New Grower First ever grow/journal! Mephisto, Dinafem, and Seedsman.

I wouldn't prune anything off the plant unless the leaves are dieing off, then pull them to prevent any problems. But leaf tucking everyday to constantly expose bud sites would be most beneficial. Unless there is no possible way to leaf tuck and it's blocking a bunch of sites, I'd say snip that sucker off looks great so far though bud keep up the good work!

Hey there, nice to see you again. Thanks for stopping by!!
So far that's been the only "pruning" I've done, just waiting until a leaf is dead enough to just pop right off without any resistance. If it doesn't come off without moving the branch, i'll leave it another day or two until it does. The only other thing are leaf tips that were burning or dying, but the WW hasn't had any problems in a while (KOW) and i just recently trimmed off the burnt parts of the Ripleys fan leaf. I've read that excessive pruning, or even pruning a leaf could stress the plant to much, and well seeing what happened to the WW from heat stress I don't want to risk it.
The WW is so "full" and compact at this point, that it's hard to move things around without hitting/rubbing the buds, which is kind of a no no for me, don't want to destroy those precious trichomes!!:baked:

Thanks again for stopping by, I appreciate the advice and kind words!! May you have a wonderful day!!:smoking::cheers:
I've seen this method in a lot of the research I've done, fortunately i do know what you're talking about. I may try this on one of my plants next time, just to have a little comparison. It would definitely be a bit more convenient in a solo cup for those first few weeks.
Another question if I may?:smoking: I know you use coco so feeding/nute requirements are a bit different than soil but I was wondering what you're thoughts are on "first" feedings. To be a bit more clear how long after the actual seed pops should i wait before adding nutes. I assume two to three weeks but i'm not sure if that's too long, again this is for soil and i would only be adding maybe 2-3 different nutes.
Thank you again, and i appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my noob questions!!:cheers::thanks:
I wish I could help you out on that, but since this is my 1st coco grow, I don't really know very much! I've heard of people pre-charging their coco with nutes, I only used cal/mag+ to pre-charge mine! Also, I started mine in a mixture of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Happy Frog, with an added 1/3 of coco, (a third of each one). So since I didn't start in pure coco/perlite, (60/40 mix), I didn't have to decide when to first feed, ... except waiting for a couple weeks and then feeding according to age and soil medium. The only reason I even started with the coco was convenience and the mind set of "let's see what I can do with coco," since I didn't have anymore holes dug outdoors, nor the soil to fill them. Anywho, that's certainly a good question and one that I realize that I need to know the answer also! :peace: :pimp:
I wish I could help you out on that, but since this is my 1st coco grow, I don't really know very much! I've heard of people pre-charging their coco with nutes, I only used cal/mag+ to pre-charge mine! Also, I started mine in a mixture of Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Happy Frog, with an added 1/3 of coco, (a third of each one). So since I didn't start in pure coco/perlite, (60/40 mix), I didn't have to decide when to first feed, ... except waiting for a couple weeks and then feeding according to age and soil medium. The only reason I even started with the coco was convenience and the mind set of "let's see what I can do with coco," since I didn't have anymore holes dug outdoors, nor the soil to fill them. Anywho, that's certainly a good question and one that I realize that I need to know the answer also! :peace: :pimp:

I'm going to be completely honest, I never even thought you could mix coco and soil:baked:, I thought you kind of had to use it like rockwool and just have it packed in somewhat tight with some "hydroton" on top. It definitely seems like it would be a bit easier to maintain if it's mixed with soil. Well with that in mind I may actually try a coco/soil mix for my next grow, can't hurt.
Thanks for the response, now i have a much better view on coco than I did before. I was mainly worried about maintaining proper nutrient/water levels and having it run right through the pot, but that soil mixed in would hold in the water a bit longer than just coco alone. I've seen a few drip irrigation systems, but i really don't want to have to do that, I just want to stick to basic feeding at the moment.
Again, thank you for the info, i appreciate it. have a wonderful day!!!:cheers::smoking:
I'm going to be completely honest, I never even thought you could mix coco and soil:baked:, I thought you kind of had to use it like rockwool and just have it packed in somewhat tight with some "hydroton" on top. It definitely seems like it would be a bit easier to maintain if it's mixed with soil. Well with that in mind I may actually try a coco/soil mix for my next grow, can't hurt.
Thanks for the response, now i have a much better view on coco than I did before. I was mainly worried about maintaining proper nutrient/water levels and having it run right through the pot, but that soil mixed in would hold in the water a bit longer than just coco alone. I've seen a few drip irrigation systems, but i really don't want to have to do that, I just want to stick to basic feeding at the moment.
Again, thank you for the info, i appreciate it. have a wonderful day!!!:cheers::smoking:
I've been mixing it up like that for my outdoor grows since last year. There's also a few breeders that recommend adding 25% coco to the medium, but I add a 1/3. I think there's still a buffering effect in the soil at that ratio, as I haven't had any problems with ph. It was kind of weird changing from a 6.5 ph when they were in cups to 6.0 after I put the cup in coco/perlite., but they took off with growth like I've never experienced! I have noticed that I have to water/feed more often and I keep a soil moisture meter in one of my pots at all times, (not sure if I leave it their to help me remember, or I'm just too lazy to put it up). Both I guess!:shrug: Anywho, have a great day!:pass:
I've been mixing it up like that for my outdoor grows since last year. There's also a few breeders that recommend adding 25% coco to the medium, but I add a 1/3. I think there's still a buffering effect in the soil at that ratio, as I haven't had any problems with ph. It was kind of weird changing from a 6.5 ph when they were in cups to 6.0 after I put the cup in coco/perlite., but they took off with growth like I've never experienced! I have noticed that I have to water/feed more often and I keep a soil moisture meter in one of my pots at all times, (not sure if I leave it their to help me remember, or I'm just too lazy to put it up). Both I guess!:shrug: Anywho, have a great day!:pass:

Sounds simple enough, i will probably do the 1/3 ratio just to give the roots that extra room. As far as Ph, I haven't really monitored it this grow, but i use crystal geyser which i believe is anywhere between 6-6.5 ph but i also use "Ph perfect" nutes that are supposed to help maintain a stable ph. But i will definitely have to try this on my next grow!!!
Huge thanks for the info!! Stay stoney!!
Hello fellow plant people, it's that time again!!!
I finally got my fan/filter combo, both by Vivosun!!!:woohoo1: I'll post some pics separately. Any way the plants seem to be doing very well, They are both taking 600ml water but i notice yellowed tips on the newer starting growth of the Ripleys so I lowered the amount of nutes just a little.

- Ripley O.G - Mephisto Genetics - Week 11 - Day 72:clapper:
Doing pretty good, like i said I noticed the leaves yellowing at the very tip so I cut down just a little on the nutes. Other than that she is getting plenty of water (600 ml) and i am trying my best to maintain heat below 95 degrees which i know is still a little too high. The humidity seems to be fluctuating a bit as well, the "low" is 25% and the high is 48%. Anyway, here she is!!

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Looking great, how long until y'all think she's ready for harvest?? I would hope no more than 2 weeks maybe, because that's probably when i'm going to pull, maybe sooner.

- White Widow - Seedsman - Week 13- day 85:drool:
She's looking real shiny and delicious:eyebrows:, I think she would even be ready for harvest now, but i'm going to let this one mature an i'll pick em' both at the same time!!:coffee2: She's getting VERY sticky now, I try my best to leave the buds as undisturbed as possible, but it's bound to happen, I rubbed the back of my hand on the bud and noticed the slight shine, when i touched it my finger got glued to my hand!!:drool: Very exciting!!
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Well that's all folks, like i said I'm also going to post a couple pics of the fan/filter below.
As always let me know what you think, if you have any questions or advice they are greatly encouraged!!:smoking:
Heres the fan and filter setup, both by "Vivosun".:eyebrows::headbang:

12" x 4" carbon filter 350 CFM

4" Inline fan w/ variable speed controller- 203 CFM
very quiet.
Looking gr8 growbro! I wait for 30% amber trics myself, but if you don't have a scope than I would wait till the pistils recede. Anywho, looking out-fukin-standing! Have some rep on me. :slap::pass:
Looking gr8 growbro! I wait for 30% amber trics myself, but if you don't have a scope than I would wait till the pistils recede. Anywho, looking out-fukin-standing! Have some rep on me. :slap::pass:

Awesome, thanks for the rep!!!:headbang::cheers: I have a very small handheld i got for $9 on amazon, I haven't tried that yet, i'll be checking on my WW soon now. But if that doesn't work i'll just wait for those trichs to shrivel a bit more. Thanks for the advice and kind words!! I'm already excited and thinking about my next grow!!:baked::thanks:
Welcome my fellow shrub smokers:toke: It's update time!!

everything is going well so far, I started the water only "flush" but i'm not going to be flushing water through the bottom of the pot just a water only diet for these last few days. I am now watering everyday but with 350ml of water instead of the 600ml every other day.
I am a little worried about "over-maturing" my WW because she honestly looks perfect for harvest right now, but I have nowhere to dry besides my tent at the moment so I was going to harvest both at the same time. I have seen a few people advise against drying in the flower room because i was planning on using the "hang dry" method and not the paper bag method. So I would appreciate to hear your opinions on how bad it would be to over flower, I would be picking them by the 25th (Tuesday) latest so I hope it wouldn't be that bad.
I also read/heard that you should stop watering about 2 days before harvest which will help with drying while also increasing resin production, so I plan on doing that.
Anyway, here they are!!!:pop:

- Ripleys O.G. - Mephisto Genetics - Week 12:drool:
She is starting to bulk up a lot now and possibly even starting to foxtail!! I wanted to pull her a little on the "early" side for a more uplifting effect, the WW is for that couchlock!!
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Looking great!!

- White Widow - Seedsman seeds- Week 14:yoinks:
Shes looking real ripe now, like I said I am worried about over flowering and either degrading potency or possibly even seed formation!!:nono: So I would really like to hear your thoughts on this and what might happen, if you think i risk hermies then let me know please. I'd rather have to dry in the paper bags than risk hermies.
I also tried checking under a microscope but that was quite a task, but i did notice a good amount of amber trichs but i wouldnt quite say 30% yet so I may be safe.
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I also trimmed off a few of the dying fan leaves, big and small.

Well thats it for the update, I had a small heatspike for about an hour the other day and it rose up to 102 degrees with the fans going...fml:frowny: But only the ripleys showed any sort of heat stress.
I look forward to hearing back from everyone, Have a great week!!!
