1st Outdoor Container Grow (Six Shooter by FastBuds)

Day 63. 9 weeks old today from sprout. Not looking bad at this point. I did see one fan leaf that is starting to show a bit of yellowing. I'm not too worried at this point. Buds are stacking nicely and showing more frost. Fed a compost tea this past Monday and watered this morning. I would think I should be coming into the home stretch but the buds don't look like they're bulked up enough. Will just keep going and see what happens. Question for the experts: Should I continue to feed compost teas at this stage every other week or just water until finish? Currently feed/water about 1 gal at a time at 3-4 day intervals. Compost tea once every two weeks. Not sure why I'm starting to see (1 fan leaf) some yellowing. Temps are currently running at around 100º in the afternoon with RH at around 12%.
The compost tea recipe I'm using is as follows; (I brew 3 gallons so I have enough to feed at least 1 gallon each for two plants) Dechlorinated and PH'd tap water, 3 tbls blackstrap molasses,1 cup worm castings, 1tbls kelp meal, 1tbls alfalfa meal,1/2 tbls seabird guano, 1/2 tbls bat guano, aerated for 36hrs. (Shouldn't have a shortage of phosphorous or potassium)

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Day 80 a little over 11 weeks. Was doing pretty decent but I screwed up. I top dressed with some NLS Girl Flower Power about 10 days ago and then about 5 or 6 days ago the leaves started turning this funky looking yellow color. NLS strikes again I think. Anyways, I checked the trichomes this morning with a scope and they are about 50% amber maybe a little more so I chopped her this afternoon. Starting the drying process. She smells pretty good. The Aridzona temps have been pretty high lately. We hit 113º yesterday humidity at around 5%. I wasn't expecting much from this grow as I just wanted to see if an auto would do ok in the warmer outdoor temps. Evidently not the summer temps. I took ALL of different NLS products I had left and tossed them in the trash. 100% done with their stuff. I will try another outdoor grown in Oct. when the temps drop back down to a decent level and another in Feb. before it gets too hot. I have some BAS 3.0 and some of their amendments to try out.

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I'm done growing for awhile. Time for a breather. Taking care of these things is like having a pet that needs a lot of attention. I need a vacation.
I'm done growing for awhile. Time for a breather. Taking care of these things is like having a pet that needs a lot of attention. I need a vacation.
Look into one of the Blumat 5 gallon bucket kits with a 5" carrot to help out with the watering needs. That will at least keep you from having to do daily waterings and give you a break. I am down South myself with temps in the 100 range as well, but the blumats at least keep things from drying out totally.
What is NLS?
Did you get some half way decent bud?