Mephisto Genetics first indoor grow. Mephisto sour crack, and Heisenberg special

Day 29-30. Sour Crack 1.7gallon oxypot. Minor N tox. Seems she is recovering. 2 waterings, with just Calmag.
They are looking good, no more clawing, and at this stage it's easier to get rid of the N as she is still consuming it, its at flowering that it gets trickier...
Healthy bushy little girls hehehe great job
Thanks brother. That does give me a confidence boost lol... they look so much better in person... my pics suck... im hooked though.. loving it. Getting a sunburn from hps being in room lol...
trying to get a photo that does them justice is hard, especially since i dont have a DSLR, i have a lot of cameras but mostly for drone footage so not really made for close ups.
I did get a kit of lenses for the phone that clips to the phone. these are great for MACRO shots, and if you have a steady hand you can get some proper shots, or use a tripod, as the MACRO leses make the subject really shaky
I got these on amazon for 12 euros
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So must make a correction for sake of accuracy. I thought my small oxypot was 1.7 gallon. I was mistaken. It is only a 1.0 gallon oxypot. Was told it was 1.7 by store clerk. When I was in store today I saw that those size pots are only 1.0 gallon. I did think it was small even for only supposed to be 1.7... So my small Sour Crack is in a 1.0 gallon oxypot. Large in 5.5 gallon oxypot. Other two in 5 gallon fabric pots. So that little girl is only actually in a gallon pot lol. And she seems like she is gonna be a hard thick lil bud bush lol. Im seeing me have to start multiple waterings a day with her when she kicks into gear. I wanted one plant to finish fast. That is why I used small pot. Wouldn't of purposely chosen a one gallon. But too late now.. actually think she is performing well. Mephisto says it's their fastest in restrictive pots. She is way ahead in developing buds than her sisters. They seem to still be putting most energy into growing still, with so much more medium for roots to grow. Can see them yielding better certainly than their small potted sister. But none the less, i think im gonna be impressed with how this little girl does... I already am. She will be getting bloom nutes tomorrow. The other two sour crack will receive water with CaMg. More to come. Peace
Sorry I could help more RE the nutes, AN nutes are not my bag, i've never used em. When I see people talking about PPM, and mid grow flushing, it scares the shit outta me!
Sorry I could help more RE the nutes, AN nutes are not my bag, i've never used em. When I see people talking about PPM, and mid grow flushing, it scares the shit outta me!
No problem Ribbzzy... yeah AN nutrients have caused me to flow around their recommended schedule lol... they may just be a bit intense lol for this particular strain.. i do remember Mephisto saying that she wasn't the biggest feeder. All though they did get some explosive growth from these nutrients. Its most likely grower error lol. Honestly. It may have been from salt build up... i water very slow, and don't get a ton of run off, so build up is a real possibility. Thinking of alternating more plain water feeds. As they are doing better since ive started that. Living and learning and loving every minute lol
With AN You probably got salt build up.
I usually did one flush before changing to bloom nutes.
Because of salts build up especially with AN

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