Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

So after the HASH capsules were made,I've been waiting for the right time to medicate and find dosage,work gets in the way sometimes :( I will have a report soon !!
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Hi @GoAuto6 ,yes I did decarb these and added the lecithin for digestability,this is my first time making them and I'll be sure to let everyone know how they turn out
Thanks too for stopping by Goauto6,I am always trying or running something different,this weekend back to eth extract and since I didn't find time last weekend ,I have a bho tube to run( I know I can't post it on the open threads but I'll at least show the finished product) .and also some qwiso extract...peace!!
Hey @GoAuto6 ,I also have a cube thread so I can get one of the mushroom badges,those are cool !!!...edit added question:::That is how you get that badge right??
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Mrs.Lee asked me to fix her geranium,anybody ever try grafting a cannabis branch onto a geranium ?? Ya I'll fix her...seriously to bad I can't smoke it cause it is looking good !!!! Peace !!!
What's up everybody!! The Wappa plants are now 43 days old and moving along pretty smoothly.rhe plays are getting to where I should/will feed them everyday,these are a 65 day strain but will likely go a little longer,but the time is coming soon that the buds will's a couple pics of a few of the plants while the light is off( seem to show a little better with the flash) ...Peace !!!
Hate when they turn sideways ( pics are straight from phone)
NEWS on the HASH CAPS ....well this first try was not the potent pills that I was looking for so I have no choice but to try again...I documented the process I used in the ETH thread,so if anybody is gonna attempt this ,DONT use that process,I have the Ed Rosenthal/Beyond Buds book and the capsules are covered in there,I will use his method next time ...So,I took one cap and waited for an hour,then took another and waited ,effects were none to mild,I did not feel extra caps would be worth the material used...when I try again I will document that process and report as well...Peace !!!!
Todays Update brings us to day # 44...All seems to be looking good and the plants are growing good..They are all slowly but surely putting on some size and weight..There is still one stunted plant,but even that one is packing on some bud...Pics will tell the story..Peace Brothers !!!



