Indoor GreenBean's Grows

My basement grow room is 4x6, so the 8" exhaust is a little overkill. I run it on speed 2 or 3 (out of 10). i have the fan in an attic 12' above the basement grow room. Maybe I can figure out a housing to mount the filter up there and keep it out of the grow room.
My basement grow room is 4x6, so the 8" exhaust is a little overkill. I run it on speed 2 or 3 (out of 10). i have the fan in an attic 12' above the basement grow room. Maybe I can figure out a housing to mount the filter up there and keep it out of the grow room.
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Nah, you’re good! Always better to go bigger on the fan just for the noise alone. Plus the filter is going to put some drag on it. I run my 8” in the 4x4 at around 50%. Yesterday it was 93 degrees! It’s supposed to be fall! Had to crank it up a little.

Love your setup there! Wish I could do that. But Los Angeles…and like the majority here, we’re not millionaires so we rent. Maybe we’ll move somewhere more affordable one day, and I can run stuff more permanently?
When they tore down a crack house next door to me a few years ago, the empty lot sold in a HUD auction. I didn't think anybody would want a lot too narrow to build on (25' x 110'), so I bid $250. A lady in California got it for $400. She sold her condo in CA and bot 5 houses and the empty lot here. It's a community garden now. People from all over the planet have come since then to scoop up cheap WNY real estate. You could probably buy a working house here for a year's rent in LA. Just an idea...
When they tore down a crack house next door to me a few years ago, the empty lot sold in a HUD auction. I didn't think anybody would want a lot too narrow to build on (25' x 110'), so I bid $250. A lady in California got it for $400. She sold her condo in CA and bot 5 houses and the empty lot here. It's a community garden now. People from all over the planet have come since then to scoop up cheap WNY real estate. You could probably buy a working house here for a year's rent in LA. Just an idea...
Yep. I’m originally from Texas. My parents have a second house that they are going to rent out for retirement income. I could buy that house right now.

My wife is in the entertainment industry though. So it’s a requirement for now that we live either here, or near NYC. I can do my work anywhere really. She actually moved here from NY before we met. We’ve actually discussed moving to NY. But she says that she couldn’t handle the winters any longer. I’m sorta the opposite, I’m sick of the heat. But the things that we do for the ones we love. We’ll get it sorted in time.
She’s in! Dunno why I’m calling everything “she” now. I just figure that the she’s rule the world. Kind of a PITA to install, but whatever. Think I’ll have some beers and bowls, and stare at my plants. Anyone else do that? The staring part?

She’s in! Dunno why I’m calling everything “she” now. I just figure that the she’s rule the world. Kind of a PITA to install, but whatever. Think I’ll have some beers and bowls, and stare at my plants. Anyone else do that? The staring part?

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All the time. My husband will come in and be like "....what are you doing?" And I'm just like "my plants!" And then he points out that I'm just staring at them in silence. Like yeah, I'm thinking :rofl:
Its even better when he adds on a "You haven't moved since I came in here 2 hours ago."
...stare at my plants. Anyone else do that? The staring part?
In the beginning I think I checked me plants every 10 minutes, and spent entire hours studying and adjusting them. I've slowed down a little, just water twice a day and check in a couple more times. A couple I've topped at 3 weeks, and then let them go without much further adjustment. I wish I could fit a rocking chair in the grow room.
All the time. Just five more minutes. It is my time to relax. If I was home more it would be much worse. The saying goes " weed is not addicting, nut but growing it sure is".