Outdoor First grow - Crystal Candy autos

Looking good man what do you feed them? :cool1:

I use these. The left one is for veg, the right for flower. The small one on the very right is Atami Bloombastic, a bloom booster.
I got the base nutes from the local garden centre, before i realized there was an excellent grow shop just in town, like 5 mins away, which is where I got the bloombastic from.
Total cost of both bottles was about €15, Bloombastic was about €10. I'm pretty happy with the results to be honest, not really sure how much more a more expensive nutrient line would have done, so I think I'll be using these in future grows.


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Morning folks :coffee:

Today is day 53 for CC1 and 45 for CC2, both have stopped vertical growth completely now. They've got a really strong smell to them now which is intensifying all the time, they can be smelt from several metres away. It's a really pleasant smell so i'm not complaining!

I've upped the Bloombastic in today's feed to full strength. Previously i've been giving them half dose, just to err on the side of cautious. I'll see how they respond and switch back to half if necessary. I was hoping that CC1 would be showing some signs of entering the harvest window by today but so far nothing, all the pistils seem to be white(ish) and straight(ish). I've not had a chance to check trichomes yet but i do have access to a macro lens camera so i think i'll get that going one day this week and have a closer look.

Here some pics from this morning :

CC1 24-07.jpg
CC1 Main 24-07.jpg
CC1 Main cola, its pretty dense and solid if i give it a gentle squeeze :biggrin:
CC1 Lower 24-07.jpg
CC1 lower bud, this is the one which had all the pistils eaten by grasshoppers, coming back strong :joy:
CC2 24-07.jpg
CC2 Main 24-07.jpg
CC2 Main cola, starting to chunk up now
CC2 Lower 24-07.jpg
CC2 lower bud.
CC2 Close 24-07.jpg
CC2 closer shot of a bud, plenty of sparkles!
CC2 Close2 24-07.jpg
CC2 another close up just because :biggrin:

One last pic, found this horror lurking around the area i keep my plants in this morning. Not 100% sure what it is, i think it might be a palm beetle but if someone knows better let me know :

That's it for today guys, more at the end of the week. Have a good day :note:
Yeah probably, and that was my rough estimate/expectations anyway bro. Friday is 8 weeks since the seed popped though, and given that's Sweet Seed's estimate for this strain I would have thought it would have made some steps towards looking like it's on its way to harvest.

I know those timelines from seed banks need to taken with a pinch of salt, and to be honest i dont mind waiting a bit longer cos it means the buds will get bigger and heavier and stickier and smellier :biggrin: I just wanted to see a bit of a change in them really!
Yeah probably, and that was my rough estimate/expectations anyway bro. Friday is 8 weeks since the seed popped though, and given that's Sweet Seed's estimate for this strain I would have thought it would have made some steps towards looking like it's on its way to harvest.

I know those timelines from seed banks need to taken with a pinch of salt, and to be honest i dont mind waiting a bit longer cos it means the buds will get bigger and heavier and stickier and smellier :biggrin: I just wanted to see a bit of a change in them really!
next thing you should see is some browning pistils bruv..:smiley1:....I know you already know this, but it really is a waiting game from here on in....try and get some pics with the Macro lens up...looking forward to seein the trichs:smiley1:
next thing you should see is some browning pistils bruv..:smiley1:....I know you already know this, but it really is a waiting game from here on in....try and get some pics with the Macro lens up...looking forward to seein the trichs:smiley1:
Yeah that's I was hoping to see today bruv! I'm hopefully gonna get the trichome pics in the Friday update. All depends on BBK sorting the camera out for me :biggrin:
Do you have any Potash? @Patalian should push the buds on :eyebrows:
I don't mate, unfortunately. Is it easy to get hold of?
Yeah that's I was hoping to see today bruv! I'm hopefully gonna get the trichome pics in the Friday update. All depends on BBK sorting the camera out for me :biggrin:

I don't mate, unfortunately. Is it easy to get hold of?
Yeah should have it in any garden store or online cheap aswell bud :d5:
Ask the guy in the hydro shop you mentioned bro...... @Senorstony good bit of info dude:bow::bow::bow::bow: