Indoor GreenBean's Grows

Glad I could help a little, rather than make it more confusing, which I can tend to do.

I have gotten to a point, with whatever nutes, where I don't focus so much on PPM/EC any longer. I will check it when I up/lower the dose initially, so I DO basically know where I'm at, but I just don't obsess, or wet the bed, over it. And from there, I just watch the plants to see what they are telling me. These plants can handle so much more than the "proper common rules and practices" wish to dictate. Whether or not you should do that? Dunno. I think it is entirely strain, and goal, dependent.

I do seem to end up around 3g of the V1/2 around the end of veg, as well.

If you drop to around 2g of each in veg, then there is the possibility that you may want to add a little calmag here and there. If you look on the Floraflex site, they have their "old" feeding charts on there if you are not running the no calmag schedule, and it does recommend calmag here and there. All of their schedules line up with my own observations. So that is helpful.

I honestly don't know much about the history of Floraflex. So it seems like they don't get talked about a bunch. I just know that their main office is literally located around the corner from me. I suppose that it's formulated for the same water? But I used to pass it all the time, and decided to look it up. Turned out that the RocBud guy uses it so I decided to give it a try. I do really like it.

The Bulky B and Full Tilt additives are, IMHO, very beneficial. I suppose something else could be used in their place.

I'm going to pop a Mephisto Mango Smile once I can clear the 4x4 out. And I want to see how that goes with the Floraflex.

Like your style! It is a weed after all and people can take things to extremes. I am one of those tinker kinda people that likes to know all the little details with some things and completely go with the flow in others. Being new(er) I tend to obsess and hover a little too much!
I started with Flora Flex as well from the Rocbud guy. Someone I know is friends with him...Headed to Portugal after Christmas so I will be taking a break, but have some Mango smile and Alien V Triangle on deck. Will be very interested in seeing how yours go!!! Many thanks!!!
Like your style! It is a weed after all and people can take things to extremes. I am one of those tinker kinda people that likes to know all the little details with some things and completely go with the flow in others. Being new(er) I tend to obsess and hover a little too much!
I started with Flora Flex as well from the Rocbud guy. Someone I know is friends with him...Headed to Portugal after Christmas so I will be taking a break, but have some Mango smile and Alien V Triangle on deck. Will be very interested in seeing how yours go!!! Many thanks!!!

Yep, I enjoy tinkering, and going mad scientist too. Maybe to the other extreme sometimes - like seeing what happens when you feed 1600 PPM nutes to autos.

I think it's easy to dive deep and hit info overload at times which can, in turn, lead to burnout and a disappointing my own experience. Not just in this hobby, but in any. Been there many times and done it many times as well. Sometimes, the best thing to do, is to get out of the way and see what happens, rather than constantly trying to force stuff to happen.

I still fuss and fret. I just react to issues more now, rather than constantly creating issues to fuss and fret over. Like I used to. If that makes any sense?

And if I do something "wrong", and it's not "perfect". Well, I'll do my best to do it better next time.

At the end of the day, we all find a way.

Oh, and enjoy your trip!
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I am the person thats gotta try it. See what I can pull off. Sometimes gets you in trouble but you usually learn from it . AMR will get some wide and tall cola's so make sure you pull it apart plenty.
I am the person thats gotta try it. See what I can pull off. Sometimes gets you in trouble but you usually learn from it . AMR will get some wide and tall cola's so make sure you pull it apart plenty.
There should be a lot more space in the 4x4 by the time she hits it. Sherb is starting to get closer.
I finally broke down and will be installing a carbon filter in the 4x4. Sage Scout is so damn stinky that I can smell it from the back door of the house which is 30 feet away. Remember, I used to run an 8x4 out there, and never had a need for a filter. I do run a filter in the indoor 4x2.

I am 100% legal and within my plant limit. But I don’t want my neighbors up in my business. Once they know…they know. Just a heads up for others.
I’m installing an 8” filter and had no idea how massive the MF would be. But had to take a minute to drool over how frosty Nuggets is getting. Crusty even.

Filter is in. Total MF to get in. No offense to all the MF out there. I’ll run the duct tomorrow. I’d do it now. But. Well. I’m HAF!

Here’s my exhaust fan that I use out here for anyone who cares.

I’m installing an 8” filter and had no idea how massive the MF would be...
I finally broke down and ordered the 8" ACinfinity filter. My vent exits 15' up a wall at the back of the house, 50' from the street. With the prevailing wind the smell is strong on the sidewalk and at my front door. I can't blame the smell on my pot-head neighbors much longer. Not sure how or where I'll mount the filter yet. I wish it was in-line so I could put it in the middle of a section of pipe, but the in-line filters cost three times as much.
Sage Scout day 56.
I finally broke down and ordered the 8" ACinfinity filter. My vent exits 15' up a wall at the back of the house, 50' from the street. With the prevailing wind the smell is strong on the sidewalk and at my front door. I can't blame the smell on my pot-head neighbors much longer. Not sure how or where I'll mount the filter yet. I wish it was in-line so I could put it in the middle of a section of pipe, but the in-line filters cost three times as much.

I have a 6” filter in the 4x2. Dunno why I thought the 8” wouldn’t be much bigger? It’s like a muffler for an 18 wheeler. I have the exhaust fan mounted outside the tent I guess the photo shows that. I just need to cut a longer section of duct to run from the fan into the tent to the filter. Would’ve done it last night, but I need to get on a ladder and I was a little toasted last night.