang tight bud, you'll figure something out. We went through something similar earlier this year.
Sometimes turns in life are an opportunity that we would not seek out unless forced to. Getting older I worry and probably needlessly because I do not like change when I need to embrace it.
Just wanted to pop in with an update. Good/bad news type of thing.

Good - We found a place.

Bad - we’re going to be going between 2 places for the next 3 weeks. In addition to moving an entire house, I need to move my press, which weighs about 500+ pounds, and all of my printing equipment. Get a 240v wired in, etc. Oh and 4 dogs of our own and 1 foster.

A lot of back and forth. Sleeping at one place while some stuff is at another. Lots of eyeballs- movers, 2 different landlords at 2 different places popping in. You get the point.

So, I had to make the decision to end the current grows entirely. Probably take about a month to get settled and get a feel for the new place, all that, before I start up again. It totally sucks, but it is what it is I suppose.

On a more positive note, looks like the 3 plants are ready for trimming. So I’ll hopefully have some harvest reports soon.