Outdoor First grow - Crystal Candy autos

Green Poison is prime...i have both the regular and the fast version growing right now!! Grew a regular green poison out last season and love it. I even have two green poison joints rolled on the table to boost my tincture effect throughout the day today!!
That"s a good enough endorsement for me! :d5:

Going by the pictures the other day buddy i'd give her a week so she's more mature , does she still have lots of white hairs and not much amber trichomes? Some tasty looking bud bro great job :d5::biggrin::woohoo1:
Cheers! :toke:
Well it's further along than it was the other day, i"d say 5-10% Amber trichomes on the upper buds, less lower down. More pistols have browned too. I'll see on monday/tuesday, probably put some pics up so you knowledgeable lot can give me your opinion :biggrin:

One thing I didn't mention in my update post is there is clear foxtailing on some buds now, which is starting to have an influence on my decision to harvest. I"ll know better for next year, the temp was a little under 47c at 2.30pm, might have got hotter even but I couldn't stand it, I had to come inside for a lie down!
That"s a good enough endorsement for me! :d5:

Cheers! :toke:
Well it's further along than it was the other day, i"d say 5-10% Amber trichomes on the upper buds, less lower down. More pistols have browned too. I'll see on monday/tuesday, probably put some pics up so you knowledgeable lot can give me your opinion :biggrin:

One thing I didn't mention in my update post is there is clear foxtailing on some buds now, which is starting to have an influence on my decision to harvest. I"ll know better for next year, the temp was a little under 47c at 2.30pm, might have got hotter even but I couldn't stand it, I had to come inside for a lie down!

Ah cool yeah you've got some hot weather , Aloe Vera juice is great for them in hot conditions it sure seemed to have helped in the heatwave we've had this year
I've just done an inspection of the plants and there seems to be more new pistils on CC1. After doing a bit more reading on the subject, I think its a result of heat stress, and the 'foxtail' formations on the buds support that. Apparently this can reduce the potency of the buds, and I don't want that :yoinks::yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:

I've had an extensive look at trichomes from all over the plant and I'm happy with the cloudy to amber ratio. She's coming down tomorrow! :woohoo1::woohoo1:

I'll try to grab some pics but realistically it'll be wednesday before I update again.

Had a freak gust of wind topple my Liberty Haze just now. She's a bit out of shape but only lost one slender branch, ill try to persuade it to grow some roots and replant it in soil if it works. Sometimes does, sometimes doesn't, so I'm not holding my breath.

If it doesn't I started a new Green Poison yesterday anyway :thumbsup:

I've just done an inspection of the plants and there seems to be more new pistils on CC1. After doing a bit more reading on the subject, I think its a result of heat stress, and the 'foxtail' formations on the buds support that. Apparently this can reduce the potency of the buds, and I don't want that :yoinks::yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:

I've had an extensive look at trichomes from all over the plant and I'm happy with the cloudy to amber ratio. She's coming down tomorrow! :woohoo1::woohoo1:

I'll try to grab some pics but realistically it'll be wednesday before I update again.

Had a freak gust of wind topple my Liberty Haze just now. She's a bit out of shape but only lost one slender branch, ill try to persuade it to grow some roots and replant it in soil if it works. Sometimes does, sometimes doesn't, so I'm not holding my breath.

If it doesn't I started a new Green Poison yesterday anyway :thumbsup:

Afternoon all :toke:

I just realized i've not posted the pics i took last week, so here they are :
CC1 and CC2 03-08.jpg

CC1 (on the left) and CC2.
CC1 Main 03-08.jpg

CC1 main cola, you can see this plant is heat-stressed because at the top a lot of new pistils are growing.
CC1 Bud 03-08.jpg

Closer look at a bud of CC1
CC2 Main 03-08.jpg

CC2 Main cola. This plant hasn't been as affected by the heat as CC1, hence less foxtails. As a result it looks more harvest ready to me, despite being a week younger.
CC2 Bud 03-08.jpg

Closer look at a CC2 bud. There's some new pistils but not as many as CC1.

CC1 came down yesterday at day 67, and CC2 is now on day 60. I might chop it at the weekend depending on how the trichomes look, i'll see :biggrin:

I couldn't resist weighing CC1 when it was all trimmed etc, and it looks like i'm in for a half-decent haul as it weighed in at 452g. A wise man told me to expect 75% less when dry but, conservatively, that would still put yield somewhere in the region of 3.5oz which i'm more than happy about. I said to myself when i started growing these Crystal Candys if i get an ounce of dry bud off each i'd be pleased with it being my first grow in years, first time growing autos and first outdoor grow.

I'll take some more pics today and put them up later or tomorrow :biggrin:
