New Grower First ever grow/journal! Mephisto, Dinafem, and Seedsman.

Hey there everybody!!! I'ts Wednesday and you know what that means, I'm a day late!!!
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, i hope i didn't interrupt anyone's schedule:smoking: Anyway,lets get to the good part...the pictures!!:pop::woohoo1:

I will let everyone know that my "White Cheese" will no longer be joining us on this seasons journey:sad:, but i think the others will make up for it!

- White Widow- Seedsman- Week 9 -
Seems to be doing very well besides one or two larger fan leaves dying off, I started feeding "Bloom" nutes on Sunday, and if i'm being honest i think i may have started the Bloom nutes a little later than i should've and i'm not sure how this will effect yield. Any advice/opinions on this would be greatly appreciated so i can get a better idea next season.
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- Ripleys O.G.- Mephisto genetics- week 7 -
Doing quite well, the bud sites seem to be filling in a bit more, but i do believe vertical growth has stopped. I also started Bloom nutes with this one on Sunday. There is one leaf that is getting faded yellow spots, if anyone can tell me anything so i can try to solve the problem before it starts, if there is one.
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Well that's all for today, I hope i come back to see a lot of advice and compliments:smoking::crying:
I wish everyone a great week, and an even greater grow!!:toke::coffee:
On a 9 week auto: first week is just h20. That leaves 8 weeks. 2 for veg nutes, 4 or 5 for flower nutes. How long you give just h20 at the end is up to you, could possibly add the other week there. Last ten days of plain water are a minimum personally. This is not the standard as many automatics simply don't see full potential in 60 days. I always adjust for at least 70 on most, but some here will attest to over 100 days before they are satisfied with maturity.
I agree for sure. I'm running a 300w mars hydro in a 22"x 34" tent, and the footprint isn't quite there, nor is the spectrum. Blurple lights are new to me and seem like awesome lights but I've done a lot of research and those 3500k autocobs seem to be a great investment. I'm gonna get one today after work and when it gets here I'm throwing it in my tent. I'm on Day 27 from seed in this pic, but I want more light for flower. And on top of it all, full spectrumView attachment 766143
I would also recommend trying some coco Mix over soil for the autos. This is my first auto grow as well, and I'm experienced in photos mostly under hids. And for that soil works great.. FFOF is my fav by far, but for autos they grow so fast and go through changes faster than photos, and what I've come to see is that the roots explode through the coco better, only difference is you gotta water more often and add nutes every time. Which isn't a bad thing when you're looking for feeding your plant the most available nutes you can when each week is different

Hey there @stressfree420 sorry for the late reply , that's an awesome grow you've got going there and that SCROG looks great as well. The COBs definitely sound like an upgrade so i'm sure it'll work out great. I do plan on using coco in the future, but i had read that it was for a bit more experienced growers and this is my first ever grow of any type of cannabis so i was a little worried about using the coco. Once i get a couple more under my belt i will definitely be experimenting with the coco coir.
appreciate the advice very much, and again i wish you luck with your auto/scrog/COB grow and i look forward to following it!!! :smoking::pop:

On a 9 week auto: first week is just h20. That leaves 8 weeks. 2 for veg nutes, 4 or 5 for flower nutes. How long you give just h20 at the end is up to you, could possibly add the other week there. Last ten days of plain water are a minimum personally. This is not the standard as many automatics simply don't see full potential in 60 days. I always adjust for at least 70 on most, but some here will attest to over 100 days before they are satisfied with maturity.

Hello and welcome @Micron Creek nice to see you, thank you for the advice, i will try this with my next grow as I am a little past the 9 week mark, i do hope to see how this 9 week schedule works compared to this regular schedule. As for watering, i do plan to feed plain water the last week and a half to two weeks.
A gain thank you for the advice, and may all of your future grows be lush and bountiful!!!:smoking::thumbsup:
Hey there everyone, posting a little late today :baked:

So I've had quite a few 'interesting" things happen over the past week... here's what they are..:wall:
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First off the temp in the tent reached 108!!!!:cuss: and the next day these little guys showed up... Dont worry I went through for about 45 minutes with tweezers and picked them off (i sprayed the nanners w/ water before touching/picking so pollen doesn't spread). This all happened about 2-3 days ago and i've only seen one sack since then and i think it may have just been one i missed before because it seemed quite developed.
Now onto the plants themselves!!!:pop:

- White Widow- Seedsman- Week 10! -
The WW seems to be in decent condition considering the heat, other than the few branches growing sacks and the spots on the leaf (maybe someone can give some input??) it seems to be doing quite well. I'm excited to see the trichs forming near the bud sites!!:woohoo1:
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- Ripleys O.G. - Mephisto genetics - Week 8

I was very worried about this one when the temps spiked but it seems to be doing very well, and i thoroughly this one for any sort of changes but nothing noticeable had happened. I was also excited to see trichs forming on this one too!!
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One thing I do need a little advice with is her water intake, i'm giving her 350 ml of water at the moment and I've gotten a few suggestions to water more, but there seems always be around 1/3 to 1/4 cup of water that ends up falling through the bottom. I even feed half over the course of 3mins, wait a couple minutes for that to soak in, and then the other half very slowly but no matter what it always drips at least 1/4 of the feeding out. I feed mine on top of the blue plastic container so it isn't sitting in the runoff, i have a plastic runoff dish to put under the pot if needed. The WW hasn't done this at all and shes taking 450ml water at the moment, but i know all plants/strains are different, and the WW is also two weeks older so it may take more water.
But if anyone has any advice for this it would be greatly appreciated!!
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Well that's it for tonight folks!!:baked::coffee2: I look forward to hearing more from the community and can't wait to hear everyone's advice/comments!! Have a great week everyone, until next time:toke:

Hey @reworgotuA , pop into Live Stoner chat today if you can, we're having a Solstice party!

I would try watering the rest in about 15 minutes later. If soil/coco is getting dry it takes a while to rehydrate so your few minutes gap between the first and second part may not be enough. Looking good though (apart from the nanners LOL)!
If any of those seeds mature through the rest of your Grow don't save them. They will most likely all be hermies. Be diligent and pluck and eat any male pollen sacs you do see if you see any before your entire Grow gets pollinated. If it's just heat stress that caused them to seed it's most likely not the first time the tent got that hot and maybe consider running exhaust to cut the heat. If heat caused it and you don't see any male parts you should be okay with not having any hermies but stay on the lookout!
Hey @reworgotuA , pop into Live Stoner chat today if you can, we're having a Solstice party!

I would try watering the rest in about 15 minutes later. If soil/coco is getting dry it takes a while to rehydrate so your few minutes gap between the first and second part may not be enough. Looking good though (apart from the nanners LOL)!

Hey there @Eclectic Elle :welcome: Sorry I didn't get a chance to make it to the party, i had posted right before heading out so I didn't get a chance to see your post. As for the watering I will try waiting an extra 10-15 min before feeding the other half, one thing i noticed with the Ripleys is that one side soaks up water very quick and the other has a pool of water that slowly seeps in after about 30-40 seconds. In your opinion do you think I should I start focusing water a little more on the side that drinks water quicker? P.s. The side that drinks slower is the one that usually seems to start dripping out first, if that means anything. Again thank you for the advice and i look forward to hearing from you again!!:smoking::toke:
P.s. I'll stop in for any autumnal equinox celebrations!!

If any of those seeds mature through the rest of your Grow don't save them. They will most likely all be hermies. Be diligent and pluck and eat any male pollen sacs you do see if you see any before your entire Grow gets pollinated. If it's just heat stress that caused them to seed it's most likely not the first time the tent got that hot and maybe consider running exhaust to cut the heat. If heat caused it and you don't see any male parts you should be okay with not having any hermies but stay on the lookout!

I definitely wont be saving the seeds from those lol, I have read to be careful of hermied seed, I am on constant lookout and check every day and night to make sure no more developed:baked:, and i have my sterilized tweezers handy to pluck any that show, as far as eating them i will have to take your word on that:tongue: I just put them on a water drenched paper towel so as not to spread it further. I do hope to be getting a fan/filter combo very soon to help with exhaust, i have also been on the lookout for small portable A/Cs but it seems there is nothing cheaper than $150 which is pretty much the cost of a good fan/filter setup so i think i will stick with the exhaust fans to help with heat.
Thanks again for the advice and I look forward to hearing from you in the future!:smoking::toke:
Hey there @Eclectic Elle :welcome: Sorry I didn't get a chance to make it to the party, i had posted right before heading out so I didn't get a chance to see your post. As for the watering I will try waiting an extra 10-15 min before feeding the other half, one thing i noticed with the Ripleys is that one side soaks up water very quick and the other has a pool of water that slowly seeps in after about 30-40 seconds. In your opinion do you think I should I start focusing water a little more on the side that drinks water quicker? P.s. The side that drinks slower is the one that usually seems to start dripping out first, if that means anything. Again thank you for the advice and i look forward to hearing from you again!!:smoking::toke:
P.s. I'll stop in for any autumnal equinox celebrations!!

I definitely wont be saving the seeds from those lol, I have read to be careful of hermied seed, I am on constant lookout and check every day and night to make sure no more developed:baked:, and i have my sterilized tweezers handy to pluck any that show, as far as eating them i will have to take your word on that:tongue: I just put them on a water drenched paper towel so as not to spread it further. I do hope to be getting a fan/filter combo very soon to help with exhaust, i have also been on the lookout for small portable A/Cs but it seems there is nothing cheaper than $150 which is pretty much the cost of a good fan/filter setup so i think i will stick with the exhaust fans to help with heat.
Thanks again for the advice and I look forward to hearing from you in the future!:smoking::toke:
Hey bud, we're still partying! Pop in if you can. It's fun!

All I can think of with that is that you have more absorbent mix on one side than the other. I'm by no means an expert though!
Hello everyone!!! It's about that time!!:pop:

Last week i attended the Summer Solstice party in the live chat which turned out to be pretty awesome. It was my first time ever in the live chat and there were quite a few giveaways/contests, one of which was a joint rolling contest... that I freaking won!!! Shout out to @Ash-a-Ton for hosting the contest, and also a shout out to everyone else there.
now for the pics!!:baked:

- Ripleys O.G.- Mephisto Genetics- Week 9 -

She is taking in more water now, 450ml every other morning. I feed half the bottle and wait 7-10 minutes to feed the other half.
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Can anyone tell me what this is from, It's only this bad on the two large fans and a small random leaf. I personally assumed it's just natural pruning/aging.
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- White Widow- Seedsman- Week 11!-

She's taking 500ml water every other morning and I plan to slowly increase that over these last few weeks. I also feed half of the water and wait about 10 minutes to feed the other half.
She is starting to develop an amazing smell, the main cola smells lightly of cracked black pepper and berries, but whats even cooler is that all of the surrounding buds are reeking of sweet strawberry jam with a very light pepper smell:drool: which kind of shocked me because it only just happened in the last day or two.
They don't really smell like some dank yet, I have yet to get a carbon filter but i don't even think need one(knock on wood), it doesn't smell like cannabis at all, even directly inside the tent. It smells a lot like strawberries but it's mainly when i touch the buds, otherwise the smell is very weak.
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I would like to know some of your thoughts on pruning, she seems to have a lot of leaves and bud sites being blocked. I know that the leaves are what uses photosynthesis and the bud sites just use up most of the energy. I would probably cut the smaller leaves nearest to the bottom and leave the bigger ones alone. Any thoughts to help clear thing up would be appreciated.

Also, as far as harvesting goes, i was going to wait two, maybe three weeks and harvest both at the same time. I was going to use my tent to dry. Any tips for harvesting, like Wet vs Dry trimming, humidity and airflow, or any others would be appreciated!!
Thank you for stopping in and I hope to hear back from everyone, have an amazing week!!!:cheers::toke:

Hello everyone!!! It's about that time!!:pop:

Last week i attended the Summer Solstice party in the live chat which turned out to be pretty awesome. It was my first time ever in the live chat and there were quite a few giveaways/contests, one of which was a joint rolling contest... that I freaking won!!! Shout out to @Ash-a-Ton for hosting the contest, and also a shout out to everyone else there.
now for the pics!!:baked:

- Ripleys O.G.- Mephisto Genetics- Week 9 -

She is taking in more water now, 450ml every other morning. I feed half the bottle and wait 7-10 minutes to feed the other half.
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Can anyone tell me what this is from, It's only this bad on the two large fans and a small random leaf. I personally assumed it's just natural pruning/aging.
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- White Widow- Seedsman- Week 11!-

She's taking 500ml water every other morning and I plan to slowly increase that over these last few weeks. I also feed half of the water and wait about 10 minutes to feed the other half.
She is starting to develop an amazing smell, the main cola smells lightly of cracked black pepper and berries, but whats even cooler is that all of the surrounding buds are reeking of sweet strawberry jam with a very light pepper smell:drool: which kind of shocked me because it only just happened in the last day or two.
They don't really smell like some dank yet, I have yet to get a carbon filter but i don't even think need one(knock on wood), it doesn't smell like cannabis at all, even directly inside the tent. It smells a lot like strawberries but it's mainly when i touch the buds, otherwise the smell is very weak.
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I would like to know some of your thoughts on pruning, she seems to have a lot of leaves and bud sites being blocked. I know that the leaves are what uses photosynthesis and the bud sites just use up most of the energy. I would probably cut the smaller leaves nearest to the bottom and leave the bigger ones alone. Any thoughts to help clear thing up would be appreciated.

Also, as far as harvesting goes, i was going to wait two, maybe three weeks and harvest both at the same time. I was going to use my tent to dry. Any tips for harvesting, like Wet vs Dry trimming, humidity and airflow, or any others would be appreciated!!
Thank you for stopping in and I hope to hear back from everyone, have an amazing week!!!:cheers::toke:

Missed this thread. Very nice!!!
So whatcha win my brotha. And live stoners is where it's at. Hang more often my man.
Missed this thread. Very nice!!!
So whatcha win my brotha. And live stoners is where it's at. Hang more often my man.

Hey there @Ash-a-Ton thanks for stopping in and taking a look!!:toke::welcome:\
I still haven't gotten any messages regarding the contest or prize yet.
But i will definitely be stopping in the chat later on today.