Indoor Grassh0pper's Leap to Autopots

Yeah dude, you're killing it with the Autopots. I've had a few successes, but I've just experienced another nute lockout (4th) using Megacrop 1pt and the Autopots. Seems when I get a few weeks into flower there's always a nute buildup even at 1.0-1.2ec. Ended up flushing the coco/perlite and resetting with AN Sensi Bloom AB (1.0ec) and 4 days later both girls bounced back. It seems, to be successful with the Autopots, you really need to flush on a consistent basis or a buildup will occur. I even tried to do Autopots recommended 'flush' by filling the res with plain water for 24hrs between feedings, but that just caused deficiencies to appear in the leaves. So I think I'll stick to using the Megacrop in veg only and building out an auto drip system when i need an auto-water system. I look for simple and consistent in my grows, and I'm just not getting the consistency that I want with the Autopots.

That's the best part about this hobby, you get to find what works best for you. Autopots definitely serve a purpose, but I'm gonna see if there's a better way to do it. Gonna give 5gal coco/perlite autos with a drip a go and in the summer 15gal super soil photos water only. Sounds fun, and if I'm not too busy maybe I'll journal 'em! :peace:
I switched to the 2 Part Mega Crop because I wanted to be able to adjust N ratio during flower. Been really happy with it.

I just started with Autopots and I am loving them. Seeing @YoungGrassh0pper beautiful plants I am inspired.
No problem Grobro, you've come a long way in a short amount of time! :d5: Yeah I'm in the process of a grow with 5 ga. fabric pots. I wanted to get my stash built up before I try again with the autopots. Plus, I had never grown indoors in 5 ga. pots & I wanted to see how much more yield I could get. I had only used 3 ga. pots in the past. Here's a post I made in LS last night. I hope the copy & paste works! :pass:

Greetings fellow stoners! Thought I would post a few pics of my current grow! :pass:


Above & below is Cash Crop Auto by COTC at day 55, (3/4 Northern Lights from my research). This was actually a replacement for another strain that didn't make it. She seems to be happy, but I'm worried because she didn't get a flush after veg. I'm thinking about flushing her with some Flora-Kleen just to be on the safe side. Any thoughts?



Next up is Gorilla Glue by FB. Actually, there's 2 GG girls sharing a 5 ga fabric pot. One is on day 65 & her sister is on day 55. The oldest gal got stunted and I planted an additional seed, but I just didn't have the heart to cull the stunted gal. They also have not been flushed.



Finally we have my favorite girl to grow & smoke CDLC by Mephisto at day 65. I haven't had a grow in the past couple years that she wasn't a part of. Since I love her so much, of course she got her flush! :rofl: Anyways, thanks for giving them a look see! :pass:

Oh yeah, I’ve had a lot of help from the community. Still have a ton to learn though! Your garden is looking beautiful! That CDLC is gorgeous. I still have to run her on my end
I switched to the 2 Part Mega Crop because I wanted to be able to adjust N ratio during flower. Been really happy with it.

I just started with Autopots and I am loving them. Seeing @YoungGrassh0pper beautiful plants I am inspired.
I've been using the original MC formula for the longest after I bought a big box of the stuff. However, this is the 1st time I used it well into the flower cycle before I made the switch to the 2 part MC, (I think I was rushing my grows and introducing bloom nutes too soon). Although I don't have both types of the 2 part, only the flower ... which brings me back to the problem I was having with autopots. On my next grow I'll be using far less nutrients than I did before and I feel like a big part of my problem was from overfeeding and trying to push my girls too hard. I realize now, (after 2 runs with autopots and reading up more & finally listening to some of the old time growers), that I was having salt build ups from too much nutes. Grow, live & learn I guess! :pass:
Oh yeah, I’ve had a lot of help from the community. Still have a ton to learn though! Your garden is looking beautiful! That CDLC is gorgeous. I still have to run her on my end
There's no better weed forum on the net better than AFN as far as I'm concerned! :hump:
I love the gassy terpenes smell from CDLC & the high is right up there with anything else I've smoked in the last 40 yrears! :baked::pass:
I picked up a pack of CDLC; sounds right up my alley in flavor. Sounds like I'll be popping one of them next up. Wonder what I'm gonna put beside her. hrm..
Space is doing well. Will confirm the days when I go down and look at the calendar. All four Queens Banner have been chopped at this point, will post some curing photos because I’m sure you will enjoy them. All phenos looks like they’ve been dipped in sugar with all four bags having unique smells, from gas and strawberries to candy terps. Super excited to try them. Below is a pic of a test nug. I have a Jammy Dodgers, Purple Biscauto, Marathon OG, and MSG currently running in the system at 3g/gal. Jammy Dodgers looks like she’s going to have some fat nugs on her, with plenty of frost. The Maraothon OG was a bit smaller than I expected, I’m guessing I didn’t introduce her to the bigger space in time. The Purple Biscauto blew up like the first one I grew. This time I topped, knowing that she will enjoy it with all the extra branching she throws off. The MSG (will update with official name shortly) is a tester run I’m doing with @Twenty20 Adam in the GnS he is hosting. She continues to branch out also, I did some selective defoliation earlier on her. Will perform some IPM tomorrow on their soil tops.

:greenthumb: Looking stellar! :d5::vibe::pass:
Thanks, bro! I finally got the run down. Would love to work in some PK 13/14 down the line, I think it would compliment the feed, but am totally happy with MC. I thought about going the Floraflex/Athena route for when I run out of MC, but not sure if I should now.
Thanks, bro! I finally got the run down. Would love to work in some PK 13/14 down the line, I think it would compliment the feed, but am totally happy with MC. I thought about going the Floraflex/Athena route for when I run out of MC, but not sure if I should now.
Sometimes you should follow the old saying "if it ain't broke don't try and fix it!" One of my plants is foxtailing right now for that exact reason. I just had to move the lights around where the lower buddage would get more light and now I have heat stress. I couldn't find my ir thermometer to check, but I'm pretty sure that's what caused it. If I only had not fuked with it! :doh::doh::doh: :pass:
Sometimes you should follow the old saying "if it ain't broke don't try and fix it!" One of my plants is foxtailing right now for that exact reason. I just had to move the lights around where the lower buddage would get more light and now I have heat stress. I couldn't find my ir thermometer to check, but I'm pretty sure that's what caused it. If I only had not fuked with it! :doh::doh::doh: :pass:
I've done that in the past, shouldn't mess with the potency, but depending on how "bad" (use that loosely because some foxtails look VERY nice) the buds may not be as solid. You're totally right. Plus staying on MC, I save a ton of money!