Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Well after the snow storm that shut everything down for 2 days, I did get my water from outdoors, and even tho the hydro store was closed and I didn't get the one thing I needed,I substituted with a watering of maxi bloom,now changing from the regular products I have been using is a slight concern however,I have used the maxibloom by itself from start to finish just at different ratios ,this is known as the Lucas Ratio,I chose not to use the Lucas ratio this time just to see what the difference would be,can't really justify results since they were not side by side comparisons,,,maybe I'll do that on my next grow in about 35 days,using the same strain soon ..peace
Day 49....a few bud porn close-ups !!
So,I'm getting ready to try more capsules and was just checking the DIH supply,getting kinda low,so I will soon update and run maybe another 1/2 elbow into the dry ice,update soon
The poppies seem to be doing okay..Man I'm glad autos don't grow this slow..I'm shooting for some retro Thai Stick far I have six sprouts,but time we will see what !!
P.s. Yes I use everclear( which is ethyl alcohol) ..this is the QWET method( quick wash ethyl alcohol) I recently posted a QWISO ( quick wash Isopropanol/rubbing alcohol) batch and I'm also set up for small scale ( 1ounce tube and 1/4 oz tube) BHO extractions ,I just like the flavor/taste/high of the Eth xtrax better,I can't post the bho pull on the open thread( or I would) but if that's an interest for you ,get with @Eekman for a membership to that forum..Thanks for stoping by !!! Peace....Irons a-going,Killers and IM -1 today,it felt like a DiAnno day
So after the initial purge,I came up with 7 grams which put the return at about 18% ,not my best but not my worse either,I do one more final purge at 100F to lay it flat smooth and even.Then it's go time !!! Peace out guys !!!
Hi @ChillFred .the blue dream and Duurty Magics are 16 days old now,I can't figure why my plants always seem to be behind everyone else's plants for growth compared to age,maybe it's a combination of pot size and nutes or maybe cause Feed frequency( I let the roots search for moisture,so water every other day) ill have to take another look at my regimen..The plants are healthy and all,just seem behind on growth,,Happy Sunday!!!
Things are going good with the wappas and they have been switched to a ripening schedule,getting close guys ,here's a few pics