Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Well seeing as im doing a run of northern lights autos and auto jack herer i gotta say good choices. ...:)
Yeah outdoors? How are they, I hear northern lights is very hardy outdoors n well I just like smoking the Jack :)
Well rob i just finishing an nl indoors. . They are HUNGRY..
as for outdoor itll be my first run with them..ill see if i cant take some pics. Ill be finishing my planting this week.
Well rob i just finishing an nl indoors. . They are HUNGRY..
as for outdoor itll be my first run with them..ill see if i cant take some pics. Ill be finishing my planting this week.
Yeah I'll definetly check ur journal to have a heads up, bit cold where I am now though. Still at least a month n a half till I can think about getting some seedlings out. But plenty to do and get a hold of in that time, I think I'll stagger putting them out over may and into june so can get the best of the sun.
Since visiting that site my brains gone into grow overload thinking about everything. So was wondering what yous reccomend on soil mix and what amendments to use. Iv only used Epsom salts before. Also is there any nutrients I can use that won't burn my plants. I only want to visit the site once every two weeks or less
uploadfromtaptalk1427365919094.jpguploadfromtaptalk1427365967878.jpguploadfromtaptalk1427366027675.jpg So I think I got a head of myself thinking spring was here wake up to another layer of the white stuff. Hopefully its gone soon so I can start prepping the ground. Does anybody know what makes these holes in the grass the don't go anywhere, is it travel paths for mice or some other little rodent fuck? How can I control them, I keep reading about "liquid fence"?
Definitely a critter. Looks like feild mice and yeah their roadways. Set a snare an have lunch. :)
Hey Doc looks like you got a plan on the go up there, lookin good !
Are those pine saplings on the site of an old pine plantation ? if so the soil could be acidic from all the needles n shizzle can you test it ?
Personnaly i stay away from direct planting and use planters and tiering, this helps me with mould problems too. Think diffs take about a 100 days outdoor in Celtland ! Youl find most hazeys crosses take longer outdoor so start them in may then your indicas in June.
Put up some owl boxes if you want to keep the rodents away !!!
Good luck
Don't think its been used for pine before think it was normal trees before, don't HV soil pH kit. Yeah iv done some girls in the dirt up here before n they went well, it WD be a bit of a mission trying to bring pots into this site as well. If I dig very big holes and backfill with amended soil and lots of dolomite line do you think its possible, its the only safe spot I can find as all woods near me are definetly pine plantations. Yeah thought soi have a feeling field mice might be protected but could be wrong, I'll lay my hands on some traps n I know there's plenty of owls about. Would hay that's had a ferret pissin n shittin n stuff on it. Placed at bottom of the plants keep them away?