Outdoor First grow - Crystal Candy autos

Yeah should have it in any garden store or online cheap aswell bud :d5:
Cool, nice one mate :toke:

Ask the guy in the hydro shop you mentioned bro......
I have to pop down there for some supplies, I'll ask him then :biggrin:

well maybe boring is the wrong choice of word.it can seem like nothing is doing,but look at a pic from a few days ago to see the difference.

Yeah I think this is what's happening, I just want them to be done so I can sample them! Ah well, bit more patience required I guess :biggrin:
Morning folks :coffee:

Today is day 53 for CC1 and 45 for CC2, both have stopped vertical growth completely now. They've got a really strong smell to them now which is intensifying all the time, they can be smelt from several metres away. It's a really pleasant smell so i'm not complaining!

I've upped the Bloombastic in today's feed to full strength. Previously i've been giving them half dose, just to err on the side of cautious. I'll see how they respond and switch back to half if necessary. I was hoping that CC1 would be showing some signs of entering the harvest window by today but so far nothing, all the pistils seem to be white(ish) and straight(ish). I've not had a chance to check trichomes yet but i do have access to a macro lens camera so i think i'll get that going one day this week and have a closer look.

Here some pics from this morning :

View attachment 934021 CC1
View attachment 934022 CC1 Main cola, its pretty dense and solid if i give it a gentle squeeze :biggrin:
View attachment 934023CC1 lower bud, this is the one which had all the pistils eaten by grasshoppers, coming back strong :joy:
View attachment 934024 CC2
View attachment 934025 CC2 Main cola, starting to chunk up now
View attachment 934026 CC2 lower bud.
View attachment 934027CC2 closer shot of a bud, plenty of sparkles!
View attachment 934028 CC2 another close up just because :biggrin:

One last pic, found this horror lurking around the area i keep my plants in this morning. Not 100% sure what it is, i think it might be a palm beetle but if someone knows better let me know :
View attachment 934029

That's it for today guys, more at the end of the week. Have a good day :note:
Nice buds,man, looks so green
Cant wait to see how the photo crystal candy performs!! I am hoping the flower looks just like yours!!
Cheers! I'm sure it will :thumbsup:

Nice buds,man, looks so green
Thanks mate :toke:

Morning AFN :coffee:

So, today is day 56 for CC1 and 48 for CC2. Both plants have had zero problems since the last update, both are on half strength nutes and full strength Bloombastic as they seemed to respond pretty well to that. Both smell great, there's a very strong scent now, its lost a bit of the sweetness but they still smell waaaay better than the Liberty Haze! (She is fine by the way, still full on veg, hit 71" the other day not including pot so i decided to top her to halt the vertical growth)

Temperatures are getting really hot here, most days at the moment are low-mid 40s and 22-25ish overnight (Celsius). I would have thought the plants wouldn't like that much and expected to see some signs of heat-stress, but no, they love it! There is nearly always a gentle breeze on them so i suppose that helps. Still, i'm surprised, but in a good way :biggrin:

Here's some pics, i've been playing around with the camera settings on my tablet trying to improve my photos, but the end result is that some of them look a bit weird now :crying: Oh well, more practice needed i guess :

CC1 27-07.jpg
CC1 Main 27-07.jpg
CC1 Main Cola
CC1 Bud 27-07.jpg
CC1 Bud. Some pistils are starting to brown on the ends now, so i guess plant must be entering its final phase :woohoo1:
CC1 Close 27-07.jpg
CC1 Closer look at the bud
CC2 27-07.jpg
CC2 catching up to CC1 as far as volume/density of buds goes. A couple of weeks ago i thought it might end up a bit of a runty version of its sister but its coming along nicely now.
CC2 Main 27-07.jpg
CC2 Main Cola
CC2 Bud 27-07.jpg
CC2 Bud
CC2 Close 27-07.jpg
CC2 Close up.

That's about it for this update. Looking to see more pistils browning on CC1 over the next few days and then i'll get the macro camera and have a look at the trichomes.

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far, its really cool to have people take an interest in your grow :bighug:

More on Tuesday :note: