Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

No problem Ribbzzy... yeah AN nutrients have caused me to flow around their recommended schedule lol... they may just be a bit intense lol for this particular strain.. i do remember Mephisto saying that she wasn't the biggest feeder. All though they did get some explosive growth from these nutrients. Its most likely grower error lol. Honestly. It may have been from salt build up... i water very slow, and don't get a ton of run off, so build up is a real possibility. Thinking of alternating more plain water feeds. As they are doing better since ive started that. Living and learning and loving every minute lol
Thats it mate, learn, go again, and again, and again....... :baked:
Coming along nicely switching into flower nicely. The 1 gallon oxypot is about 14inches. Very compact bushy bud filled little girl. I seriously doubt she will make 60 days. She is speeding along.
5.5 gallon oxypot has just exploded. Around 18-19inches with lots of thick branches, and giant stalk. Looks like she has potential to really drop some buds out..
5 gallon fabric pot is around 12inches, and three dominant branches since fimming. She was almost pulled due to some stunting. Glad i didn't as she has bushed out nicely...
That is sour crack report.
As for the 10day old advanced blue diesel in 5gallon fabric pot. I think she is doing fine. Still learning these fabric pots with seedlings, and proper wetness, watering ratio. She doesn't like being wet. But fabric pots dry out some what faster for me, and she isn't very thirsty yet lol. Little yellowing in the green, other than that she is trucking on.. will post pics tomorrow morning.., peace
Day 32-33. Sour Crack.. 1.0gallon oxypot. Feeding at 1ml per 1L sensi bloom part A, 2ml per 1L sensi bloom part B, CaMg 1ml per 1L
Day 32-33. Sour Crack. 5.5gallon oxypot. Feeding 1ml per 1L of sensi bloom part A, 2ml per 1L sensi bloom part B, 1ml per 1L CaMg
Day 31-32.. Sour Crack.. 5gallon fabric pot. Feeding 1ml per 1L sensi bloom part A, 1.5ml per 1L sensi bloom part B, 1ml per 1L CaMg
Day 10-11.Advanced Blue Diesel.. 5gallon fabric pot. Feeding RO with CaMg, and 2.5ml per 1L of kangaroots root drench. Will get her first dose of Advanced Nutrients sensi grow tomorrow at seedling strength
Looking good my stinky fluffy friend....................keep posting and it !!!! eP.