New Grower First ever grow/journal! Mephisto, Dinafem, and Seedsman.

No problems here, this format is fine.
Thank you for your in depth replies. Again I think your plants look great, now that I read the whole thing again, I think you are doing an awesome job, keep up the great work. Getting to know the weight of your pots is an excellent method of judging how much water you need.
Remember too that what we offer is advice from our experience and everyone's is different!

Thank you for letting me know, and thank you for the good words!! I look forward to more helpful advice from you and others! Hope to see you next update, until then have a great week!!!:smoking::toke:
Hey there fellow growers!!! It's Tuesday so that means time for a weekly update!
Well, I have some good news and bad news. Bad news first is it doesn't look like the White Cheese by Dinafem will not be making it through the harvest:frowny:. I'm not sure exactly what happened, i posted a thread in the infirmary for help a few days ago, but got no responses. So if anyone on here can help identify the cause of the problem. I will be pulling her in the next day or two unless someone can help identify and solve the problem, if it is still "save-able". One of the most notable differences between this and the other two is that this one was in a fabric "smart pot" which seemed to compact the soil more and more every time i had to lift/move the pot, while the other two are in standard plastic 5gal. pots.
But the good news is that the other two are growing nicely, especially the Ripleys :thumbsup:, although the very lower leaves on her are turning yellow which im pretty sure is normal, but if anyone could reassure me that would be great. The White Widow is doing pretty well, though it doesn't seem to be growing anymore, it is currently on "Week 8" at the moment which i just realized while writing this seems quite long, so I'm going to be switching to "Bloom" nutes next Tuesday, I will be using " Sensi bloom A&B Ph perfect" along with the usual Black strap molasses. Well enough talking and here are some pics!!:baked::pop:

-White widow- Seedsman- Week 8
There are a few spots and curling i noticed on a leaf, can anyone identify. I think it may be a mix of heat and nutes. Also threw in a few "stalk" pics for you all.
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-Ripleys O.G.- Mephisto - Week 6 (I think i will also start bloom nutes on this next Tuesday, vetical growth seems to have stopped. If anyone advises against, please let me know) Also, if anyone can just let me know if the "yellowing" of bottom leaves is natural, thanks.
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-White Cheese- Dinafem - Week 7- If anyone can let me know if I can even "revive" i would greatly appreciate it, if not i will probably be pulling in the next day or two:sadcry:.
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Well that's all folks! Like i said, If anyone has any sort of helpful advice on the plants, or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Well I hope to see alot of fellow growers on here, and until next time, although i may be one plant down:sadcry:.
Have a great week everyone!!!:smoking::toke::cheers:

Been reading thru the journey, dude, for your first time, your doin great! And, you've made a smart move coming here. Didn't have such wonderful resources when I started, could saved my self alot of pain... and cash...

this will be my first yr doing autos, so I've been prowlin this site alot. But if I can toss in an idea that might help...

This was taken on may 24th, she's a photo I started in march... I live in ca, and that week we had some major heat, 100* for a couple days. Problem was container temp. Photos can get grumpy when the root zone gets to high, so I dug a hole and plopped her in. She recovered almost overnight.

This I took this evening.
Root zone temp can be a major issue. I assume autos would also respond poorly, and if your still without AC... just a thought.

Also, the pics sure make it look like that soil is dry. Am thinking that those fabric bags may also play a part. Designed to let airflow surround the root zone, so wouldn't it not only dry top down, but also from outside in? Could be while your getting the top wet, it's not getting moisture out to the sides? By no means take what I say as fact, just reading thru, and wanted to toss out another idea.
Hopefully others more familiar with autos will kick in with an answer.
Pullin girls you've spent time, effort & love on sucks. Been there. Hang on, good juju headed your way...

Maybe instead of pulling, drag her to the tub and give her a real good soaking. You can always pull her.
Been reading thru the journey, dude, for your first time, your doin great! And, you've made a smart move coming here. Didn't have such wonderful resources when I started, could saved my self alot of pain... and cash...

this will be my first yr doing autos, so I've been prowlin this site alot. But if I can toss in an idea that might help...View attachment 761169

This was taken on may 24th, she's a photo I started in march... I live in ca, and that week we had some major heat, 100* for a couple days. Problem was container temp. Photos can get grumpy when the root zone gets to high, so I dug a hole and plopped her in. She recovered almost overnight.View attachment 761170
This I took this evening.
Root zone temp can be a major issue. I assume autos would also respond poorly, and if your still without AC... just a thought.

Also, the pics sure make it look like that soil is dry. Am thinking that those fabric bags may also play a part. Designed to let airflow surround the root zone, so wouldn't it not only dry top down, but also from outside in? Could be while your getting the top wet, it's not getting moisture out to the sides? By no means take what I say as fact, just reading thru, and wanted to toss out another idea.
Hopefully others more familiar with autos will kick in with an answer.
Pullin girls you've spent time, effort & love on sucks. Been there. Hang on, good juju headed your way...

Maybe instead of pulling, drag her to the tub and give her a real good soaking. You can always pull her.

Hey there @Arthur glad to see you here:welcome:

I'm in Ca and it also got around 97 where i was and one day the temps in tent spiked all the way to 95 as well!! :nono: I will pick up a pot tomorrow and transplant to that to see if it helps. The other two seem to be in decent condition and they are in basic plastic pots. The soil tends to dry out a lot on the top inch or so because i have a fan blowing that hits the soil, but when i put my finger in about two inches down it is still quite moist, i also like to "hand weigh" the pots because i feel that I've gotten used to the dry/wet ratio. I also tend to water in a "ring" about 1 inch in from the sides of the pots, so i'm not wetting the whole top. I've had a few people say that watering close in can stunt growth , because the plants cant "reach" out for the H20. A side note for the fabric pots was that it really seemed to compact the soil a lot when having to pick up and move, but i cant say for sure, i also think i should've put some perlite in the soil but i will next grow.
Thank you for the advice Arthur, and i will definitely take it into consideration. I will put her in a pot tomorrow and see if that helps, hope all goes well. Again, thank you for the help, and i hope to see you back here for the later updates. Until then, may your grows be plentiful, and your harvests bountiful!!:thumbsup::cheers:
I'd do a little reading on transplanting autos, some say it's a no no, others seem to have success. But I've read that fabric pots dry out twice as fast as a non breathing pot. So would require doubling the watering... if your others are in standard pots, and your giving them the same amount @ same time.... it might just be in need of a more vigorous watering cycle.
heya buddy looking goid there. im gonna be trying out an og in a couple weeks aswell. cant wait to see how she turns out : ) the droopyness could be a few things but ill second the notion of underfeeding. does look really dry in there. im sure shel recover no probs after a good feed or 2. ive seen many pull bag from looking a whole load worse. theyre pretty resiliant wee plants : )
I'd do a little reading on transplanting autos, some say it's a no no, others seem to have success. But I've read that fabric pots dry out twice as fast as a non breathing pot. So would require doubling the watering... if your others are in standard pots, and your giving them the same amount @ same time.... it might just be in need of a more vigorous watering cycle.

Hey there Arthur, I transplanted her first thing this morning, i too have heard that it is not recommended to transplant autos, but i figured what have i got to lose:baked: so i did it based on knowledge i already had, which was little to none lol. But i will see how she is doing tonight and tomorrow and if she declines and gets worse i will probably pull her, but hopefully she will make a decent recovery. Again, thank you for the advice and i will let you know how it goes!

heya buddy looking goid there. im gonna be trying out an og in a couple weeks aswell. cant wait to see how she turns out : ) the droopyness could be a few things but ill second the notion of underfeeding. does look really dry in there. im sure shel recover no probs after a good feed or 2. ive seen many pull bag from looking a whole load worse. theyre pretty resiliant wee plants : )

Hey there @EvilScotsman , nice to see you :welcome:
I think you will definitely be pleased with the OG. As for watering i actually increased the amount of water each plant is receiving by 50ml now (WW-350ml RO.G.-300ml) and i am feeding every other morning which seems to be right when the pot hits the "perfect watering weight". As i said above i did transplant the white cheese to a standard 5gal pot and watered her with a good cup and a half to give it a nice soak and see if she makes a comeback. Thank you for the advice and support. I hope to see you in here for future updates, until then, may your grows be lush&bountiful!!!:toke:
Hey there @epenguin
I know this is very random but you were the first "vibe-guardian" to come to mind. I was browsing through the forums and realized that i probably should've posted this in the "New growers grow journals" section, if you think it should be moved i would appreciate it, if not that's fine.


Be careful what you wish for !!!!! You are now in NGF if my powers have worked their magic ! Oh, I'm drunk on this POWER.......I will huff and I will puff and I will BLOW your grow

Be careful what you wish for !!!!! You are now in NGF if my powers have worked their magic ! Oh, I'm drunk on this POWER.......I will huff and I will puff and I will BLOW your grow

Thank you eP, much appreciated:thanks::cheers:
And remember, with great power comes great responsibility.....unless you wanna have fun:headbang: