New Grower First time grow and we get rusty leaves???

Oct 19, 2016
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Hey there. I'm Link. This is my first post. This is my first(ish) grow. My gf usually does this stoof, but she's been busy with work lately, so I'm taking the reigns on the diagnosis.

Narcotic Kush AF

Anyways... All three plants are identical as far as germ to pot process, strain, water schedule, etc.. All three are in a 3x3x6 grow tent, 5G pots each. Average Humidity 30-50 Average temp 72-77
Using Biothrive Grow and Bloom, as well as CalMag.

Even though all three were cared for the exact same, Plant 'A' started the rust leaves a few [4?] days ago. 'B' is very green and a bit shorter than the others. 'C' is very yellow and now has the rust splotches as well.
Any advice would be wonderfully helpful! :)
a3.jpg a2.jpg a1.jpg < Plant A b1.jpg < Plant B c1.jpg c2.jpg < Plant C
14786983_1457282030955348_976245466_o.jpg 14787596_1457282050955346_870362146_o.jpg Whole tent With/Without light on.
Good to know, I'll be sure to dump it there as well!, thank you. Think the CalMag is too low?
Good to know, I'll be sure to dump it there as well!, thank you. Think the CalMag is too low?

It actually looks like they need more feed because all the leaves are yellow so they are not getting enough nutes.each plant can have its own needs even with the same strain some want more feed some less,but let the canna doctors have a look and they will help you out for sure
That's crazy. I'm just learning botany with this grow, and it's nuts the way plants react to things. Damn vegans. Killing them all. lolol

I basically copy-pasted this post over there, so we'll see what they can tell me. Thank you very much. :)
They look hungry. Feed them and you will probably find the new growth looks much better. Those dead leaves will not come back though.

You dont want to be using grow and bloom at the same time except as they transition to flower.
You should be using grow, root, weed and cal mag during veg and then bloom cal mag and bud during flower
They started flowering pretty soon. That's why we split it up. right now it's at 2TB of Grow and 8TB of Bloom.
I know G.O. says dont worry about the ph of the water but in your case I think it would be a good idea to start looking at it.