I have the feeling they are late bloomers but they are going to grow up to be monsters
For 110watt of light they are pretty big IMO, but i dont think they will grow much more as they have to little light and they are soon to long into flower. But i will add 100watts lights extra today once i get home, just got them delivered.
Just make sure you water around the whole pot and get at least a little run off. This helps to get some of the extra salt build up out of the root zone which can cause lockout. I'm learing the true meaning behind this idea right now.
I try to do that, i get run off every watering, but i believe the spots came from wgen the soil got to dry. It hasnt appeared any more since then. Thank you for your advice

Well...I make it myself. And no, not on my throne
I used the recipe from MegaCrop 2-part and inputted it into HydroBuddy. Long story short...For 2021 I've spent about 20€ on nutrients.
If you're interested I've made a Pdf explaining how it works, but you can get the weights for each base nutrient out of it as well and forego the calculation...
Well, this seems very interesting to me to be honest. Im not there yet, but making my own nutrients mix would feel awesome as that would save me alot of money over the years im planning to grow. I have more to learn about growing, but im eager to learn more about this, i want to know everything that has to do with cannabis and plants overall.
Really, thanks for sharing