New Grower First ever grow/journal! Mephisto, Dinafem, and Seedsman.

Water thoroughly around the edges and often enough so that the medium never completely dries out. The pics make the medium appear dry, and as you point out, slight issue with leaf. Autos are voracious and seem to suffer most from drought. The root zone is more susceptible to sudden extremes too cold, too hot, too dry, nutrient lockout, fell over. If ambient environment is kept constant and adequate food and water is supplied, Autos will exhibit exponential growth in height and flower. So far 3.5 ft plus from a [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is usual. That's from an amateur like myself. Experts here will astound you.

Thank you for the advice, I am trying not to over water, so i usually water every other day. I do have a slight fungus gnat problem and they definitely seem to come back in much higher numbers when i water more frequently, i know i'll have to be watering much more often soon but i hope to solve the gnat problem very soon with yellow sticky pads and possibly the "apple cider" method.
Other than that I've pretty much maintained a fairly stable environment, but the heat is slowly becoming a problem, it has reached up to 91°F :nono:, but i quickly put three 20" office fans on top (figuratively) of the small fan blowing over the tops, i'm hopefully going to be making a small makeshift "A/C" out of a cooler, a fan, and some ice/frozen water bottles. I don't yet have an enclosed tent so i pretty much have to cool the whole room at the moment, but my tent should be here by next Saturday hopefully, so it may be easier to control the temp in there.
I appreciate the advice, and look forward to any future words of wisdom:toke::jointman:
Here are a few updates.

Mephistos "Ripleys O.G." is blowing my mind, pistils have sprouted on day 18 from sprout which is faster than the other two.
day 18 (3).jpg
day 18 (1).jpg

Here is week four of the Dinafem "white Cheese", this thing went wild as well and these grew this long within a day!!!:yoinks:
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And last but not least is the "White Widow" from Seedsman, which seems to be a little slower as far as sexing even though it is the oldest, but it is getting fuller, so i'm assuming it'll grow for a little longer, but i don't know for sure.
-week 4 -
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- week 5 -
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Hope you enjoyed the little slideshow, now you guys are as up to date as i am, these are the current stages of the plant.
I hope to be updating this thread every Tuesday, i look forward to all of the wisdom and helpful advice (or compliments:smoking:) that i may receive!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!:thumbsup::toke:
Yeah this Ripleys is constantly suprising me, just yesterday she started showing pistils, definitely the fastest of the three.
I do plan on getting a viparspectra 600w within the next week, i have read a little about the DIY COB but im not going to lie, im not a very handy person but my grandfather is and i may get him to help. I'm also hoping to get a small tent to put them in so then i can have a makeshift "starter" and "flowering" room.
I will definitely look more into the COBs and see if i can do something with that, i really appreciate the help/info and i look forward to seeing you throughout the thread:toke::thumbsup:

Sounds good! Lots of resources out there on COB building. When you're ready, I can probably send a link or two. It is VERY easy with the right info. For me, the hardest part is making the frame, drilling the holes in the frame, and assembling the frame. If pre-built frames were cheap, I would have more! The wiring part is very easy and no soldering needed, unless you want to solder. :)

As far as the watering... I have read and also experienced the effectiveness of the hand weighing method or the 'lift' method. Just pick up your pots, if they feel light, water them. If they feel heavy, don't water them!
Looks awesome, you sure this your first time? Hope my first grow goes as well, still setting up my equipment getting ready for plants in the next week or two.
Sounds good! Lots of resources out there on COB building. When you're ready, I can probably send a link or two. It is VERY easy with the right info. For me, the hardest part is making the frame, drilling the holes in the frame, and assembling the frame. If pre-built frames were cheap, I would have more! The wiring part is very easy and no soldering needed, unless you want to solder. :)

As far as the watering... I have read and also experienced the effectiveness of the hand weighing method or the 'lift' method. Just pick up your pots, if they feel light, water them. If they feel heavy, don't water them!

I looked into the COB lighting a little and to be honest i probably won't do it this time, but i will probably make it a project for my next grow and i look forward to the links. As far as watering i pretty much tend to go by weight, the two older plants (WW,WC) usually need watering by the second day, if it feels pretty heavy then i usually let it dry out overnight and it is noticeably lighter the next morning. But the Ripleys is almost always dry by night three of no water i usually only give her about 200ml of water every feeding.

Looks awesome, you sure this your first time? Hope my first grow goes as well, still setting up my equipment getting ready for plants in the next week or two.

Thanks for the kind words!:cheers: Yeah this is my first time, im not going to lie, im somewhat a "spur of the moment" kind of person, so i pretty much had the basics, but i wanted to start asap. I had light, soil, buckets, and of course some quality beans. I actually had to start in i large cardboard box lined with mylar (still in use ...) but my tent will be here by Thursday so i am just a little excited.:baby:
Wow for a first time ever you are going places in the growing of the HERB. All lush and no tip burn what so ever. That being said following Tangs feeding regime is the foundation to becoming a wicked grower simple as that.
Its been a little hot lately, up to 95°F :wall: but the only one really seeming to take a hit is my Ripleys which worries me ALOT because that's my favorite (no offense to the others), there is a slight downward curl at the tip so I'm thinking either over watering, but i wait until the pot feels pretty light, or it might be nitrogen toxicity because this started the day after i fed nutes for the first time.
I've also been using diatomaceous earth, that's what the white powder is...:eek1:

Ripleys O.G. -Mephisto-
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White Widow -Seedsman- I've been experimenting with LST on this one
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w6 (3).jpg

White Cheese -Dinafem- Any ideas on that single set of pistils, is that good or bad?? I have no clue.
w5 (2).jpg
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w5 (1).jpg

That's it for this weekly update, I will probably post more pics later in the week, I like sharing. If you have any advice or tips, they would be greatly would complements:smoking:.
I am getting my tent later this week so I am very happy for that, and I also plan to get a makeshift A/C to keep the temps down a little, 95 seems a little high, even for me:baked:.

Have a great week everybody and stay safe!!:coffee2::toke:
Wow for a first time ever you are going places in the growing of the HERB. All lush and no tip burn what so ever. That being said following Tangs feeding regime is the foundation to becoming a wicked grower simple as that.

Thank you for the compliments:cheers:.
I am getting pretty excited because from all i'm hearing i seem to be doing well so far, and i really didnt expect that to be honest. But with all the kind words i am very excited to see the outcome, and i'm glad you are too, thanks!!
And from what i've seen/read, TaNg is the "Go To Guy" :headbang:
Hello fellow humans...
Today is Tuesday!!! I finally got my tent over the weekend, will post some pics below.
All of the plants have developed quite a bit, although my "White Cheese" seems to have a slight problem that others may be able to help with. Other than that they seem to be doing great! Here are the pics!!

New Vivosun tent!!:woohoo1: dimensions are 4'x2'x5'
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