New Grower First ever grow/journal! Mephisto, Dinafem, and Seedsman.

Hey there fellow Autogrowers, how's everyone doing today?!?! I didn't get to many visitors last week so I hope to hear from a few more of my fellow growers:cheers:

I know it's a day earlier than my usual update, but i'm not sure if i'll be able to post an update tomorrow seeing as I will be participating in the Independence day festivities!!
But here is a little update on the girls!!

- Ripleys O.G. - Mephisto Genetics - Week 10
She seems to be plumping a little now, but one thing I am worried about are these two older fan leaves that are burning, I will probably cut back a little on nutes because I think it is nute burn. If anyone has any other suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!! She is getting a nice strong citrus smell, it reminds me of a very "sharp" lemon-lime scent, but it only comes out when the buds are disturbed.
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One thing that is somewhat concerning is how "loose" the plant is in the soil. It wobbles a lot even at the slightest movement, and picking it up is even getting a little worrying to me just because of how much it wobbles around. I'm thinking about "anchoring" it like i would a plant i'm going to LST.

- White Widow- Seedsman - week 12!!:yoinks:
She's going strong, hasn't had any sort of problems as of lately (KOW) and is developing nicely. I looked at the trichs under my handheld microscope (sorry, couldn't get clear pics) and they seem to be getting slightly milky, but i plan on having this one be a couch-lock plant so i will leave it for a few more weeks. I am also hoping that it plumps up a bit more because the main cola just doesn't seem to be as fat as I was expecting, I am giving her a little extra nitrogen with "Botanicare- Cal-mag", .5ml to be exact. I am not very well educated on the effects of certain fertilizers/nutrients on plants, but from what i understand, the nitrogen helps the leaves get a bit more "lush" so i figured if the leaves are healthier, they may produce and store a bit more energy for those buds to plump up!!
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Well everybody, that's it for the update this week. I hope to hear back from a lot of my fellow members:cheers:
and if you're celebrating the 4th remember to be safe and have fun...and stay medicated!!:headbang::thumbsup::baked::toke:

you got lots o frosty buds.
1st grows can be daunting,your doing great.

Hello again @archie gemmill glad to see you stopped by!! :welcome: I appreciate the kind words and encouragement!! Hoping to get em' even frostier :woohoo1:

Thanks again!! Enjoy your cuppa tea!!:cheers:
Sorry I lost track of this thread, sometimes my notifications get messed up! Anywho, besides the balls your first grow is going great. As far as even water distribution, it's a good idea to keep the medium from getting hard and crusty, (I think it's called soil friction). I use SM-90 whenever I water, but some use a couple drops of Dawn dish soap, (just make sure it's NOT the non-grease type). It might be too late to make much difference this grow, but for future reference. Also, since your 1st grow is going so well I thought I'd lay a little rep on you! :slap:

BTW, I was hesitant about coco too for the same reason, I wanted to wait till I had a few grows under my belt. I wish I hadn't waited! :coco:Now I'm coo coo for coco! :coco:
Hello again @Need4Weed Nice to see you again. I was a little worried about that crust forming a little earlier in the grow, but i wasn't to sure of the negative effects so i kind of left it alone. I am a little wary of non nutrient additives, but then again this is my first grow so i'm not very familiar with to many additives. I had read about natural aloe products/additives that have the same "water absorbent" effect, but i hadn't looked to much into it. But I do see the SM-90 has a few more benefits than just water absorption so i will look into it.
Huge thanks for the rep slap!!! Much apprecaited! :thumbsup::cheers:
Depending on how my next grow goes I may look into using coco, but I want to do at least one more soil grow before i start messing with coir.
Thank you for the advice, and nice to see you again, I hope to see you for some future updates!!
Have a happy and stoney (and safe) 4th!! :thanks::toke:
I've been growing for a couple years now and have never had plants do so well! My coco girls started their lives in 16 oz cups, and were stunted around day 9 from feeding too early. I had other plants at different ages and got lazy. They were also left in the cup too long and were already starting to pre-flower before I transplanted them in coco approximately 2 weeks ago. Here's a pic from Friday.

Anywho, hope your having a great 4th of July!
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I've been growing for a couple years now and have never had plants do so well! My coco girls started their lives in 16 oz cups, and were stunted around day 9 from feeding too early. I had other plants at different ages and got lazy. They were also left in the cup too long and were already starting to pre-flower before I transplanted them in coco approximately 2 weeks ago. Here's a pic from Friday.
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Anywho, hope your having a great 4th of July!

Wow, they are looking amazing!! That one on the left is really taking off. Coco definitely seems like a great grow medium and i will definitely have to try it. How did the transplanting go? I've seen a lot of people who advise against transplanting autos, but I've also seen people who say that it is fine IF you know how to do it properly.

Wow, they are looking amazing!! That one on the left is really taking off. Coco definitely seems like a great grow medium and i will definitely have to try it. How did the transplanting go? I've seen a lot of people who advise against transplanting autos, but I've also seen people who say that it is fine IF you know how to do it properly.

Tier style is the only way I would ever transplant autos. What I do is take 2 Dixie cups and cut drainage holes in one and completely cut out the bottom of the other. You then place the cup with no bottom into the one you cut drainage holes, fill with soil and your ready too go. When it's transplant time, take the inner cup out of the outer cup and plant cup and all into your next medium. This way the roots are not disturbed nearly as much as if you removed the inner cup completely! I hope my explanation makes sense! :peace:
Hello everyone!!! It's about that time!!:pop:

Last week i attended the Summer Solstice party in the live chat which turned out to be pretty awesome. It was my first time ever in the live chat and there were quite a few giveaways/contests, one of which was a joint rolling contest... that I freaking won!!! Shout out to @Ash-a-Ton for hosting the contest, and also a shout out to everyone else there.
now for the pics!!:baked:

- Ripleys O.G.- Mephisto Genetics- Week 9 -

She is taking in more water now, 450ml every other morning. I feed half the bottle and wait 7-10 minutes to feed the other half.
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Can anyone tell me what this is from, It's only this bad on the two large fans and a small random leaf. I personally assumed it's just natural pruning/aging.
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- White Widow- Seedsman- Week 11!-

She's taking 500ml water every other morning and I plan to slowly increase that over these last few weeks. I also feed half of the water and wait about 10 minutes to feed the other half.
She is starting to develop an amazing smell, the main cola smells lightly of cracked black pepper and berries, but whats even cooler is that all of the surrounding buds are reeking of sweet strawberry jam with a very light pepper smell:drool: which kind of shocked me because it only just happened in the last day or two.
They don't really smell like some dank yet, I have yet to get a carbon filter but i don't even think need one(knock on wood), it doesn't smell like cannabis at all, even directly inside the tent. It smells a lot like strawberries but it's mainly when i touch the buds, otherwise the smell is very weak.
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I would like to know some of your thoughts on pruning, she seems to have a lot of leaves and bud sites being blocked. I know that the leaves are what uses photosynthesis and the bud sites just use up most of the energy. I would probably cut the smaller leaves nearest to the bottom and leave the bigger ones alone. Any thoughts to help clear thing up would be appreciated.

Also, as far as harvesting goes, i was going to wait two, maybe three weeks and harvest both at the same time. I was going to use my tent to dry. Any tips for harvesting, like Wet vs Dry trimming, humidity and airflow, or any others would be appreciated!!
Thank you for stopping in and I hope to hear back from everyone, have an amazing week!!!:cheers::toke:

I wouldn't prune anything off the plant unless the leaves are dieing off, then pull them to prevent any problems. But leaf tucking everyday to constantly expose bud sites would be most beneficial. Unless there is no possible way to leaf tuck and it's blocking a bunch of sites, I'd say snip that sucker off looks great so far though bud keep up the good work!
Tier style is the only way I would ever transplant autos. What I do is take 2 Dixie cups and cut drainage holes in one and completely cut out the bottom of the other. You then place the cup with no bottom into the one you cut drainage holes, fill with soil and your ready too go. When it's transplant time, take the inner cup out of the outer cup and plant cup and all into your next medium. This way the roots are not disturbed nearly as much as if you removed the inner cup completely! I hope my explanation makes sense! :peace:

I've seen this method in a lot of the research I've done, fortunately i do know what you're talking about. I may try this on one of my plants next time, just to have a little comparison. It would definitely be a bit more convenient in a solo cup for those first few weeks.
Another question if I may?:smoking: I know you use coco so feeding/nute requirements are a bit different than soil but I was wondering what you're thoughts are on "first" feedings. To be a bit more clear how long after the actual seed pops should i wait before adding nutes. I assume two to three weeks but i'm not sure if that's too long, again this is for soil and i would only be adding maybe 2-3 different nutes.
Thank you again, and i appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my noob questions!!:cheers::thanks: