Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Hey Budelee,

Well done, theyll thank you for it later.
i think youll be allright with further stretching.
Your buds are allready forming..judging from my own grow theyll max stretch 10 cm
all in the next days, after this weekend they start putting all energy in flowering.
Just keep adjusting the pots placement everytime you see shadow spots...tallest plants will do best on the wall sides.

Bye bye Buddy
Thanks @Buddy Barrel ,tonight is the light switch,I'll start easing the nutes in over the nex couple feedings , next seeds are germing,pots of coco ready,waxes/shatters done for the weekend,man it's almost like I planned it this /pics tonight..Peace bro!
Whats up everybody !!! Update : Day 32...Plants have now been moved to the HPS/flower light and will go to an 18/6 schedule..i will transition them to flower nutes over the next couple feeding....Anyway,,the plants are looking and growing good,but ill let the pictures tell the truth(i might have my optimistic blinders,no they look good i was kidding,they seem to be growing good at 600-650 ppm,but i will push them a little now that they will be using more energy to flower...Peace!!!
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This is the fimmed plant ,that was LST'd at the top
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Heres what the top of that same plants,lotsa colas up there !
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Heres one of the shorter plants..Nice and full !!
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Heres what the setup will be,and i will just rotate plants out every 35-40 days..Babies on the way in the next few days !!

what an incredible amount of space youve got :D
If i may add another suggestion,....

maybe it more productive to build something like a meter high fence around your flower section.
Just real simple 4 posts and some floor isolation stuff like a fence around those

About half your light is now lost here as there is no barrier reflecting the rays back at your plants on the outer perimeter. Your floorboard 2 meters away are now lit up.... that light should really be absorbed by your buds

bye Buddy
Thanks @Buddy Barrel that is one area that I will not change,I get it that the reflective light might help with lower development,and things being what they are I have let these plants get way to tall already..unfortunately these will just be what they are and I will accept what they offer.i am unwilling to grow in tents anymore because the headache of watering everyday/other day,rotating plants and air circulation is a pain,temp control is harder than it's worth ,but these are just my experiences and I see everyone else's awesome tent grows,I plan to keep the area open as is and lst for a low even canopy in the future,if I have to raise the light and spread it beyond the 4x4 footprint ,then I have that option .That is a very good tip and growing practice that I have used in the past it's just not for me,,peace out !!
Thanks for the compliment on the area/space ,the pics do make it look bigger because it is "open" ,I have each lamp under a 4x4footprint,which is said to be the most effective space per lumens for the 600watt lamps and this still only puts me at about 38 watts per square foot,the open area is really just working space cause I have to keep my water buckets,the dtw equipment ,th nutes and fans,etc.. I have about 80sf of space but it's not usually that open..cheers!!
Day 34 for the wappas..Fed to approx 700ppm.Things looking good,but will monitor closely as the Ultimates are developing an issue of some sort,,,,not sure at this point...Pics will be posted soon..just keeping the info updated...Thanks Guys !!!
I wish that was the case @Ripped In Oregon ,I've run into an issue with the nutes,I am trying to get things sorted out as this is the start of the flower stage.ill update in a couple days regardless of them getting better or worse,Thanks for sticking around !!
I wish that was the case @Ripped In Oregon ,I've run into an issue with the nutes,I am trying to get things sorted out as this is the start of the flower stage.ill update in a couple days regardless of them getting better or worse,Thanks for sticking around !!

Hey budelee,sorry to hear that, keep us updated and I hope you can rectify the problem. I will be around waiting for your update!
Thanks @Ripped In Oregon ,I gave another feed last night,and will take some new pics tonight..with some help from the live section/waira,I think it should be under control,but time will tell.peace out brother