New Grower First time grow mephisto 3bears, strawberry nuggets and et blueberry headband

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Quick shot of tent.

I think i may have been underwatering all of them. Or giving them too little at a time. Gave them all i good soaking last nite till i could feel a good amount of moisture on the bottom of the pot.

Left frisian dew has been challaging to keep happy looking. Any time i water she droops. Its mostly only the newer half of the growth. I dont water she droops. Maybe the lights going to hard? 300w 2 feet and 65%. Shrug?

Middle blueberry headband. Which i found out is blueberry x bubba x sour d x emerald og. Not xheadband. She has been resilient so far. Smelling more refined every day. Im gunna have some remorse when she is to be harvested.

Right strawberry nuggets. She had some purple spots on her that turned brown. Id love to feed her some p but she just got watered.

Your Strawb looks great to me! Nice spaced out growth, they get so dense they become hard to work with but it looks like you've done a great job with her.
Your Strawb looks great to me! Nice spaced out growth, they get so dense they become hard to work with but it looks like you've done a great job with her.
Ty. She has been trouble free till now. Just select defol, tucking and lst. Im using nectar for the gods up down and calcium phosphate/epsom. Gunna pick up their phosphorus rich stuff this morning and give her 1/2 a feeding next watering. We will see. Bad time to get that deficiency as she just started building flowers.
Ya man,I dont come around as often as I used to.But I forget what type of soil you are using.I saw Nectur of the Gods.what type(s) of guano teas are you doing. for phos lack I would look at some simple Phos granules and add to a top coating and even crush a few up to help it a slight bit quicker but only a few to put into the top coating.
Ya man,I dont come around as often as I used to.But I forget what type of soil you are using.I saw Nectur of the Gods.what type(s) of guano teas are you doing. for phos lack I would look at some simple Phos granules and add to a top coating and even crush a few up to help it a slight bit quicker but only a few to put into the top coating.
Michagan Made Mix on the bottom and lightly ammended coco on top. Im assuming the soil is now pretty low on nutrients. Next grow I really need a schedualed thing or maybe ill try the biotabs and a light and airy medium. the guano is a mix called buried treasure liquid guano. I believe its seabird, bat and other stuff. gunna see what my closest hydro shop has. I know he has the nectar stuff which is 1-5-1 and supposedly good.
yeah when you run layers and use liquid feeds it can throw stuff off.its a tougher balance to maintain.Look at KIS mix or coots mix.I like KIS personally since all you need to feed extra for is a top coating and a few simple easy teas are all thats required. its usually better to run no layer IME. take said amount and just mix it in with the 3 or 5 or whatever sized pot you are running and that usually feeds it better for a bit longer time.A better balance more often than not.
yeah when you run layers and use liquid feeds it can throw stuff off.its a tougher balance to maintain.Look at KIS mix or coots mix.I like KIS personally since all you need to feed extra for is a top coating and a few simple easy teas are all thats required. its usually better to run no layer IME. take said amount and just mix it in with the 3 or 5 or whatever sized pot you are running and that usually feeds it better for a bit longer time.A better balance more often than not.
Ty mang!
Picked up a large bottle of GO CaMg+ and Neptunes Harvest Rose and Flowering formula 2-6-4. Its made in glouchester MA which is right near me. It was 15bucks for 36oz.. The guys grows some dank dank stuff and thats what he uses for a base. They have a very simple line. @Eyes on Fire as you suggested next round i wont be layering. Ill probably go with sunshine or promix w myco and using this simple organic nutrient line. With bio rhizotonic and mammoth for veg. Then recharge and mammoth for flower.
ok are gonna need to add some lime to that soil mix to keep it more stable. a few TBspns per pot of a cup to a cup and a half per 25 gallons mixed or so. I never use an actual fert line.just soil thats been cured and blended well for 45 days or more and Teas. thats literallt it. But the rose n flower food will do alright.Bulb food is what your looking for usually. but rose is fine.I would make a good top coating with lime added when you first plant your seeds so it has time to break down some.