New Grower First indoor grow: LindaSeeds GG#4 and Gelato 33 under Mars SP3000

Well, just finished "da kine shakin' brudda"! . I divided up the material in three even amounts. I had a little over 8lb block and it was plenty.
Trichomes were of different structure than the past rub of the gelato. Not much went into the 90 bowl from the 120 on all first runs. I guess the head were bigger. I just combined to with the other first shake. I extended both the first and second shake from my gelato run. I went to 2 min and 4min respectively.
Considering I was going for quality, I think I got a pretty good outcome.
First shake was 28.4g
Second shake was 31.68g.

Clean up tips:
After the second shake, I take the first bowl with the material and ice and card/brush it's bottom into the collection bowl and then place it back over the main stack and proceed to collect the kief in the second shake bowl. I take the material bowl and temporally place it back on the second shake bowl while I card/brush the bottom of the second bowl, I place the material bowl on the third bowl in the main stack and collect the kief from the second bowl. I do the same for the 90 and the bowl under it.
When I'm finished, I go back and place the material and ice bowl and let it sit for a bit on top of what bowl I want to try and get as much possible off to minimize time and wasted material when cleaning the bowls for storage.

Now all I have to do is find another method to extract the final amount of Trichomes in the worked material. I really don't want to use or rather not use Grain alcohol. But I'm still open.
You guys have some suggestions/methods that I don't have to buy another piece of equipment.........unless there's there's not much of an alternative or a piece of equipment that really easy.

Making the Frenchy Hash is for tomorrow. I'm gonna try to do all of it .

Well, this total will be going up today. While looking for frozen veggie material to make my worms a smoothie, I found an untouched bag of fresh frozen buds from Miss Wispy! Freezer is pretty packed normally and more so with this Covid bullshit.
So I'll get some more dry ice today and finish up that bag and lightly rerun the other material. I guess the Perrier bottle will get a workout today if I can get the time to finally work all the dry ice shake.

I just know none of you guys have ever found "stuff" that you forgot or knew ya had. LOL!
Leaves and trim, yeah. But you are right, I have never found a bag of buds I forgot about, frozen or not. That’s a nice problem to have. Goals.
LOL! Yeah, no idea how that happened.....................combo of looooong day, very tired and a little bit high, LOL!
I don't remember exactly how much I got from the first shake on that "found" bag, but it was around 17g and I think the second shake was around 23 or 24g. Second was still great quality.
I did rerun the material from my first run on the 14th. I stopped when I saw the color shift slightly green tint.....slightly! I didn't measure it. but it was a pretty good amount. I didn't process it. I'm saving it until I can get to a friend with a press. He said I should get a very nice return with the pics I sent him. I haven't made my mind up what to do with the result of the squish. That sure is a nice problem to have! LOL!

I sent him pics of Miss Wispy and he got excited and wanted me to bring it to him and do bubble bags. While VERY tempting, I live in Shadowland and I'm not moving that amount of canna around. In reality, not really that much of a risk. I'm an old guy with a nice clean truck with Veteran plates and can't get pulled over for "DWB"(Driving While Black). On a later grow, he might come over with his equipment and some quality meat. I can smoke the meat while we wash and press the results in exchange for smoking the meat.

He was raised in a fishing town from Maine and never had quality BBQ. Many years ago he stopped by my farm for a visit. I had just finished a full run of brisket, pork loin, pork ribs, some sausage and a couple of chickens. That guy was in heaven! LOL! II was laughing at him silently inside and then openly. My girlfriend at the time was commenting on how good it was, and all my friend could do is grunt and continued to chow down intently.
I'm interested in how a rosin run turns out with the GG. I played with rosin a little bit and from that and reading, some strains are much better than other and not meaning production. It seems some trichromes when squished remain very runny and you can't get a some of it off the parchment paper! I even froze the paper to try to get the rest of and it was still runny!! I noticed my GG as I was trimming it that it had those soft, sticky trichs, literally felt like glue. Are yours like that? Think I'm going to stick to bubble hash with my trim and those damned seeded buds. I'd do dry ice but the only place in town, a party supply store, died with the covid...
I'm interested in how a rosin run turns out with the GG. I played with rosin a little bit and from that and reading, some strains are much better than other and not meaning production. It seems some trichromes when squished remain very runny and you can't get a some of it off the parchment paper! I even froze the paper to try to get the rest of and it was still runny!! I noticed my GG as I was trimming it that it had those soft, sticky trichs, literally felt like glue. Are yours like that? Think I'm going to stick to bubble hash with my trim and those damned seeded buds. I'd do dry ice but the only place in town, a party supply store, died with the covid...
The results I got from the dry ice was VERY sticky. I would say that the buds from both phonemes were very similar in structure, trichomes structure(same head size and stalk length) and maybe Miss Wispy trended slightly more trichomes.

If you want sticky, of these two strains, the Gelato33 was noticeably more sticky growing and when chopping and trimming. The Gelato is very uplifting without being racy, but do too much, it will set you on your ass if you don't take a conscious effort to be up and active. That being said, don't smoke a little before bed time and expect to get to sleep quickly. It ain't happening! The GG#4 is much better for that.
I sampled the smaller GG and ohhhh yeah! Definitely not get up and do something weed lol!

The results I got from the dry ice was VERY sticky. I would say that the buds from both phonemes were very similar in structure, trichomes structure(same head size and stalk length) and maybe Miss Wispy trended slightly more trichomes.

If you want sticky, of these two strains, the Gelato33 was noticeably more sticky growing and when chopping and trimming. The Gelato is very uplifting without being racy, but do too much, it will set you on your ass if you don't take a conscious effort to be up and active. That being said, don't smoke a little before bed time and expect to get to sleep quickly. It ain't happening! The GG#4 is much better for that.
I sampled the smaller GG and ohhhh yeah! Definitely not get up and do something weed lol!
I was playing Red Dead and GTA last night with my Vet friend that I gave a couple oz of the GG#4 while vaping the same GG#4 with the HerbalAire. I was just plain dying laughing at both of our antics. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

edit........I absolutly love my HerbalAire! No buyer remorse whatsoever!