Outdoor first guerrilla grow/ second outdoor

Obviously I know hauling in soil ain't easy either. Would it be better to dig hole, line it with something which moisture can get through and then back fill? I'm trying to keep it as natural looking as possible
Kepp the top six inches only..The redt is crap...fill in the rest with some dry pulverized cow patties and promix.add some bone meal an such an let cook with lime. There ya go promix is light. Bone meal isn't a lot. The lime is like a cup a hole an it looks like cow patties aint gonna be hard ta find.
Yeah cool. So shit, promix n lime. Got my bank card again so need To go to dobbies and stock up on some stuff. I heard bone meal would attract animals? Any ideas on the ferret scent on hay? Keep away nibbling mice.
The bone meal will ...but only for a few days . So let it all cook a couple weeks and then yer good ta go. If the critters dig through it it just helps ya mix it up.hell throw in a whole fish at the bottom....i do..alfalfa pellets are great ammendments as well.
Yeah cool cool I'm sure I can manage that, dunno about pro-mix what would be a good substitute that's easy to get a hold of in UK, preferably without ordering online?
Check out sub cools super soil recipe on utube. That'll explain what were going dor here. Any good old garden store will have all ya need. Nan i mean garden store. .like for the queen mums roses type garden store.
...wow...just checked out subcools super soil mix. Man by the amount of ingredients that go into it it must be amazing. Gonna go do some garden centre wandering tomorrow think I should be able to pick at least 80% of that, no problem
Thats the shit....git some alfalfa pellets as well if ya have a feed store or pet store nearby. Grat stuff fer veg.
Yeah I'm in farmer land so feed shops galore. Do you think its worth putting down a few mice traps? Or will some repellant be enough? Weather update for sScotland, everyday since we officially went into British summer time (clocks changed) its fuckung snowed. Here's hoping it goes quick. Peace