Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Sage Scout day 57 is starting to blow my mind.

I’m feeling a little lazy today but Jeano - What’s My Name broke ground today in a 7 gallon. So that’s exciting. The Twisted Tree- Alien Moon Rocks looks incredible on day 15. Annnnndddd…Glue Sniffer on day 23 has me scratching my head a little. It’s definitely going to be a “let’s see what happens” kinda thing I think, with that one. Kind of reminds me of Sherb. Just a ball of leaves until she started to go more vertical.

Anyway, I’ll get some photos later.
Sherb is starting to go cloudy. A little surprised actually. But I’m going to start tapering her down on nutes. And start opening her up a little. I still think she’s got a couple weeks at least to pack on more weight. But I want to start giving some of the interior buds more light. I’ll do a bud or two at a time, and rotate the pot a quarter turn every time I feed until I’ve opened her up as best I can.







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I've been sampling some of the FB zkittlez I harvested awhile back. It really puts me on my ass. In a good way. But man was I gone last night when I was doing that previous update.

Anyway. 4x2 update:

Yanked Glue Sniffer. And am popping another one. I dunno what was going on with that one, but it was growing horizontally in a clump. Really bizarre. Maybe a mutation, or maybe she and I may not be a match? But, not wasting any more time or energy on it. Hopefully this new one and I will work it out. Put the new seed in a 5 gallon.

Jean-o WMN: 2 days above ground, in a 7 gallon pot. All good.

And finally Twisted Trees - Alien Moon Rocks in a 7 gallon. I do believe that I'm in love with this one so far. Day 17. I topped her a couple days ago, because she is moving quick. Just a great structure to her, probably not going to do much more to her other than a little leaf tucking until I can utilize the grommets. She's basically just training herself. Never say never though. That could all change on the LST part. But looking minimal so far.

The same, wish I had 5 x 5 even with a 4x4 light just to have some breathing space. I have been leaving the tent door open.
I thought hard about a 5x5 but I really need that extra foot out from the wall so I can at least maneuver in there while I work. It’ll be better if Sherb ever finishes. I’ll usually open it up before and after I feed for awhile to let them stretch their legs.