Outdoor First grow - Crystal Candy autos

@912GreenSkell Cool, I'll be interested to see how you get on with the Crystal Candy photos. I've already made up my mind to grow some photos next year as well as autos (I kinda like the big Liberty Haze I have currently) so I'm already on the lookout for suitable candidates! Good luck with the grow mate!
Mini update :

The Liberty Haze (photo) is still chugging along in pre-flower, she's grown another few inches since Tuesday and is now 51". She's starting to get too big to move into the morning sun every day, i'm afraid of catching the top on something or, even worse, tripping and dropping the pot while i'm doing it. She still gets around 5-6 hours of direct sunlight in the afternoon so i'd rather lose a couple of hours of sun than lose her entirely to a silly mistake after all the care i've given in the last few months.

Crystal Candy [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] (day 35) has slowed down the growth rate, only increasing 3 inches to 27" since Tuesday, so i started her on the flowering feed today. The main stem is starting to bud up nicely and there is heavy growth even on lower branches.

Crystal Candy [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] (day 27) is now increasing her veg growth in a similar way that her big sis did the last couple of weeks. She's packed on 5 inches since Tuesday to measure in at 17.5" today. Noticeable buds popping up everywhere now and if she follows a pattern like [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] i'll probably be looking at switching her to flower nutes around this time next week.

I've read this strain is capable of some nice yields and i've seen journals on this site that support that, i just hope my girls can measure up. To be perfectly honest i'd be pleased if i get half as much from mine as others have!

One thing i realize i've not done in this journal is explain my germination method, probably because i started half way through the grow :

I soaked the seeds in pH'd water for around 8 hours, until the shell softened up a bit and they started to swell, tiny air bubbles were visible around the edges of the shell. For the same amount of time i soaked the plugs i was using, also in pH'd water but i added some root enhancer to it. When the time was up i took the plugs out and gave a gentle squeeze to get rid of a bit of excess water. The top of these plugs was wider than the bottom so for stability i turned them upside down and poked a hole in the bottom with a pencil, making a generous hole for the seed to sit in. I dropped the seeds in (didn't worry about which way up they were) and then tore off a small corner of the plug to cover the hole, and gently pushed it in a little way. The plugs then went into a small Tupperware container which was covered with cling film and secured with a rubber band. I poked some holes in the cling film and put the container into a wardrobe and checked it every few hours. The seeds poked their heads out after a couple of days, but most surprising was there was also a ~2" root coming out of the bottom of the plug. I transferred them to final pots immediately and fed them the root enhancer for 2 weeks after planting, then switched to veg nutes and that's about where we were at the start of this journal :biggrin:

Cheers for stopping by guys, i'll post some new pics on Tuesday, hopefully there will be some noticeable difference:growing:
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10th July Update.

Good morning fellow AFN-ers! Thanks to everyone who's stopped by so far :bighug:

Here's how the ladies look this week :

CC1 10-07.jpg

This is Crystal Candy 1 - day 39. Vertical growth has slowed to a crawl, just 1" since Friday to make her 28". Buds are coming along nicely and she's starting to get her stink on too :biggrin:
CC1 Top 10-07.jpg

The top of the main stem CC1.
CC1 Top Close 10-07.jpg

A close up of the top bud, some light frosting is visible :biggrin:
CC1 Close 10-07.jpg

And just a random bud from lower down the plant.

CC2 10-07.jpg

Here's Crystal Candy 2 - day 31. She's grown 5" since Friday putting her at 22". I'm seeing the same bud development pattern i saw with the other plant, expecting this one to be pretty much the same as CC1.
CC2 Top 10-07.jpg

Here's the top of the main stem.
CC2 Close 10-07.jpg

And a close up of the top bud :biggrin:

LH 10-07.jpg

And here's the Liberty Haze photo, which is 57" today. Including the pot she's 5'8" now, i can see her hitting 6 foot soon.

The Liberty Haze is still on veg nutes, hope she starts flowering soon but i think it might be end of July/beginning of August before it happens. Lesson learned for next year though - plant photos later!

Crystal Candy 1 is on bloom nutes since Friday, and i also dropped a weak dose of Bloombastic in her water today as well. I'm going to take it easy with that stuff, by god does it stink! I've read varying reports of it, so i'll keep a close eye on this plant over the next week or so and then decide whether or not to give it to CC2. I think this plant will run over the seed bank's estimate of 8 weeks by a week or two, mainly due to my inexperience as a grower.

I started Crystal Candy 2 on bloom nutes today as well, a bit earlier than i gave them to CC1 but i think she is ready. It might just be my imagination or a trick of the sunlight (or just wishful thinking!), but some of the leaves on these CCs look like they have a slight hint of colours other than green. I know this strain can produce multicoloured flowers and leaves so fingers crossed i get some of those lovely buds!

Cheers guys, next update on friday, and if there's a significant change to any of them i'll post pics too.:thanks::vibe::thanks:
Update 13-07-2018

Not much to report really, small increases in size since Tuesday for all the plants (1-2 inches each). We've had a bit of rain here over the last couple of days, and its been a bit cloudy but despite less sun the buds on both autos seem to be thriving. I've started CC2 on the Bloombastic today, just a weak quarter-strength dose like i gave CC1 the other day, which has been moved up to half-strength today.

All the plants seem to be drinking a load of water, not sure if that's usual in flowering? (I think with the Liberty Haze it's probably just because she is a monster now at 60" tall) Might also have something to do with the heat here, apart from the last couple of days its been full on sun and high 30s to low 40s (Celsius). In between feed days i give them maybe a couple of litres per day, and sometimes there's zero run off. They never get to the stage where they are wilting so i don't think i'm underwatering, and they look happy enough so probably not worth fretting over. :thumbsup:

Both Crystal Candys are starting to smell amazing at this point, really sweet with a fruity hint like melon or peach, smelling the buds is like sticking your nose in a jar of sweets. It's really mouthwatering! In contrast the Liberty Haze just stinks, and she doesn't even have any flowers yet, god knows what she'll be like when the buds start appearing!

Here's a few pics :
CC1 13-07.jpg
CC1 at 42 days.
Main Stem CC1 13-07.jpg
You can see here the main stem is starting to bulk up :biggrin:
Close up CC1 13-07.jpg
Closer look at the bud.
CC2 13-07.jpg
CC2 at 34 days old. Probably roughly at the same stage CC1 was at last week.
Main Stem CC2 13-07.jpg
Closer look at the main stem of CC2.

That's it from me until Tuesday. I think around this time next week i'll have a better idea of how much longer they have to run before harvest, for CC1 at least. I'm not in any rush of course, it would just be nice to know.

As always thanks for stopping by, any advice is appreciated. Although this grow is going pretty well (in my humble opinion) i still have a lot to learn :biggrin:
Update 13-07-2018

Not much to report really, small increases in size since Tuesday for all the plants (1-2 inches each). We've had a bit of rain here over the last couple of days, and its been a bit cloudy but despite less sun the buds on both autos seem to be thriving. I've started CC2 on the Bloombastic today, just a weak quarter-strength dose like i gave CC1 the other day, which has been moved up to half-strength today.

All the plants seem to be drinking a load of water, not sure if that's usual in flowering? (I think with the Liberty Haze it's probably just because she is a monster now at 60" tall) Might also have something to do with the heat here, apart from the last couple of days its been full on sun and high 30s to low 40s (Celsius). In between feed days i give them maybe a couple of litres per day, and sometimes there's zero run off. They never get to the stage where they are wilting so i don't think i'm underwatering, and they look happy enough so probably not worth fretting over. :thumbsup:

Both Crystal Candys are starting to smell amazing at this point, really sweet with a fruity hint like melon or peach, smelling the buds is like sticking your nose in a jar of sweets. It's really mouthwatering! In contrast the Liberty Haze just stinks, and she doesn't even have any flowers yet, god knows what she'll be like when the buds start appearing!

Here's a few pics :
View attachment 929624 CC1 at 42 days.
View attachment 929627 You can see here the main stem is starting to bulk up :biggrin:
View attachment 929628 Closer look at the bud.
View attachment 929625 CC2 at 34 days old. Probably roughly at the same stage CC1 was at last week.
View attachment 929626 Closer look at the main stem of CC2.

That's it from me until Tuesday. I think around this time next week i'll have a better idea of how much longer they have to run before harvest, for CC1 at least. I'm not in any rush of course, it would just be nice to know.

As always thanks for stopping by, any advice is appreciated. Although this grow is going pretty well (in my humble opinion) i still have a lot to learn :biggrin:

Yeeeeaahhh Nooooooooiice bro....they look great....they do step up the demand for water when they transition....just a tip dude...I would always water to run off...It can help reduce any build up of mineral salts in your medium....looking great tho, the Libery Haze is supposed to be a stinker dude ......big time Diesel smell lol:smiley1:
Morning fellow AFN-ers :biggrin:

I'll jump straight into the photos today :
CC1 17-07.jpg

This is Crystal Candy 1, 46 days old and 29" tall, packing on the bud more every day. She smells lovely, a really fresh, fruity melon aroma. Not much else to report really i'm just waiting for her to be ready for harvest now. Another two weeks from today would put her at 4 days over Sweet Seeds' 8 weeks timeline for this strain, i think she'll be almost there by then. Predicting a day 63-65 chop for her :woohoo1:
CC1 Main 17-07.jpg
Main cola for CC1, chunking up nicely now.
CC1 Main Close 17-07.jpg
A light dusting of frost over one of the buds.
CC1 Damage 17-07.jpg

One thing that annoyed me a little the other morning was finding this slight damage to a couple of buds. It looks like all the pistils have been eaten on the top, the calyxes themselves are intact though. I suspect grasshoppers/crickets, i even found a giant one lurking on the Liberty Haze the other day (promptly squished it) but not much i can do about it at this point as i can't use the insecticide spray i have on buds. I think i might invest in a mosquito net for next time and either make an enclosure for the plants or just chuck it over them at night.

CC2 17-07.jpg

This is Crystal Candy 2, 38 days old and 25" tall. She doesn't seem to have quite the bulk of buds that CC1 did last week, but still is no slouch. Also smells wonderful:woohoo:
CC2 Main 17-07.jpg
CC2 Top growth.
CC2 Main Close 17-07.jpg
Top bud from CC2.
CC2 Other 17-07.jpg
Some other buds nestled further down on CC2.
LH 17-07.jpg

And finally a pic of the Liberty Haze photo, standing 63" tall today. Judging by day length i think this one will probably start flowering around the end of July/beginning of August. It stinks to high heaven, got a really powerful odour.

All in all i'm pretty happy with how things are going at this point :smiley1:

More on Friday :note: