Indoor Grassh0pper's Leap to Autopots

I will tag along and wishing you tons of success
Appreciate it, bro! :smoking: I'm ready for the crash course. Ran 3 my first run, so doubled the work on my hands. At least until the res is on. Hoping for a smooth transition into autopots.
Appreciate it, bro! :smoking: I'm ready for the crash course. Ran 3 my first run, so doubled the work on my hands. At least until the res is on. Hoping for a smooth transition into autopots.
I've had varied success with autopots but they really do make feeding less work i think I'm on about my 30th run
I'll have to check out some of your work! Got anything going on now with your system?
loads of them in my sanlight thread bro and I'm just on the end of a run as we speak
Appreciate it! Along for the ride, have some reading to catch up on in there.
even after all these years bro I'm still learning but at least you may learn from some of my mistakes
Day4: Just some pics

The little ones are doing great. Haven’t bothered them at all. I think I did a much better job presoaking than I did with my first grow Since I have a better understanding of their roots. First grow I soaked the entire pot instead of a tight circle. I may most the top with a Sea-K foliar spray to get them ready for their Day 7 first Nute feed. I will stick with starting at no more than 500ppm and will ride ~500ppm throughout the grow for the autopot girls. For the two girls I’m hand feeding, I will refine my feed schedule from my first grow and try to make it better.

Im excited to learn some Things from @pop22 journals, but I’m more excited to chart my on course. I think I will take this approach throughout my journals, where I will try to learn from other respected cultivators from the forum from their past journals while also working on my own.

tagging @damien50 who wanted to check out my journal :smoking:
