Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Hey folks its been a while, no "real" progress to speak of. The weather is finally improving the past few days have creeped up to about 13-15 degrees Celsius. The daylight hours are nearly 14 a day and as far as I can tell my spot is still looking nice n secure. My cash flow is kind of tied up at the moment (how come everything needs replaced at once) but I managed to pick up a box of fish,blood and bone meal all in one n next week get a few more bits.
Let's hope the good weather is a sign of things to come
Hey folks I think I'm almost there. I have a few things left to pick up and do but I think its nearly time. All the foliage is becoming green again, the days are long and the nights aren't so cold. I sorted my seeds out iv got
3x DP Think different fem
3x free herbies Royal Queen Seeds auto fem Northern Lights
10x mixed fem auto Buddha seeds outdoor which apparently has 6 unnamed strains not on the market?
A bunch of bag seed which in there I know is 2x Pyramid Seeds auto Anubis FEMS from last year.

Do u think I should just go like a bat out of hell and gamble, get them all out this summer, spread out. More risk for more dope :/
Got organic chicken shit pellets. So next week or two I'll get my act together n get started. Sorry I'm rambling been smoking some Lemon Haze since 9am.
Go for broke! But definitely scatter yer plants. Yer in range land ya got the space.
What bagseed, photo periods everything and be on the lookout for males? All those weeds the big tall ones are all coming up green now. So was wondering about starting them off before they go out. Iv got germing them sorted, but was wondering my options are a small propagator on a S-SW facing window logs of light all my tomatoes are starting to flower and just started all my herbs in the same way... Or I have a small 15W crappy LED panel and 25W cfl in my closet? Or a combination of window during the day LED supplement at night? And would slightly opening the window just a crack supply enough of a breeze to harden my little babies up for the big transition?
Anybody wanna chime in on what they think I should do to start them indoors? Led+sunlight, just Led, or just sun?
with the autos i would start them off on window sill if its sunny and then move to CFL/LED when the light goes to give them 24 hours light, when they look a little more established then outside in garden and work their exposure to elements up so they dont get a shock before planting
Right I know iv really been procrastinating, so I'm just gonna get a move on seeing as the Scottish summer ain't exactly the longest. Ohwell iv set up my tiered pots to start them off in. And also wrote up my little labels. Tomorrow gonna stick them in their damp kitchen paper to germinate. Its a bank holiday tomorrow so my final shop is going to have to wait till Tuesday. Gonna get this going n hopefully aim for the big score. Until next time Live Long and Prosper!


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Hey folks iv got a move on. Seeds are germinating as of this afternoon. And think iv got my shopping list finalised. Let me know if iv missed anything.
Sulphate of Ammonia
Sulphate of potash
Super phosphate
Epsom salts
Plagromn Bat guano
Plagron organic worm castings
Azomite organic trace minerals
Garden lime
Chicken manure pellets
Fish, blood n bone meal.

Still got to pick up my soil think going to go on bio-bizz light.
Couldnt get light mix at local shop only got all mix...will this be too hot? Is there a ything I can do to bring the heat down?
Okay took the initiative seeing as the seeds where already germinating to take some soil from the garden where I grew last year, baked it in the oven at 80 degrees Celsius to kill and nasties and mixed with my bio-bizz all mix. I figure half the added nutrients, so half the "heat" hope this works. Pots are full to brim compacted down and watered in. Will give another water today. Will check seeds tomorrow so it"ll have been 72hours. Ordered all my goodies and they should be here tomorrow. Also been to the spot, cover is looking great now everything's growing again. Still looks secure and as if nobody's been there before. And got 3 holes 1.5ft 1.5ft dug. Do you think I need to dig bigger? All I have left to do is set up the crappy LED and CFL for at night. Hopefully tomorrow I can tease you all with some taproot photos