Indoor FastBuds Unreleased L.A by Padawan1972

quick update...shes showing her girly parts.

I defoliated a few leaves, was getting crowded and bunched up.

Increased Megacrop 1.5g/gal ,sweetcandy staying the same.

A little bending and twisting.

Going to bump up feed quite a bit next feeding, She not minding the twisting and pulling. Notice a neat little "anomaly" on one of the lower branches, Bifurcation and extra nodes. Its that time of year where keeping tent regulated becomes a game of wits with mother nature, RH is going to be biggest challenge.

Oh...this is basically a daily thing until the branches get here Iam again. Some leaf tucking and moving to get light to nodes
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your doing an awesome job!! Nice to work with a plant that is such a quick grower, right? What day yours is at now? remember what I told ya this will be super fast up til approx day 38-39 and then vertical growth will halt fairly quick, like instantly... So I'm only pointing that out so you know exactly how many days you have to work with her...After day 39-40 nothing in way of vertical growth and bud production starts...I didn't quite have that luxury of knowing how many days I had to work with this one, but that is parts I keep track of closely: how long till 1st set & 2nd set, how many days till she shows sex, day she stops vertical growth, everything like that...:headbang::thumbsup::smokeout::pass: