Indoor Grassh0pper's Leap to Autopots

You're doing a superb job bro with your leap into autopots I've grown many plants over the years with them so I'm always interested so can you tag me occasionally plz so I find my way back here
I definitely will bro! I try not to tag people unless they tell me I can lol I really appreciate the compliment, it’s nice hearing it from other people other than my wife :crying:. I’m hoping To really enjoy them. I bought a submersible pump for the res and an additional timer for it. Now that I think about it, I should do a post going into detail about that And my plans for the autopots. Will do so when in the near future With an update.
I definitely will bro! I try not to tag people unless they tell me I can lol I really appreciate the compliment, it’s nice hearing it from other people other than my wife :crying:. I’m hoping To really enjoy them. I bought a submersible pump for the res and an additional timer for it. Now that I think about it, I should do a post going into detail about that And my plans for the autopots. Will do so when in the near future With an update.
I visit that many people s threads I sometimes forget my way back to some so an odd tag is always helpful occasionally
Day 21: Just a couple photos.

I moved everyone out the tent and into the 6x6 space for more room. Will probably aim to do this week 4 in the future so I can get a nice rotation going. I turned the Res on also. My high ass initially didn’t lock in the valves in the corner so I had a small leakage :dizzy: :crying: . Got it figured out. Need to buy a timer for my pump for the air domes since I ended up using my extra one in the 2x2 tent. Will also get an additional fan for the grow space. Will get some pots togetheir for the next harvest. Going to do some Mando Gen and Nightowl, while I wait for the autopots to finish. Will drop some Cosmic Queen in the Autopots if I can get my hands on some.

Res is ~450ppm (17g) of MC and 1g of sea-k in 5gal. Tap water reading 210, not sure if I need a new filter or it’s from all the rain we’ve been getting. PH’d at 5.7. Will shoot for ~525ppm (18g) next refill and stay there. Have a submersible pump in the res that runs for 15mins/6hrs To keep the solution mixed. I also bought some slf-100 for the lines.

Day 26: First update since turning on Res

What’s going on everyone :smoking: . The ladies are doing great! It’s been 5 days since I turned on the Res. Theres Been noticeable growth. Today I had to add PH down to the res, which read 6.3. Reset it to 5.8. The two AvT I topped are looking good. I wanted to LST but the stem seems pretty thick for only 26 days. Already feel like it would super cropping lolMy two Night plants are doing good. The Purple Pope continues to look like the start of the garden with strong vigor. Starting week 2 she will start getting feed twice a day, 1L each. The Heartbreaker will follow the same regimen. For some reason she has hadlight problems the entire time. I find it odd, since everyone else is fine:shrug:They're under the 600w Kingbrite at 35%. Everyone else loves it. Hoping she rides it out.

will stick with 550~ppm feedings moving forward (18g of MC in 5gal) for all ladies, with 1/2 tsp of Sea-K.

Going to be a big photo dump for this one, sorry in advance :smoking:
Day 30: Res upkeep and training

Hey everyone :smoking:. The ladies have been very happy lately. havent Had any trouble with the res so far. I plan on starting slf-100 on day 35. I’ve started doing LST on them to stretch the canopy and increase light penetration. The intermodal distance have made it difficult for the AvT but they’re slowly getting there. A couple of them looks like they’re going to be huge. Only 2 plants out of 6 of them haven’t showed sex yet, an AvT and the Purple Pope. Both are looking promising. The Purple Pope continues to go through leaf tucking, and LST with great success. The heartbreaker looks much better since I put her in the 3x3 with less light. Their feed hasn’t changed, and will not change for the remainder of the grow. I may add BE during flower though since I have it :shrug:

Day 32: New Camera first photo

Hey guys, just bought a new camera that I'm hoping to learn how to use so I can take great pictures! Any camera enthusiast out there, what lenses do you use? Below is my Purple Pope, hoping to dive into the basics this weekend to make this photo better, but I personally think it's stunning! :smoking:

Happy Friday everyone!

Purple Pope.JPG
New toys are fun. I'm really out of touch with camera gear. I used to be an enthusiast back in the film days..... lord im old.... The only thing I can really recommend that anyone can use no matter their skill level is either a tri or mono pod. You're shakier than you think, once you get good gear you'll start seeing it. Even a small mount is worth investing in.
New toys are fun. I'm really out of touch with camera gear. I used to be an enthusiast back in the film days..... lord im old.... The only thing I can really recommend that anyone can use no matter their skill level is either a tri or mono pod. You're shakier than you think, once you get good gear you'll start seeing it. Even a small mount is worth investing in.
Thanks for the advice, will definitely look into one. I noticed how shaken I was when I bought a mini microscope lol