Outdoor First grow - Crystal Candy autos

Hi folks!

I joined the site yesterday already part-way through my first grow, any comments and advice is welcome.

I'm growing 2 x Crystal Candy autos and 1 x Liberty Haze photo, all outdoors. The autos are in 18l pots with Atami light-mix soil, the photo is in a ~20l and also soil.

I'm giving them nutes on Tuesdays and Fridays unless I see any signs of deficiencies in which case I drop some more in the pot, which is happening with the photo now. I water in between as needed with pH'd tap water.

Other than that, i've pretty much been letting them do their own thing. Stealth isn't a problem for me at all, they can grow as large as they want, and i figure you can do too much to them when you are an inexperienced grower, so as long as they look healthy and happy i'm content to let them get on with it.

This is all 3 of my plants. The one on the right is the Liberty Haze photo, planted 27th April, currently standing 43" tall. The middle one is the oldest Crystal Candy auto, planted 1st June (30 days) currently 16" tall and the little girl on the left is another Crystal Candy auto, planted 9th June (22 days) and just 7.5" tall at the moment.


Here's a closer look at the taller Crystal Candy, more and more pistils are starting to show and it's growing at a vigorous rate, 6" in 3 days this week!


And here's a close up of the smaller CC. Pistils have started showing in the last couple of days.

That's about it for now, i usually measure and photo them once per week so i'll update this thread when i do that.
pool side looking like the place for a container garden!
cheers grobro!, so inspiring to see a grow in the open with no worries!
Afternoon AFN :toke:

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far :d5:

Without further ado, here's the updated pics from this morning :
Liberty Haze 03-07.jpg

This is the Liberty Haze photo, standing 48" tall (5 inches growth from Friday). This girl is a couple of weeks into pre-flower with many pistils and bud sites popping up. I guess she is just waiting for the days to get a bit longer before entering full bloom mode.
Crystal Candy1 03-07.jpg

Here's the eldest Crystal Candy auto ([HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]) at day 32, measuring 24" tall (8 inches growth since Friday). I'm on the verge of switching this plant to flower nutes, just waiting for the growth to slow down a touch before i do. Sweet Seeds say this strain is harvest-able in 8 weeks (from seed to chop) but i think it might run a week or two over.
Crystal Candy2 03-07.jpg

And last but not least is the younger Crystal Candy ([HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]) on day 24. She is currently 12.5" tall (5.5 inches since Friday). Lots more pistils have appeared since Friday.

Overall health of the plants is good i think, i've really been lucky that i've not had any major problems with them. I did have some thrips early on but they were easily disposed of by a combination of diligent insecticide sprayings and a praying mantis who lived on CC#1 for a few weeks (I named him Keith Richards) and scoffed them all before moving on.

The biggest problem i have now is grasshoppers eating chunks out of the leaves, but i suppose you can't grow outdoors without encountering some insect problems. I've been dealing with them by keeping a close eye on the plants and clearing them off when i see them. A spray with the insecticide seems to keep them at bay too.

One question i do have, for anyone who has experience with it, is regarding Atami Bloombastic. I've read varying reports/reviews about it, but i tend to think that the people who didn't like it probably overdosed it. So my question is, would you say the manufacturers recommendation of 0.5-1mm per 1 litre of water should be on the lower end of that range ie 0.5mm or would it be ok to give full dose?

Cheers guys, more pics next week but i might do an update on friday when i feed/measure again.
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Afternoon AFN :toke:

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far :d5:

Without further ado, here's the updated pics from this morning :
View attachment 925831
This is the Liberty Haze photo, standing 48" tall (5 inches growth from Friday). This girl is a couple of weeks into pre-flower with many pistils and bud sites popping up. I guess she is just waiting for the days to get a bit longer before entering full bloom mode.
View attachment 925832
Here's the eldest Crystal Candy auto ([HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]) at day 32, measuring 24" tall (8 inches growth since Friday). I'm on the verge of switching this plant to flower nutes, just waiting for the growth to slow down a touch before i do. Sweet Seeds say this strain is harvest-able in 8 weeks (from seed to chop) but i think it might run a week or two over.
View attachment 925833
And last but not least is the younger Crystal Candy ([HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]) on day 24. She is currently 12.5" tall (5.5 inches since Friday). Lots more pistils have appeared since Friday.

Overall health of the plants is good i think, i've really been lucky that i've not had any major problems with them. I did have some thrips early on but they were easily disposed of by a combination of diligent insecticide sprayings and a praying mantis who lived on CC#1 for a few weeks (I named him Keith Richards) and scoffed them all before moving on.

The biggest problem i have now is grasshoppers eating chunks out of the leaves, but i suppose you can't grow outdoors without encountering some insect problems. I've been dealing with them by keeping a close eye on the plants and clearing them off when i see them. A spray with the insecticide seems to keep them at bay too.

One question i do have, for anyone who has experience with it, is regarding Atami Bloombastic. I've read varying reports/reviews about it, but i tend to think that the people who didn't like it probably overdosed it. So my question is, would you say the manufacturers recommendation of 0.5-1mm per 1 litre of water should be on the lower end of that range ie 0.5mm or would it be ok to give full dose?

Cheers guys, more pics next week but i might do an update on friday when i feed/measure again.
Good update and Noooooooice pics bro...:toke:...on the subject of the nutes....start at the lower dose and watch for signs.....if everything is good....stay at that dose, it really is try and see what your plant can handle, if she has too much = tip burn....I usually get tip burn coz I hammer them with the nutes, but thats me...:eyebrows:....a really important thing to remember is you can add more, but you can't take it away.....otherwise they are Rockin:smiley1:

EDIT:....be careful how long into flower you can use your insectiside:bighug:
Hey....would it be okay with you if I move this thread to the outdoor journal section? I find myself limited on time in the summer and don't want to miss this one, and i am always active in the outdoor section!! Beautiful plants!!
Hey....would it be okay with you if I move this thread to the outdoor journal section? I find myself limited on time in the summer and don't want to miss this one, and i am always active in the outdoor section!! Beautiful plants!!
@912GreenSkell ...will we have to re-watch this thread in the outdoor section or will it carry across?