New Grower A letter to Slater...what you did right and wrong at the start

Nice write up bro! I agree with you, something like this would have saved me so much time and money lol.

I love ths idea of this super soil. Are you going to amend your coco before mixing in the Flo?

I plan to just grow along side a coco grow to see the difference. I don't expect to yield the same but I'm interested in the flavors of the end product. Does a pure organic grow really taste better than a hydro grow or is all down to the flush / cure and personal taste.
Hello every one, its been some time since I've been hanging around AFN so time to get back into the swing of things so I though i would put this post together for the newbie... I now think I got an idea of what I'm doing... kind of.

This is a post to my self, a post to the inexperienced Slater of all his mistakes and successes and hopefully you newbies can take something from it.

1. Don't buy a pre put together kit of tent, light, fan, filter etc. you will replace it all in month or 2... The tent is the only bit kit you still use, every thing else was just crap. The filter was just pants and couldn't scrub one of your misses most decent farts let alone a grow of some awesome haze plants... I now use Rhino pro

2. Don't buy cheap. This is one industry that money gets you a product that lasts and does what it say's on the tin (well most of the time). Stick with well used and trusted brands that other long time growers use... no Chinese knock offs... Remember that LED light you bought Slater, you up graded it within 2 grows and DIY'ed your self and awesome COB led light... the cost was cheaper than most of the Chinese LED imports of the same wattage... should have done that from the start... Go watch Growmau5 on you tube now... I mean it, its the future of growing. You need to understand LED's. If you don't you will be left behind.

3. Reading as much you can was a great idea as well, getting lost in thread after thread was the best thing you could have done. By learning about all the different grow styles it was easy for you settle on what would worked best for your situation. Also it stopped you from asking those very stupid beginner questions that you read up on on the very first day you decide to do this... to all new growers please do your reading, the basics have been written down so many times and all question have been asked and answered... well most... still, don't be scared to ask for help though, I will always try if I can.

4. Starting in soil with a simple nute line up of a grow, bloom, cal mag and boaster (Plant magic) was the best thing you could have done to learn how to feed your plants... remember they are auto's and they will take a little less nutes than a photo period, about 1/2 to 3/4 of what the bottle recommends or your gonna get nute burn.
Don't panic keep reading those threads, feeding will make more sense once you have few grows under the belt.

5. Watering... you'll get in the end, may take a couple of grows to dial it in... remember the pot lifting method... and as you are in soil you need to remember to let them dry out, you will know, its when that pot becomes super light... don't leave it until the leaves droop you muppet.

6. Feeding... you can feed with every water if you want but it worked out better when you dropped to a feed, feed, water schedule. Saved some on your on nutes.

7. Good job on studying the all deficiency photo's, that was time well worth spent. You can now spot one and identify it as soon as the plant show's any sings. No hanging around waiting on a member to answer your question... mind you Slater its good idea to get that secound opinion until you are confident.

8. Keep that mind open, there is not one way of growing there is only your way of growing and it may not be the best practices. So keep that mind open to all opinions and study both sides of the argument, just because some big time you-tube grower does it doesn't mean its gospel to your set up. Experiment and do side by side (or grow by grow) comparisons if you can. Well worth the effort... remember you found out that leeching at the end of the grow gave you a better smoke.... but that's your opinion Slater, others will whole heartily disagree with you.
You-tube is gold mine in growing tips and tricks, I highly recommend the Grow Round Table hosted by CrazyDago and the GML show hosted by Grand Mater Level. Its all about the photo periods and they don't know they Auto's from there asses but the general growing practices and discussions are priceless. You can apply all that info into growing auto's.

9. Keeping a journal of your first few grows was a great start, to have some experienced growers follow you helped to give you confidence that you could make a mistake knowing that someone was on hand to help you out... Thank you @jingo and @Yeatster

10. Collecting data... Collecting data on your environment was a good idea, you have now found out when the CO2 level is at the highest (helps me to get the light closer and up the feed). At which point of the year your RH is going to go through the roof and when its at its lowest. You also know everything about the environment around the out side of your tents.
Great tip if your a tent grower - Its so much easier to control the air going into the tent than to try and adjust it once its in the tent.
Also take out share's in a hygrometer company, you now own a shed load, enough to do the whole house... wait a minute that's what you have done, placed a meter in every nook and cranny to study the environment in the house... man your just taking the data collecting thing a little to far now.

11. Genetics... you got lucky on your first grow Slater and got some nice plants after buying a random packet of seeds from the local head shop (Big Easy by Freedom seeds). So many new growers choose the wrong breeder, get a shit a plant and then blame all auto's. They then go onto a social media platform saying they don't hold up to a photo periods putting all new grows off them.
My list to get great results from the start -
Any Mephisto strain (kings of the auto)
Gorilla Glue by Fast Buds
all the Dinafem menu and Dutch Passion.
They should all get you started with great successes straight out the gate.

12. Drying / Curing... Man this one is the trickiest to get right, you can read up on it so much. All tutorials say the same thing. Its the one subject most agree on but man its the hardest to master... the trick Slater is to have some patients. If you think its ready for the jar give another day or 2. Give it longer than you think... I will say this, it takes time to get this bit right, I'm still learning to the point I'm now designing a drying cabinet to control temps and RH.

Chill... relax... its just a plant at the end of the day... roll a phat one and get on with it.

Hope some of this helps you out, I'm kind of a big nerd so I take thing to the next level with the effort I put in and I can come across a little keen at times. But what I have learnt is being nerdy go's along way to growing the best cannabis you will have ever smoked.

As a final point, take what ever hydro store owners say with pinch of salt. I'm not saying they can't grow and there advice is wrong, but what I found is that most of the advice I've been given is entrenched ideas around the products they sell. Most of the time AFN has corrected every thing I've been told in a shop... I am talking about UK hydro shops, still bit in the dark ages on the new wave of growing and also geared toward prohibition growing... careful don't bring up LED's or you'll get laughed out of the shop, that did happen to me... that reminds me must drop a nug in to prove him wrong.
Brosky im a newb havent started a grow yet just reading...reading....reading this is a cool lil write up we learn from mistakes n patience ur willingness to write this will go long ways for us new guys or ladys thanks man....RESPECT!!!

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Brosky im a newb havent started a grow yet just reading...reading....reading this is a cool lil write up we learn from mistakes n patience ur willingness to write this will go long ways for us new guys or ladys thanks man....RESPECT!!!

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Got a couple of more articles you should check out bud!
Does a pure organic grow really taste better than a hydro grow or is all down to the flush / cure and personal taste.
Wassup Slater, long time pal.
I liken it to the taste of a tomato, grown in the back garden, in the sun, it tastes of a tomato, sweet and delicious.
Then you get the winter tomatoes from Holland, grown in a hydroponics system, under lights, they taste like water.
It's not as drastic as that, but I think you can taste a difference.
Brosky im a newb havent started a grow yet just reading...reading....reading this is a cool lil write up we learn from mistakes n patience ur willingness to write this will go long ways for us new guys or ladys thanks man....RESPECT!!!

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thats awesome my man and welcome to the world of growing, I'm glad I can help from the start. Just shout if you need any more
Wassup Slater, long time pal.
I liken it to the taste of a tomato, grown in the back garden, in the sun, it tastes of a tomato, sweet and delicious.
Then you get the winter tomatoes from Holland, grown in a hydroponics system, under lights, they taste like water.
It's not as drastic as that, but I think you can taste a difference.

Hey @Ribbzzy how doing my man. Been real busy with life and something had to give and it was all social media (not just AFN all platforms...I just about got away with Instagram with the misses looking over my shoulder), Its amazing how much time it fees when you stop using it. Got some spare time again to hang about on AFN so I'm back to do some growing and sharing... I'm still reluctant show all my set up on Instagram, I feel a lot safer sharing everything on here.

Whoop whoop lets get that discussion going... now I'm big veggie grower and yes hands down soil grown sun drench tomato will out taste any green house hydro grow but that's vegetables that we eat not smoke. Eating / smoking are 2 very different things and most probably use different taste buds on the tongue. Plus smoke effects the throat and I think the taste test has lot to do with the smoothness of that as well.

The plan is not for me to test, I'm going to blind taste test my circle... I did one with blind flush test on my circle and all took the flushed plant over the none flushed one saying the first was a bitter taste etc.
Personally and this just my opinion, that if you know its organic it will taste better but if your not in the wise and the plant has been grown hydro to best quality, dried and cured properly you would never notice the difference.
Hey @Ribbzzy how doing my man. Been real busy with life and something had to give and it was all social media (not just AFN all platforms...I just about got away with Instagram with the misses looking over my shoulder), Its amazing how much time it fees when you stop using it. Got some spare time again to hang about on AFN so I'm back to do some growing and sharing... I'm still reluctant show all my set up on Instagram, I feel a lot safer sharing everything on here.

Whoop whoop lets get that discussion going... now I'm big veggie grower and yes hands down soil grown sun drench tomato will out taste any green house hydro grow but that's vegetables that we eat not smoke. Eating / smoking are 2 very different things and most probably use different taste buds on the tongue. Plus smoke effects the throat and I think the taste test has lot to do with the smoothness of that as well.

The plan is not for me to test, I'm going to blind taste test my circle... I did one with blind flush test on my circle and all took the flushed plant over the none flushed one saying the first was a bitter taste etc.
Personally and this just my opinion, that if you know its organic it will taste better but if your not in the wise and the plant has been grown hydro to best quality, dried and cured properly you would never notice the difference.
Yeah, let's get this discussion popping.
I personally think that an organic bud tastes way better than chem grow bud. I changed in NL. Me and a mate were growing cuttings from the same mum, he was using BioBizz, I was using Cellmax nutes. I couldn't understand why his bud tasted better, I made a side by side with the cuttings, and after smoking the final product, it was a no brainer.
Now, I have no science to back it up, that was just a personal experience. But you see lot's of people experiment with organics, then never go back to chem nutes, so there must be something in it.
I need to do some reading now :bravo:
Yeah, let's get this discussion popping.
I personally think that an organic bud tastes way better than chem grow bud. I changed in NL. Me and a mate were growing cuttings from the same mum, he was using BioBizz, I was using Cellmax nutes. I couldn't understand why his bud tasted better, I made a side by side with the cuttings, and after smoking the final product, it was a no brainer.
Now, I have no science to back it up, that was just a personal experience. But you see lot's of people experiment with organics, then never go back to chem nutes, so there must be something in it.
I need to do some reading now :bravo:

I really love the idea of organics (on saving money, I think that why most home growers choose it) and If it was possible i would be doing no-till in my garden but that's just not practical and possible in my loft (that's for the Polly tunnel when the UK lets me get away with that.)... super soil and no-till are the only true organics. Bottle organic have to pass % test on how much is organic so they are not truly organic... I started my growing in soil and bio bizz
Now this is just my personal thoughts but I think taste comes down to perception... if you know its organic it tastes better...
example - like if you know a famous chef just made you mac and cheese over your mums mac and cheese. I bet that mac and cheese by the famous chef taste better but does it really or is just because its made by a famous chef that it taste better (I used to be a chef). Now i use this as an example because I've seen plenty of top chefs blind taste test before and every time the customer chooses the cheap brand over the their own super expensive brand. Money make stuff taste better. That has to come down to perception...
We could get back into the veggie argument again but something just came to mind... big indooor hydro grown veggie strains are chosen for there shelf life and how well they transport (most of the UK toms come from Spain) and are all ways picked before something has to give in that large process and that's taste due to lack of ripeness and strain chosen for its commercial properties. The veggie you're growing in your back garden gets to ripeness and more than often is a better tasting strain that is not commercially viable to be grown on a large scale (commercial canna growers stick to fast finishing strains so our industry suffers from it as well). Strawberry's suffer from this hugely in the UK. I live where all of the Wimbledon strawberry are grown. You can buy 2 types from the farms and Wimbledon gets the sharp tasting ones because they transport easily and the locals get the sweet succulent strawberry but you have to go pick them your self.
We also have to bring in how well its grown... I bet if Vader or Ninja from Ocean Grown dropped me nug round it would be one of the best tasting nugs I've had. Not because its been grown perfect, organic or none organic, it will be because it was grown by the Ocean grown crew and the fact I watch them all the time on you tube and have huge respect for the company.
I really love the idea of organics (on saving money, I think that why most home growers choose it) and If it was possible i would be doing no-till in my garden but that's just not practical and possible in my loft (that's for the Polly tunnel when the UK lets me get away with that.)... super soil and no-till are the only true organics. Bottle organic have to pass % test on how much is organic so they are not truly organic... I started my growing in soil and bio bizz
Now this is just my personal thoughts but I think taste comes down to perception... if you know its organic it tastes better...
example - like if you know a famous chef just made you mac and cheese over your mums mac and cheese. I bet that mac and cheese by the famous chef taste better but does it really or is just because its made by a famous chef that it taste better (I used to be a chef). Now i use this as an example because I've seen plenty of top chefs blind taste test before and every time the customer chooses the cheap brand over the their own super expensive brand. Money make stuff taste better. That has to come down to perception...
We could get back into the veggie argument again but something just came to mind... big indooor hydro grown veggie strains are chosen for there shelf life and how well they transport (most of the UK toms come from Spain) and are all ways picked before something has to give in that large process and that's taste due to lack of ripeness and strain chosen for its commercial properties. The veggie you're growing in your back garden gets to ripeness and more than often is a better tasting strain that is not commercially viable to be grown on a large scale (commercial canna growers stick to fast finishing strains so our industry suffers from it as well). Strawberry's suffer from this hugely in the UK. I live where all of the Wimbledon strawberry are grown. You can buy 2 types from the farms and Wimbledon gets the sharp tasting ones because they transport easily and the locals get the sweet succulent strawberry but you have to go pick them your self.
We also have to bring in how well its grown... I bet if Vader or Ninja from Ocean Grown dropped me nug round it would be one of the best tasting nugs I've had. Not because its been grown perfect, organic or none organic, it will be because it was grown by the Ocean grown crew and the fact I watch them all the time on you tube and have huge respect for the company.
Using veg was probably a bad analogy. Too many varients that won't take place in a home growers garden.
I hear what your saying about the chef thing, I think a blind test is the only way to go, clones from a mother, and do a side by side, and give samples to blind testers. I've done the test, but I didn't do the blind taste test part :face:
I do remember reading once, that tulips grown indoor, under hydroponic conditions, sell for a cheaper price that outdoor grown, because they didn't smell as much, and the Dutch old ladies were turning their noses up. So if it effects a tulips fragrance, could it effect the terpenes of a ganja plant?
Using veg was probably a bad analogy. Too many varients that won't take place in a home growers garden.
I hear what your saying about the chef thing, I think a blind test is the only way to go, clones from a mother, and do a side by side, and give samples to blind testers. I've done the test, but I didn't do the blind taste test part :face:
I do remember reading once, that tulips grown indoor, under hydroponic conditions, sell for a cheaper price that outdoor grown, because they didn't smell as much, and the Dutch old ladies were turning their noses up. So if it effects a tulips fragrance, could it effect the terpenes of a ganja plant?

The test has to be truly blind as well, that the tester / testers have no idea they are being tested. I did that for my flush test, had smoke sesh got one jar out, try this lads. Then got the other out, try that. Then asked which they want me to grow again.

That's really interesting, I think the sun has huge effect on terps due to a full spectrum. I think that's why LED COB grows are getting better terp profiles. They have wider spectrum that is closer to the sun. But there could be something in soil that effects terps as well, microbes and such... also the perception of the little of lady has to be considered, they have been around the block and set in there ways and know what they like in there tulip terp profile. When presented with a hydro and out door grown and told they will always pick the out door due to entrenched ideas.