Fast Buds Girl scout cookies & tangie

Well I've never heard whacking one out in your grow room as woody's magic but hey each to there own :woody: :woody::smoking:

I keep thinking I gotta leave these alone, then someone else knocks it outta the park with the pervy comment :crying:
All this talk about "Super Moist" too and I'm giggling like a 10 year old....

First plant trimmed today (day 65)
My pics are pretty crap need to think about some better lighting.
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Was surprised with the wet weight on her, 865g wet so maybe 7.5oz dry buds were very solid and smell pretty dank. Real test is in the smoke bud quality is the best ive grown in a while. Which i didnt want to admit after the others not autoing.

Very nice harvest, congrats on that and the dry weight sounds amazing :clapper: Even with having to cull those plants which sucks, you should still have a decent stash.
:drool: :bravo: ...another round of Fine Goods coming in mate= :slap: ...always a good show Woody, be sure to dry=porn us when it's ready!

Well I've never heard whacking one out in your grow room as woody's magic but hey each to there own :woody: :woody::smoking:
I keep thinking I gotta leave these alone, then someone else knocks it outta the park with the pervy comment :crying:
All this talk about "Super Moist" too and I'm giggling like a 10 year old....
Mate i sweat that was carboload floating in the res
..... Aaaaand as usual, when RG shows up things get raunchy-- :condom::haha: :crying: ...this last page damn near had me spew my coffee and ruint me monitor! ..... Thanks for the great laughs y'all!
.....I think it's no mystery behind Woody's name choice - :rolleyes2:

Dyna bloom is 3-12-6 and mag pro (their flower booster) is 2-15-4
So they are super P heavy. Funny you mention Ca as dyna gro have articles about taking cannabis leaf samples and claiming Ca is the most abundant element in tissue.
But they also advise not to use calmag supp as they have enough in base nutes (2%ca 0.5%mg)
I don't doubt it! Ca is considered a secondary nute (in terms of quantity), but it's role is HUGE.... But too much of it cause all sorts of shite issues, and actual toxicity symptoms are hard to identify, usually it's the secondary problems/symptoms that let on, namely that competitive, antagonistic uptake issue!

Pics are worth a buncha words, so here's something very tasty to digest mate- :greenthumb: Have a look at this PDF article from APTUS, especially pages 17-28, and the graphs.. The one with the bell curves showing various nute demands and timing, while simplistic, is a good way to see how much and when to have certain nute elements in greater supply in accord with the stage the plants are in, and just as important IMO, when to NOT have a shit-ton of those around!
P demand is very biased to early and mid bloom, late bloom it's often overkill; as you see, it's K that's in higher demand, and during final days, all demands really taper off. Heavy feeding right to the end is of seriously diminishing returns at best, and often as not is the cause of problem during these latter stages... This is where the noob's often get in trouble!
Anyway, point was, the Dyna is indeed really P heavy and K light, but tinkering is just the Way with synthetic nutes! Certainly don't see any ill effects in the buds, but I hope the graph and info gives you some ideas on tinkering with ratio's and timing next round, and see if it improves your crop....
There's a good reason I always use Si, micronute supp' (B particularly) and humic-fulvic in any feed regime! That biochem' sequence shown on nute uptake says it all, and it's so easy to cover one's arse by adding these things in by default... humic-fulvic serves as a Carbon source for the 'crobes, and it's an excellent chelator - :thumbsup: *( good article in Reference section about this)