Indoor Full Circle Adventures in Growing

Alright so,with dinner in progress I have to take a break with the ISO ,but the bowl of buds is drying for next weeks run which will start with a single run of eth and a later run of ISO for a second comparison
Peace !!!!
So,as the grow nears completion for the wappas,I am including a group photo.they will be getting a flush this week and chop will follow soon
I got to take some pics before light went on,the flush will start tonight and leaves are turning yellow( funny how you can see them in the white light) ,I took two pics of each from different sides................plant 1
Getting things ready for another eth run this week,and was able to add a bit of scissor hash to the collection of "charras" ...cleans and prepped for the freezer
The poppies are so slooowwww but they are just for fun anyway..I gave them a companion plant/grass but I think I underseeded it ...peace
Here's an update on the three Duurty Magic plants..all seems to be going well and the flowers are starting to fill in .they are on an 18/6 schedule for light and are at about 1000ppm at 5.8-6.0 ph
So the first Wappa to fall had a dry yield just over 30 grams.guess this one was a Wappa
The second plant is down but here's a sunlight pic of the main cola
So I had this thought ,and by impulse I am acting on it,I'm gonna try grafting a branch from a close to finishing Wappa onto a just starting to flower Blue dream,..The first reactions is a resounding why? Well why not,I'm not afraid to lose or stunt a plant,..Again ,why ,when all kinds of hybrids exist and pollinating is easier..well to that I say,if it can work,I'll try and prove it,so onward we go,here's my thought,if a bud can be given new life from the root source and continue to grow in size plus take on additional characteristics of the new strain,..anyway here's the first pic of the donor and the recipient!!