New Grower First grow, outdoor GCS Critical Purple Cold Weather

Are u flushing them ?
Not on purpose. I’ve been using all dry organic amendments and microbes, don’t know how effective flushing would be, I’ve read it’s pretty unnecessary with my setup, but I haven’t fed in weeks and it’s been pretty rainy at times.
Leaves curling up today on one bud.
I finally tested runoff ph, any thoughts on how useful this is? A few of the plants do look deprived, and there should be plenty left in the soil to work with. I know it can be an end of life cycle thing too, but some started looking hungry earlier than I would expect. Water was going in around 6.6 and coming out around 7.4 or a little higher. The last plant I corrected to 6.2 and it came out just below 7. Should I start using closer to 6.2 for awhile? I try to do a range, but it’s not a very big one, usually 6.5-6.7. I’m using a liquid test so it’s not 100% accurate. They were also getting rained on, which I think I measured at a little over 7, but it may have even been higher..
Value of pH 7 or above 7 of the rain water is really odd. Naturally it is slightly acidic around pH 6 because of dissolved CO2, which (together with low value of TDS) makes it perfect for watering. In areas with some air pollution, one can expect acid rain with values below pH 5.6, in extremes below 5. I am no expert in this, but i have never heard of alkaline rain.

I don't test my runoff water, i tested source well water only once(without nutes) with cheap tester for aquariums [picture coming], which I evaluated like pH 7.2, and because plants looked healthy, I took no care. I have read in many threads, that correcting pH for soil often brings more problems than solutions. But your medium could be different than mine.


Do you have special pH minus corrector for flowering stage?
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Value of pH 7 or above 7 of the rain water is really odd. Naturally it is slightly acidic around pH 6 because of dissolved CO2, which (together with low value of TDS) makes it perfect for watering. In areas with some air pollution, one can expect acid rain with values below pH 5.6, in extremes below 5. I am no expert in this, but i have never heard of alkaline rain.

I don't test my runoff water, i tested source well water only once(without nutes) with cheap tester for aquariums [picture coming], which I evaluated like pH 7.2, and because plants looked healthy, I took no care. I have read in many threads, that correcting pH for soil often brings more problems than solutions. But your medium could be different than mine.

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Do you have special pH minus corrector for flowering stage?
Hmmm maybe my test source was compromised, I thought it was a little odd. I’ll test again for posterity. Doesn’t really matter right now as I plan on shielding them the rest of their lives, but I would like to set up my rain barrel finally and be able to stop adjusting. I was using distilled white vinegar, I now use ph down for fish and plants.
Hmmm maybe my test source was compromised, I thought it was a little odd. I’ll test again for posterity. Doesn’t really matter right now as I plan on shielding them the rest of their lives, but I would like to set up my rain barrel finally and be able to stop adjusting. I was using distilled white vinegar, I now use ph down for fish and plants.
I have seen your shelter. Good idea with your weather. Have you made any drainage holes in the roof? or a test run? it looks like it can hold quite a lot of water...
Water has a lot of weight to it almost 8 1/2 pounds per gallon at 62°.
Has it rain on your shelter yet?