Outdoor Forbiddenx's 2018 Late Start

Tell me more bout em, pl
There're sativa dominant by this guy stitch or flash who is like impossible to track down but is in mexico someplace last a heard. The seed is sold widely through most of the seed banks. I got these as a freebie and not sure what the lineage is because two different pheno's ([HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] & 2 are alike and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is very different, make me wonder if its different seed all together) developed out of these three plants. They started flowering at 40 days and the tallest is a little over 4ft. Lots foilage and seems like a good candidate for lst or hst. I mostly thinned the bottoms out of these to try and get bigger colas. Lots of good side growth too. very pine & citrus smell almost sweet. be a month before the smoke report is in. I would definitely grow these again if I could get seed here in the US. Customs here are being A-Holes these days..... oh and they handle nutrients well and don't require heavy dosing but do seem to like P/K and CalMag at times. Flo would probably grow these into some monsters. Any other Q?
Late Start and an early finish this year. The FSA's are just getting fatter by the day and putting on the resin production now. They still look like they will hold out till the end of the month and will be rewarded with something special. gave them a little sip of the cha ching to help that all along more.
Day 120'ish Getting really close to chop and just watching the girls pack on the trichs & terps. Kind of a stinky sweet pine which can be smelled all the way out at the end of the driveway to the trained nose. FSA [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] (not pictured) has been pulling what it needs from the fans hard now for 3 weeks which is making trimming really easy.. pluck pluck pluck those yellow leaves. FSA [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has that monster cola and the [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the medium-me version of the monster. [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] has put on the bulk and the colas went dbl wide in a week. All in all these girls should produce some nice volume. We have had some really foggy wet nights this week so I have been moving them into the garage after dark to help avoid mold and rot. I would have to say they are very resistant to that as well as PM. I had an outbreak of the spider mites in my tomato bushes next to these and had to move everything for a few days while I did bush removal and scorched earth type spraying of the garden area. Found out the neighbor had them too and wasn't killing them off correctly so I think that's where my issues came from. I can tell you Orchard has a ton of good stuff on sale right now that people are passing up... and all organic too. My seed order got snagged by the customs man and as an FYI I would never buy anything from Seed Supreme ever again. Their customer service and excuses are Muppet and this guy Phillip is a Real Dodgy Tosser!



[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] little lower bud



Day 120'ish Getting really close to chop and just watching the girls pack on the trichs & terps. Kind of a stinky sweet pine which can be smelled all the way out at the end of the driveway to the trained nose. FSA [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] (not pictured) has been pulling what it needs from the fans hard now for 3 weeks which is making trimming really easy.. pluck pluck pluck those yellow leaves. FSA [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has that monster cola and the [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has the medium-me version of the monster. [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] has put on the bulk and the colas went dbl wide in a week. All in all these girls should produce some nice volume. We have had some really foggy wet nights this week so I have been moving them into the garage after dark to help avoid mold and rot. I would have to say they are very resistant to that as well as PM. I had an outbreak of the spider mites in my tomato bushes next to these and had to move everything for a few days while I did bush removal and scorched earth type spraying of the garden area. Found out the neighbor had them too and wasn't killing them off correctly so I think that's where my issues came from. I can tell you Orchard has a ton of good stuff on sale right now that people are passing up... and all organic too. My seed order got snagged by the customs man and as an FYI I would never buy anything from Seed Supreme ever again. Their customer service and excuses are Muppet and this guy Phillip is a Real Dodgy Tosser!

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[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] little lower bud
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God, they are all Super impressive, but [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is fookin INSANE. Nice work!!!
God, they are all Super impressive, but [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is fookin INSANE. Nice work!!!
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] will probably get harvested last as its just starting to fatten up. I'm thinking a 3-2-1 harvest over the next week or two. Thanks for the props
# 3 FSA Harvest
Just finished the wet trim and bud washing... I will get a final weight after dry trim.
Yes!!! I absolutely wash my organic outdoor grown before drying and curing. It helps to do several things..
1. It washes off any dust, dirt, residual insects etc.
2. It kills off any PM, Mold or Bacteria that may be lurking and prevents it during dry and cure.
3. It helps to speed up the cure by 2-4 weeks.
4. It makes the end product so much more smooth and clean to smoke.
5. This has been my process for several years now and its worth the extra effort.

Bud Wash
Wash 1
- 32oz of 3% H2O2 (buy at dollar store) & 5Gal of Filtered H2O or RO - All Water is just room/outdoor temp. I Prefer longer flat plastic tubs, and fully submerge the branches/buds and give them a gentle to vigorous shaking. This typically kills the insects and helps with mold or mildew.
Wash 2 - 1Cup Baking Soda, 1Cup Lemon Juice & 5Gal of Filtered H2O or RO. Mix it up well. Same washing as above. This will kill off the rest of whatever exists.
Wash 3 - 5Gal Filtered H2O or RO. Washes off any residue from Wash 2
Wash 4 - 5Gal Filtered H2O or RO. Final cleanup.
  • If during this process the water starts to get to much of stuff floating I will skim it with a fine cooking sieve like you would do a pool.
  • I then hang everything to dry as normally done (personal preference).
  • I prefer large clothes drying racks so I can hang the branches and leave them outdoors for a couple hours to air dry in the sun.
  • Next I move them indoors to a room with a ceiling fan for about 1 - 2 weeks to finish. Natural fabreeze!
  • Finally a dry trim before curing for 1-3 months in large mason jars.


Main cola that split on its own for no apparent reason.

Started getting a few more white pistols the past few days with heavy watering but like to harvest at peak cloudy trichromes.

Just the Start... of the wet trim

The Dog Pile

Wash and Dry Photos

That's a large clothes drying rack 39"H x 24"W, so you can get the scale on those 24" colas hanging.

As you can see it looks fresh and clean. Just toss it in a salad :)

FSA#1&2 are still a week or two out on the harvest. Want to make sure their at their peak.