Indoor GreenBean's Grows

I run the pump back into the bucket when I am mixing.
I’ll usually drop it in after I’ve stirred it up and PH’d to get it mixed a little better.
Sage Scout and Sherb, battling for dominance. Sage is on the left.
Just an update on the regiment I've got going on now. It has obviously changed since the very start of this thread. Probably a long read.

Tents: Indoors - Gorilla Shorty 4x2 which is now becoming my seedling/staging tent. Outdoors - Gorilla Lite Line 4x4.

Nutes: FloraFlex. Very, very occasional Recharge. Little Silica here and there.

Lights: 4x2 - Atreum 3 bar LED array w/ 320W Meanwell. 4x4 - Atreum 4 bar LED array w/ 480w Meanwell. Both fully dimmable, etc. LOVE THEM.

Pot size. Sherb is in a 10 gallon as my bigger pot = bigger plant experiment. Sage Scout and Strawberry Nuggets are in 5's - both could go much bigger in a 7, or 10. Glue Sniffer and AMR are in 7's. Which is probably my favorite size pot. 10 gallon is nutty! 5 is cool for the smaller strains, but requires constant monitoring of water for me. Sometimes I do feel lazy.

Light cycle: 6PM - 12PM. So on at night, off during the mid-day times. Works best for year round, for me.

PAR/PPFD. Right now in the 4x2 it's right around 500. In the 4x4 I'm at 1000.

Light height: 4x2 = 24". 4x4 = 18".

CO2? I made a homemade CO2 - yeast bomb on my last run and yielded a 15 oz GSC. So I have zero way to monitor the PPM of the CO2, I'm not buying a meter....yet. But superstition is science, sometimes. 4x2 has a Pro CO2 canister in it, and 4x4 has an Exhale 365 bag, and a yeast bomb.

If you're interested in Co2 canisters/bags. Look on eBay. I get my exhale bags from a guy who says he lives "just down the street" from the maker. And he's generally about 15% cheaper than elsewhere online. Think I got my last Exhale from him for $26 shipped? It was fresh too.

Medium: I use Mother Earth coco bricks 5 lbs, at $13 online. I puff them up with tap water and a little Cal Mag. Nothing special. Then I mix that with about 20% perlite and 10% vermiculite. Then I mix that with about 25% Happy Frog. Sometimes I will use plain old soil from my veggie garden.

Feeding: I generally feed an hour or so after lights on. I always stagger my PH between 5.9 and 6.2. PPM I will check usually once I begin upping the nutes.

Seedlings: A little recharge to start in water for the first 7 days. Maybe a little Cal Mag here and there. Then I will wean them onto about a 25% FloraFlex V1 and V2. Around Day 14, I will up it to around 40%. And so on.

Veg: Once they are on their way, then I will begin the week 1 schedule of FloraFlex No Call Mag system and pretty much stick to that the whole way through veg. It calls for 4g of V1 and V2 per gallon of water, but I will monitor the leaves to see if they are getting overloaded. If I start to see bluing, I will back off to to 2g for a bit and then monitor from there. And I will usually end up around 3g of V1 and 2 it seems. I will supplement with silica about once a week. And I will recharge maybe once a week at most. Maybe once every couple weeks. I'm not totally sold on Recharge. But I have it.

Flower: Basically the same as above, but I'm on the B nutes now, and I'm generally pushing TF out of the plants to see how much they will take. So here, I'm essentially following the FlorFlex flower schedule to the mark. Haven't seen anything nutty going on yet. But I'm constantly observing my leaves.

All watering/feeding is done to about 20% runoff every time. Vac up the runoff with my shop vac and I use it on something outdoors, I like to experiment out there sometimes too.

Foliar spray: I have the Florflex V and B foliars and I've never been a big user of sprays indoors. But I have been toying with these since I have them. I see no negative effects. But can't 100% say that it's a game changer either.

Flushes? Case by case basis, but if I see a need to flush, I will run a 10% nute solution through. Vac it up, and done.

Training: You can read back through the thread. But I will first generally top at the 5th or 6th node no matter the age. But I do try to do it as soon as possible. I'll do a little bending and tying/pinning here and there a few days after topping, and once they start holding the shape I like, I will remove the ties and let them grow vertical. They sort of form a "crown" shape that I like. Once they are big enough, I will tie the branches to the pot grommets and pull them wider as the plant gets bigger.

Grommets: I install them myself so I can have the spacing I like. Sounds like a PITA, but it's really not. I can grommet a pot in 10-15 minutes. And I use the soft garden wire for all tying/pinning/grommeting.

Defoliation? Yes. Once the plant starts showing me what she's going to provide, then I will generally clear the lower, and inner canopies the whole way through. Any small buds at the bottoms that are plainly going to be a waste of the plant's time, get stripped as well.

Don't be afraid to experiment is my motto. Enjoy the ride!

Think that's about it. Maybe some of the above will help others?

Hey GB! Did you run 5grams of B1 and B2 your first week of flower as the FF chart called for or did you cut it down to 4/4?
Hey GB! Did you run 5grams of B1 and B2 your first week of flower as the FF chart called for or did you cut it down to 4/4?

Hey. I’ve been following the B nute schedule pretty much to a “T”. I’m not noticing any issues. Although I could be wasting some nutes I guess. The V schedule is the one that I think is a bit too much, and will ultimately cause issues down the line.

For the B schedule, on the next grow I’ll mess with the dose a bit to see what I can get away with by dialing it back a tad
Hey. I’ve been following the B nute schedule pretty much to a “T”. I’m not noticing any issues. Although I could be wasting some nutes I guess. The V schedule is the one that I think is a bit too much, and will ultimately cause issues down the line.

For the B schedule, on the next grow I’ll mess with the dose a bit to see what I can get away with by dialing it back a tad

Nice! Can't deny your plants look great! I was getting nute burn and lockout when I tried to push that much. But maybe since my plants(strains) were smaller, they weren't able to handle that much. Got some Gas Reaper Scarlet Sunset and Bessie Cake that are at 18 days, will try pushing these and see what happens!
Thanks for the reply and happy growing!
Heading home
Update on what's happening right now.

Starting with the 4x2:

Twenty20 Mendocino Glue Sniffer day 16, 7 gallon. Btw purchased the seeds from @Old Sage Seeds. Member of the forum and highly recommend for the stellar service and fair prices, including fair shipping costs.

She's been a little bit of a slow starter, but she's picking up steam now. Needed to strip away a bunch of lower, tiny clumpy leaves to get her kickstarted.


And the Twisted Tree Alien Moon Rocks, 7 gallon also. Day 7 and she's looking like she's going to be a banger. She's got a bit of stretch going on. So I lowered the light a touch.

And...the 4x4 as of this morning. Couple notes. Humidity is getting nutty out there. And it's been cold (for Southern California). I've got an 8" exhaust pulling air out. An oscillating 12" up above the plants. And 2 Honeywell 8" air circulators blowing up into the lower canopy of the plants to keep air moving in there. Nevertheless, I had to suck it up and order a dehumidifier last night. Didn't want to do it. But it is what it is.

Family portraits. And funny to note that this thread started as a 10 gallon pot experiment as I am figuring out, and experimenting with, how pot size affects plant size and yield. If you notice; Sherb (in the back) is in a 10 gallon, and Sage Scout (front Left) and Strawberry Nugs (front right) are in 5's. Now, it's not an apples to apples thing, due to different strains. But it's apparent that the plant in the 10 gallon (sherb) is almost twice the size of the plants in 5's. Hmmm. Also, it's obvious in person that if I had planted Sage and Nugs in larger pots, they would have gotten much bigger. Anyway, family shots:


Sherb at day...80. She's getting closer bit by bit. Just a massive girl though. All I can really do at this stage is tuck and roll. I'm hoping she finishes and leaves me enough time to let Sage and Nugs spread out a bit more.


Sage at day 50 I believe, she's packing on weight now. Still STINKY AF.


And Strawberry Nuggets. The compact strain, that has somehow become the tallest in the current run. She's a little finicky. Doesn't like too much fan blowing on her, or her tips taco. And she hates having her leaves up against the tent walls.

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