Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Just wanted to pop in with an update. Good/bad news type of thing.

Good - We found a place.

Bad - we’re going to be going between 2 places for the next 3 weeks. In addition to moving an entire house, I need to move my press, which weighs about 500+ pounds, and all of my printing equipment. Get a 240v wired in, etc. Oh and 4 dogs of our own and 1 foster.

A lot of back and forth. Sleeping at one place while some stuff is at another. Lots of eyeballs- movers, 2 different landlords at 2 different places popping in. You get the point.

So, I had to make the decision to end the current grows entirely. Probably take about a month to get settled and get a feel for the new place, all that, before I start up again. It totally sucks, but it is what it is I suppose.

On a more positive note, looks like the 3 plants are ready for trimming. So I’ll hopefully have some harvest reports soon.
Damn bro that sucks, sorry to hear. I had to do something similar in the past... lot of eyes... one big ass stankin stardawg left, 3 weeks from chop. Had to chop her and bin her :(
Damn bro that sucks, sorry to hear. I had to do something similar in the past... lot of eyes... one big ass stankin stardawg left, 3 weeks from chop. Had to chop her and bin her :(
Yeah. It’s a real bummer for sure. I’m lucky enough to have plenty for myself and friends. So that’s no issue.

Just REALLY bad timing. Unscrupulous landlords too, that new about the situation months ago but decided to only give us a 5 week notice on what was coming so that they could continue to collect from us.

Gardening aside, I would lose my ability to make a living on February 1. In addition to that! We lose the entire backyard. And while construction went on for 40 hours a week, for 6 + months, we would lose access to the front yard, our parking, and constant electricity and water outages.

When faced with that nightmare fucking scenario, you gotta make decisions.
Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone had a good Xmas and Happy New Year while I am popping in. If you're into that - of course.

We are still moving between places, and I'm exhausted. But I was able to trim all of the plants before we started doing that. So Orange Sherbet, Sage Scout, and Strawberry Nuggets are all trimmed and in Grove Bags curing. I was fortunate that we had a LOT of rain here lately, and cold temps, so the dry was low and slow which worked out perfect. Everything is just covered in frost from that grow and pretty amazing.

I'll take photos of the final yields once the cure is done and I'm settled into the new place but so far it's looks like...

Orange Sherbet - 1.5 lbs?
Sage Scout - 1/2 lb?
Strawberry Nuggets - Just over 1/2 lb?

Takeaways from those 3 plants: Sherb, eh...I probably won't do another Sherb in a 10 gallon. I will try something else though just to compare for fun.

Sage and Nugs: I will definitely grow again but in 7 gallons.

Overall: Training a little less hardcore on the Sage and Nugs is my way forward from now on. Everything was rock hard and SUPER frosty. I mean everything is COATED in frost and the top nugs are rock hard and like diamonds. Super easy to trim too.

Sherb was a victim of me overtraining. So stuff on top is rock hard, but the lower you go, it's a decent amount of loose stuff. Still very frosty and sticky. But I had to break out the bowl trimmer to do all of that stuff. So the 10 gallon thing would probably go way better kind of letting the plant go a little more wild and telling you how it wants to be trained. I mean yield was good, and will definitely be over 1 lb. But it could've been better.

Anyway, I'm trying to pop in once a week. A little tough for obvious reasons. But there's my latest update. More to come on the next grow ideas once the dust settles!
Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone had a good Xmas and Happy New Year while I am popping in. If you're into that - of course.

We are still moving between places, and I'm exhausted. But I was able to trim all of the plants before we started doing that. So Orange Sherbet, Sage Scout, and Strawberry Nuggets are all trimmed and in Grove Bags curing. I was fortunate that we had a LOT of rain here lately, and cold temps, so the dry was low and slow which worked out perfect. Everything is just covered in frost from that grow and pretty amazing.

I'll take photos of the final yields once the cure is done and I'm settled into the new place but so far it's looks like...

Orange Sherbet - 1.5 lbs?
Sage Scout - 1/2 lb?
Strawberry Nuggets - Just over 1/2 lb?

Takeaways from those 3 plants: Sherb, eh...I probably won't do another Sherb in a 10 gallon. I will try something else though just to compare for fun.

Sage and Nugs: I will definitely grow again but in 7 gallons.

Overall: Training a little less hardcore on the Sage and Nugs is my way forward from now on. Everything was rock hard and SUPER frosty. I mean everything is COATED in frost and the top nugs are rock hard and like diamonds. Super easy to trim too.

Sherb was a victim of me overtraining. So stuff on top is rock hard, but the lower you go, it's a decent amount of loose stuff. Still very frosty and sticky. But I had to break out the bowl trimmer to do all of that stuff. So the 10 gallon thing would probably go way better kind of letting the plant go a little more wild and telling you how it wants to be trained. I mean yield was good, and will definitely be over 1 lb. But it could've been better.

Anyway, I'm trying to pop in once a week. A little tough for obvious reasons. But there's my latest update. More to come on the next grow ideas once the dust settles!

Big numbers m8. Congrats on a huge harvest :d5:
Big numbers m8. Congrats on a huge harvest :d5:
Thank you. I was VERY surprised with the Strawberry Nuggets the entire time. I was expecting a very compact and smaller plant. I had zero idea it would blow up like that. And I was OK with it being smaller too. I have not sampled anything yet, and I probably won't until this relocation is 100% done. Just too tired overall. I will celebrate when this is over! But I already know that it will be great, we know what we grow before before even trying it. But...that plant was the most pleasurable experience I've had in this growing journey to date. I do not know if I just got lucky with a great pheno, or what, but I will definitely be popping another one soon enough.
Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone had a good Xmas and Happy New Year while I am popping in. If you're into that - of course.

We are still moving between places, and I'm exhausted. But I was able to trim all of the plants before we started doing that. So Orange Sherbet, Sage Scout, and Strawberry Nuggets are all trimmed and in Grove Bags curing. I was fortunate that we had a LOT of rain here lately, and cold temps, so the dry was low and slow which worked out perfect. Everything is just covered in frost from that grow and pretty amazing.

I'll take photos of the final yields once the cure is done and I'm settled into the new place but so far it's looks like...

Orange Sherbet - 1.5 lbs?
Sage Scout - 1/2 lb?
Strawberry Nuggets - Just over 1/2 lb?

Takeaways from those 3 plants: Sherb, eh...I probably won't do another Sherb in a 10 gallon. I will try something else though just to compare for fun.

Sage and Nugs: I will definitely grow again but in 7 gallons.

Overall: Training a little less hardcore on the Sage and Nugs is my way forward from now on. Everything was rock hard and SUPER frosty. I mean everything is COATED in frost and the top nugs are rock hard and like diamonds. Super easy to trim too.

Sherb was a victim of me overtraining. So stuff on top is rock hard, but the lower you go, it's a decent amount of loose stuff. Still very frosty and sticky. But I had to break out the bowl trimmer to do all of that stuff. So the 10 gallon thing would probably go way better kind of letting the plant go a little more wild and telling you how it wants to be trained. I mean yield was good, and will definitely be over 1 lb. But it could've been better.

Anyway, I'm trying to pop in once a week. A little tough for obvious reasons. But there's my latest update. More to come on the next grow ideas once the dust settles!
Glad to hear you are doing okay and got it harvested.
Can't wait till you get settled and growing again.
Glad to hear you are doing okay and got it harvested.
Can't wait till you get settled and growing again.
Thank you. May be a little bit before I fire a tent back up, I’ve got a lot of product right now. But I think I’ll install the height extension on my shorty and run the 4x2 first when I do. A couple of the closets there are perfect for a 4x2. Kinda funny really, because I noticed that right away. Like they were built for that purpose. Central heat and ac too, which is a little rare here.

Anyway, once I’m going again, likely just start with a 4x2 for a bit and get a feel for the area.
Orange Sherbet - 1.5 lbs?
Sage Scout - 1/2 lb?
Strawberry Nuggets - Just over 1/2 lb?

ok, um, bear with me here, as i'm jus wantin to make doublesure about thoze weightz, lol :yoinks: are thoze all dry weightz-?? if so, then i'm def gonna need picz, especially of the orange sherbet weight, cuz that would/will be a whole other badge for u, so i need definitive proof plz ;) i realize ur on a buzzzzy schedule with the move & all, so jus tag me when ur able & Happee New Year! :headbang: ppp
ok, um, bear with me here, as i'm jus wantin to make doublesure about thoze weightz, lol :yoinks: are thoze all dry weightz-?? if so, then i'm def gonna need picz, especially of the orange sherbet weight, cuz that would/will be a whole other badge for u, so i need definitive proof plz ;) i realize ur on a buzzzzy schedule with the move & all, so jus tag me when ur able & Happee New Year! :headbang: ppp
I’m guesstimating on weights a little based on the size grove bag they filled. But not totally cured yet. So I don’t weigh until after the cure.

Sherb I figured would be at least a lb. My biggest harvest from a single auto was the grow before this one. GSC in a 7 gallon was 15 oz cured, I didn’t weigh any of the super larf, etc. that went into the extraction bag. Sherb is a good bit bigger. She filled a 1 lb grove and a 1/2 lb grove bag.

Nuggets filled a 1/2 lb grove to the brim and an ounce bag to the brim.

Sage filled a 1/2 lb grove to the brim.

Sooo. I still expect them to lose a little more weight in the cure. So we shall see.
Here’s a strawberry nuggets, nug for what it’s worth. I’m in the middle of printing so just reached in and grabbed something. Had to trim as best I could in a rush.
