Indoor First Grow - starting late

its funny when i see people say check ph on soil.Runoff will tell you absolutely nothing.Its like taking a dump and staring at the turd and saying what you had for breakfast.There are so many variables that affect PH you will be chasing your own tail.The only true way to get accurate PH of soil is to have a lab test it.Adding lime to soil takes over 3 months to actually change the PH of the soil anyway.pelatized works a little faster but if you raise the PH of soil when it doesnt need it its irreversible.Soil has a natural buffer so if you have 6.5 going in and 6.8 coming out it dont tell you squat.The ph is already set and it will return back to wherever it was in a few hrs no matter what u add to it.It takes alot of time to change soil PH.longer than an auto grow.
Salt build up and so many other things can affect PH coming out in pots,but it doesnt tell you the soil PH.FFOF soil PH should be good to go out of the bag.I have not had any issues burning plants giving organic nutes to seedlings.Its easy to watch and see what the plants like.Autos are tricky because they go so fast.By time you realize there are defincies its almost over.Personally im done with soil.its just to much a PITA dealing with dialing in the nutes.dirt is expensive and to get maximum yield from your plants its a part time job figuring out wich ones need what.
Hydro you set the PH yourself.The water is what it is no buffer like soil.Set your PPM and let it roll.make sure the water temp is good and your good to go.I get so sick of hand watering plants every other day halfway in flower,plus all the messy runoff.
i think people are adding lime to a soil that is already a good PH and locking out alot of nutrients.For 30 day plants them plants look bad,I think you are overthinking.When it comes to growing less is usually more.I tried RO water and PH up and down the water going in and different set up and the results sucked.After extensive research i learned that it takes alot to change the soil can run 8.0 water into 4.0 soil for years and it aint gonna do squat.Rain water is 7.0 and it dont change my outdoor garden.Organic is just what it is.follow the labels on the bottles,feed em hard after 4 weeks,watch for burn on the tips,give em plenty of light and they will grow.stay away from airpots.They suck to.they dry out retarded fast and especially with fox farms water will run all out the sides and youll get dry pockets that will never hold water.
i think people are adding lime to a soil that is already a good PH and locking out alot of nutrients.For 30 day plants them plants look bad,I think you are overthinking.When it comes to growing less is usually more.I tried RO water and PH up and down the water going in and different set up and the results sucked.After extensive research i learned that it takes alot to change the soil can run 8.0 water into 4.0 soil for years and it aint gonna do squat.Rain water is 7.0 and it dont change my outdoor garden.Organic is just what it is.follow the labels on the bottles,feed em hard after 4 weeks,watch for burn on the tips,give em plenty of light and they will grow.stay away from airpots.They suck to.they dry out retarded fast and especially with fox farms water will run all out the sides and youll get dry pockets that will never hold water.
Ouch. They aren't at 30 yet but I guess truth hurts right ?
Switched over to HPS. I don't think these look too bad tbh. I understand some people have had better results but they look bushy and healthy to me and for it being my first grow, idk. They haven't hit 30 days yet. Today is 28 for BD and 23 for AH. I've been reading that the upcoming weeks is gonna be lots of stretch. This is where things will get a little more tricky as my tent is only 63 inches tall. Minus the hood for the light and the pots. I have maybe 36 inches tops to play with. We shall see.
I dont think your gonna get much stretch to be honest.The tops are trying to crown out.Once they crown i usually get about a foot after that.Blue dream will take about 75 days from sprout.Your plants look light derprived to me and to much nitrogen.I normally start mine under T5's untill there 2 weeks old than put them straight under HPS and switch nutes to tansistion so fast you dont have time really for a true vegetation cycle.3 of those plants under 400W HPS would be ideal and you might see about 12 to 16 inches total.Blue dream love Cal MAg and were the first to show defencies for me.
I would skip the runoff and PHing the water and ease up on the watering,They look slightly over watered also with the funny crinkling on the lower leaves.Let the pots dry out untill you see the leaves start to wilt a little and that will tell you about how often your plants are drinking in the early stages.than just reduce it by a day and go from there.The bigger they get the more they are gonna drink.plants the size you have probably realistically drinking every 5th day.Your plants need to root out as much as possible in the early stages but to much water deprives the root zone from oxygen.these plants are exactly 34 days old.
You'll have plenty of room. LST them as they mature. Nice looking young ladies.
LST what?there is no way he can LST those plants.he dont have enough vertical growth.All LST is gonna do is stress them out.Hes gonna bend over the only tops he has hopes of getting decent buds on.The plant will use its energy to create new tops that will end up producing popcorn buds.Those plants are not robust enough. I dont understand the point of LST on autos.I would top an auto before LST just to keep the canopy even throughout so the side buds swell even more.Whatever you take from will make up for it elsewhere but the majority of the side branches on autos will grow up the sides pretty nice..The top normally keeps you from lowering the lights enough anyway.There is just not enough time like a photo to train a plant before the switch.bending and turning a flowering plant will break limbs for sure especially when they start to hollow.