Indoor Fanboy Grow #2

Still tucking and spreading :smoking:
Day #49

Not a lot to report really but everything still seems to be coming along well. Have one leaf that looked funny (lighter color) towards the top of the WMN but doesn’t appear to be anywhere else so not sure yet on it.
Here’s a shot of how it looks from the tent cam.

Mixed up 2 gal of gold leaf @10ml/gal added 4ml cal-mag .
Fed/watered .75 gal each over a 2 hour period slowly
New tent supposed to be here Thursday so hopefully I will get the time to get it set up and move them into the bigger tent. I’m hoping this will not only give me more room to grow but also more room to work on the plants all the way around them. Stay tuned for the new setup
Thanks for coming along on this journey !!
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Looking great!
What sort of ppm/ec strength does the 10ml/gal run on the goldleaf?
Looking great!
What sort of ppm/ec strength does the 10ml/gal run on the goldleaf?
I’m wanting to say the PPM was 1270 after mixing. I didn’t write it down this time lol. I do remember I had to dilute it down with RO water for the younger plants though. I scrolled back through my phone notes and last feed I wrote down PPM1300. According to their website you should ignore these readings but I know I always check them because I’m using the same mixture for multiple gold leaf plants and just diluting with RO if needed. Once those are done I’ll add the amount that was lacking for the older plants and then feed those.


I’ve got that one DWC bucket going and it pretty much made me start verifying everything.
Not checking ppm in a solo cup and a 24oz can grow got me in trouble and I’m still struggling to keep them healthy. I think I’m done with small container grows for awhile:dizzy:
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Day #53
Hello from the frozen/flooded/muddy Virginia mountains :toke: … we’ve had all seasons in the last few days lol.

Been busier than a 3 legged dog on a frozen lake, trying to cover his business:baked:

Spent the entire day yesterday tearing apart my grow room

moving the girls into one of our bathrooms, making a new exhaust configuration and setting up the new 4x8 tent !! Then had to haul everything back in. It’s still not where I want it 100% but it’s coming along nicely.


Due to the yellowing of the higher leaves and now some lower ones on the WMN I went a different route for “water only”.
Mixed up:
1gallon rain water
1oz Yucca Extract
1/2tsp Bioag Cytoplus
1/8tsp Great White
Set PH to 6.6
PPM was 0130- This was my first experience with yucca and Bioag product so may be normally “low” ?
BBC and WMN received a 1/2 gallon each slowly.

I haven’t finished setting up the light height exactly and still need to tidy up all the wires and ropes but there’s much more room to move around in there. I actually need a step stool to put stuff on top of the tent :yoinks:

Thanks for hanging with me on this amazing journey !!
Howdy y’all :toke: @jean-Os update Day #61
Girls are doing good, for the most part. I’m still having trouble with the yellowing of the leaves on the WMN and haven’t dialed it in yet. I’m close to just brewing a SST with some worm castings and laying it on her :smoking::stir:
So far I’ve tried the Bioag, using yucca at waterings, Cal-mag and molasses .
All the plants now have a riser installed in the catch pan.
Still playing with the new tent setup and it’s slowly coming along. I definitely have much more room to move around in there and tend to the plants but need to optimize the space under the 4800 better for The big plants. I need some sort of table on one end of the tent probably.
BBC still seems to be going strong. Stacking some buds it appears.

WMN still the winner for size

Various close ups



Howdy y’all :toke:
Day #66
Both of the JeanO’s are really doing good.
the WMN seems to be slowing down on the yellowing some. I’ve about given up trying to figure it out:baked: and just gonna keep on rolling lol.
Here’s some good shots of them both from this afternoon.
BBC so far is my favorite. It’s not as tall as the WMN but it has been pretty much “dummy proof” for me to grow. I’d really love to try one of these in a DWC bucket soon.

WMN is top heavy and much taller. I had bent it over with the net when it was in the little tent and she’s spread out nicely

WMN again

Was changing my DWC reservoir this afternoon and temporarily stuck that one in with the 2 @jean-O’s.
Kinda neat to compare them size by side. That things gonna be a beast but it’s a photo/fem I flipped last Saturday. Taking her sweet time flowering for me too.

Anyways still having a ton of fun in the grow room and trying some other experiments to keep me occupied during those long days at home alone:stir::smoking:
I may need to create some other grow journals to document some of those experiments when I can.
Thanks for hanging with me on this wonderful journey of learning and fun.
Saturday 3/19/22 Day #74
Howdy y’all ! Weathers starting to turn for the better and I’m itching to get outside for the summer. Hope everyone is having a fantastic time in their gardens :toke:
My Two @jean-O’s are still hanging in there:jointman:
Today was feed day: :stir:
1gal RO water
Gold leaf 6ml
5ml Cal-Mag
1oz Yucca
They each got 2qts of the mixture slowly.
Don’t think it’s going to be too much longer and these girls will be hanging.
Here’s some random photos, tried to get some close up shots that will show some detail in a few of these




Thanks for hanging with me in the garden !!
I know for sure I will be trying these again in the future but the next time it will be in a DWC bucket.
Very nice looking plants, great pictures too.
Very nice looking plants, great pictures too.
Thank you !! The yellowing is driving me bonkers :baked:
I’m getting close to harvest, I’m thinking 10-20 days at most still and I’m just gonna keep rolling with it lol.
The WMN is really sticky and heavy, some of the colas are actually laying over on top of the BBC.
I’ll have to come up with a scrog support system for at least one half of this new tent soon.
The BBC just keeps getting thicker every day.
I’m definitely going to be concentrating more on DWC grows for my indoor grows this fall.
From the looks of it these two JeanO’s are going to produce a large amount, at least for me.
I’ll end up giving the majority of it away.
Howdy Everyone,
Weekly update Day #82
Been a busy week in the Garden.
The @jean-O’s have been doing amazing and both are getting close to harvest.

Some thoughts before I get to the good stuff
The WMN has really exceeded my expectations on how tall an Auto can get in a tent. It has the most amazing smells and the colas are very heavy and filling out nicely. Sweet almost peppery and every now and then I’ll get a hint of oranges ,maybe ?
That being said, the BBC has to be my favorite of the two JeanO’s I have growing. Sure, she’s a little smaller but she’s thick as oatmeal…… us country boys like them thick girls LOL :crying:
There’s a very strong Grape-like aroma and she’s sticky as all get out. The main cola is 8” long and 3.5” thick at the base. After trimming earlier in the week I kept thinking I had grape jelly on my hands lol. Took forever to get it off with alcohol.
There are numerous other colas from top to bottom that are healthy and thick.

It’s going to be close but I think the BBC will outperform the WMN on final weight also.

I can say for certain that I will be growing more of both of them and can’t wait until fall to try out some in a DWC bucket setup.

Earlier in the week I decided to trim up all of my flowering plants and gave some extra care to these two but you can’t really tell I did anything today. I still have a little tip burn but otherwise whatever I have been doing has seemed to fix the yellowing issue and the majority of the plantsnow green again.
Technical stuff:

I’m pretty much watering daily now, maybe a qt each in the morning and another at night. I try not to go over 2qts a day each (10% of soil volume).

I also use a couple different soil probes and have noticed as long as I keep the aluminum probes clean with a brillo pad they make excellent contact with the soil and I get fairly consistent readings that way. I do try to lift them and even moved them outside the tent into the room for some photos and trimming earlier in the week.
On Wednesday of this last week I gave them each 1qt of Epsom water mixture .
This was something I had never tried before but after reading about it several times, I wanted to try this on all my plants. They appear to be on the mend now

They were both fed yesterday afternoon
8ml/gal Gold Leaf. Both received 1.75qts each
Tried to get some halfway decent photos to share throughout the week and some measurements so everyone can see where they are at. Even tried to grab some closeups but I gotta come up with a better way to get magnified photos lol.

So here’s some random from this last week.

Right at 20”


earlier in the week


Main cola on BBC

WMN. I think if I had straightened the top I could have gained another inch lol.

A few moments ago in the tent.


I’m going to be emptying my garage of all of our toys that are stored in there through the winter, taking them to the lake place and I’ll be setting up one of my other tents in there for drying soon.

I hope to have the climate stabilized in there by the time these two girls are ready for harvest.

Thanks for hanging with me on this journey , I hope everyone is having a wonderful time in the garden this week and if you haven’t tried JeanO’s yet, I highly recommend growing a couple for yourself.
See y’all next weekend
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