Girl Scout Cookies by FastBuds Indoor Grow

Day 23. Recovery after LST looks good. Broken stem appears to be ok at this point. Will continue to watch. Looks like some more LST will be needed as more branches continue to grow. Looks happy so far.

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Half assed tape job on broken stem.

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Day 23. Recovery after LST looks good. Broken stem appears to be ok at this point. Will continue to watch. Looks like some more LST will be needed as more branches continue to grow. Looks happy so far.

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Half assed tape job on broken stem.

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Hello i use masking tape it works a treat but they are a hardy plant's so i would not stress over it
Day 25: Damn It! I was tucking some leaves and the top inch of the main stem snapped. After inspecting it I saw that the wire plant tie (the green plastic wire ties) had cut into the stem. I didn’t tie it tight as I left some space (slight loop) when I tied it. The stem got pretty thick and the tie cut into the stem. Still a lot of other potential bud sites but the top of the main stem is gone. Tried taping it but it didn’t work. Think I will start using yarn to tie down in the future. Word of advice, be careful with those green wire ties. Pre-flowering now. That was one hell of a FIM! :sad:
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Two days ago, Day 26, I top dressed with 5 tbls of Down To Earth Fishbone Meal. Lightly watered, i.e., about 1 qt.

Today, Day 28, Week 4. Gave a good watering with about 3 qts. of dechlorinated/dechloramined tap water ph'd to 6.2. Will post pics tomorrow as it's lights out now and she's sleeping peacefully.
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Day 29. Looking pretty good considering the top of the main stem was broken off. Quite a bit of growth since last week. Looks like quite a few potential bud sites. So far this is the best looking plant I've grown (without Nature's Living Soil :haha:). I'll see once it goes into flower. That is when the issues showed up previously. Also did a little bit of bending of the branches to get a little bit more light in there.

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Day 37 (Week 5). Did some bending a couple of days ago and again I managed to break off a stem. Lost about 3 or 4 bud sites. Got to be more gentle with her. Still showing quite a few bud sites. Stretching fast now. About 1 1/2 inches per day. Continue to adjust the light height to about 15 inches from top of canopy. Fed 1 gal of compost tea two days ago on day 35. She took all of it. A little a runoff and I let her sit and soak the rest of it up in about 15 minutes. Put the pot lifter back under her to continue with some more air flow on the bottom of the pot. Was watering once every 7 or 8 days but now looks like it will be every 5 days or so. Not seeing any yellowing or brown spots at this point which is a good sign. On my previous grows when I was using NLS this is when I started seeing issues. Not using the NLS and so far so good. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Day 39. Leaves sagging a bit and pot feels a little light. Watered with 3 qts. of conditioned tap water PH’d to 6.3. Was watering about every 7 to 8 days in veg. Now that she is in flower looks like every 4 days or so. Stretching fast and having to adjust light height every 2 to 3 days. Temp:83°, RH: 45%
Day 42, start of week 6. Doing OK so far. Performed some LST yesterday. Probably the last LST I will do on her. Maybe some large fan leaf removal later and some leaf tucking. Does anyone think I should do some serious defoliation at this point to get more light to the lower bud sites? Leaves are starting to droop a little today as she is probably ready for another water/feed. I am currently aerating some conditioned tap water PH’d to 6.2 with some blackstrap molasses and Recharge. Watering about every 5 days or so now. Next week will feed another compost tea. Lot of bud sites.

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Today is day 49, 7 weeks old. Fed 1 gal of aerated compost tea yesterday. Looking good so far compared to my previous NLS grows (good riddance). Appears to have slowed down in growing in height. Was stretching about 1 to 1 1/2 inches per day. About 18 inches tall today and adjusted the light height to 15 inches. Not seeing any frost yet. Watering is every 4 or 5 days now. Will give her one more compost tea in about 2 weeks and probably just water after that. See how things go. Expect I have a ways to go with this one.

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