Fast Buds Girl scout cookies & tangie

Hey, I didn't staaaaaaart it!!! (points at @Wile e Peyote ) :gary:

Dig it up!! :rofl: I'm innocent here tho @Waira honest. I just rolled in AFTER the raunchy started :shrug:
Make ONE off color comment get painted with the pervert brush.. I never...


The lady doth protest too much, methinks

Oh mate fook all shocks me I'm a proper scouser (same city as the beatles) bet i could make you all blush (i won't the wife won't let me) :smoking:

A proper ginger scouser to quote Vlad!

Ye guilty on that one buuuut as soon as you make a saucy remark and up pops @RivetGrrl, she's got a proper smut radar that one :eyebrows::eyebrows::smoking:
A well rounded & twisted sense of humor with a quick wit - my kind of girl! :pass: Keep it up @RivetGrrl

I must admit that I've gotten quite a few chuckles in the last few pages - it made my morning. Many thanks to all of the contributors!:bighug::crying::pighug:
The lady doth protest too much, methinks

A proper ginger scouser to quote Vlad!

A well rounded & twisted sense of humor with a quick wit - my kind of girl! :pass: Keep it up @RivetGrrl

I must admit that I've gotten quite a few chuckles in the last few pages - it made my morning. Many thanks to all of the contributors!:bighug::crying::pighug:
How very dare you GINGER I've never been so insulted in all my life (cue @Itisi) :biggrin:
:pimp: oooo, you task me, do yeh?! :rofl: ..... Nothing doing RG, you just have a Gift is all!

The gift that keeps on giving.... Ummm laughs that is!! :gary:

Ye guilty on that one buuuut as soon as you make a saucy remark and up pops @RivetGrrl, she's got a proper smut radar that one :eyebrows::eyebrows::smoking:

I seem to pop up don't I? :eyebrows: And then when I pop up, Waira pops up after. He has the RG smut radar :rofl:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

A proper ginger scouser to quote Vlad!

A well rounded & twisted sense of humor with a quick wit - my kind of girl! :pass: Keep it up @RivetGrrl

I must admit that I've gotten quite a few chuckles in the last few pages - it made my morning. Many thanks to all of the contributors!:bighug::crying::pighug:

Poor Woody, his threads gone straight to the gutter, but I'm glad you got some chuckles from it it has been a fun time. Probably time to hand the reins back to the thread owner tho :biggrin:

I love making people laugh, so it is quite the compliment to say I am twisted and quick witted :toke: :crying:
Everyone carry on with the smut and banter, but remember to lay off the ginger thing i told you all hes sensitive about it:doh:
:rofl:    I've only got ginger pubes but i shave them to make my little tinker look bigger :eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
Every little helps and all that
:rofl::funny::rofl: - fek me, I'm getting hilarity cramps!!
Oh mate fook all shocks me I'm a proper scouser (same city as the beatles) bet i could make you all blush (i won't the wife won't let me) :smoking:
Don't I really know it! that was just a bit o' absurdity tossed in the mix- :chef::haha: ... you, Vlad, Duck and Itisi have damn near made me piss the chair with laughter over the years here :thanks::rofl:
How could I POSSIBLY top that one??? I actually DID :rofl: and still am....
Start with what sound you make running across the garden...topless.... :yoinks::crying:
:rofl::funny::rofl: - fek me, I'm getting hilarity cramps!!

Don't I really know it! that was just a bit o' absurdity tossed in the mix- :chef::haha: ... you, Vlad, Duck and Itisi have damn near made me piss the chair with laughter over the years here :thanks::rofl:

Start with what sound you make running across the garden...topless.... :yoinks::crying:

Oh God are you referring to that joke I make in the staff room, MoG told it to his wife and she got pissed at him?? :rofl: I can't recall the joke now dammit... Hmmmm... Something to do with the sound of clapping hands.. In any case I can't run nekkid anymore at my age, I get two black eyes every time!! :crying:

Hmmmm wait, I thought maybe it was the "What does an older woman have between her boobies that a younger woman does not"? "Her bellybutton" joke :gary:
Shite I don't know, I'm rambling now...