Indoor Fanboy Grow #2

Kind of looks like a slight nuit burn at the tips. You might want to hols off upping her feed. What numbers ate you getting with your lux meter.
Kind of looks like a slight nuit burn at the tips. You might want to hols off upping her feed. What numbers ate you getting with your lux meter.
Right now I have
BBC 26,100 Lux- 14” from light.
WMN 28,600 Lux- 13” from light
Light still 50% power
This happened to me. You can let them go but there can be some problems. I couldn’t find a seed I had planted so I planted another. New seed Came up in three days, and days later the original popped. You can just simply pluck one out. Their roots shouldn’t be tied together or anything as they just have a tap root for now
I still can’t believe I lost that seed like that :wall:
thankfully they came apart pretty easy if I remember correctly.
Right now I have
BBC 26,100 Lux- 14” from light.
WMN 28,600 Lux- 13” from light
Light still 50% power

In my space I was running at 32,100 Lux = PAR 575. After seeing that I bumped it up to Lux 47,500 = 865 PAR.

If it were me, I would leave the lights and dial back the nuites a tiny bit.
In my space I was running at 32,100 Lux = PAR 575. After seeing that I bumped it up to Lux 47,500 = 865 PAR.

If it were me, I would leave the lights and dial back the nuites a tiny bit.
Good idea. I’ll give that a try with just PH’d water for a day or two and see how they look Monday. I’ve got RO water available also if I wanna really clean em out :)
Lux actually seems a little low if you use your PAR comparisons and using the one Lux scale I have from Royal Queen below, it really is pretty low right now. I haven’t made any changes other than maintenance watering right after those two photos this morning @ 1qt each. One of these days I might just buy me one of those fancy light meters lol.
Thank you :)
  • seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux
  • Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux
  • Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux
  • Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux
  • seedlings: 5,000–7,000 lux
  • Vegetative growth: 15,000–50,000 lux
  • Flowering: 45,000–65,000 lux
  • Maximum recommended amount of light: 75,000 lux
I have a LUX meter rhat I first bought and I recently bought a Quantum PAR which is known to be a little low. But both were real time readings.
Day #35 if my math adds up :biggrin:
I can’t tell if the issue I was worried about is getting better or not yet but I can say it hasn’t gotten any worse. They really look healthy and are growing fast !!
I was surprised when I stuck a yard stick up against them this morning. I did move one of the humidifiers inside the tent to bring those numbers up some.
The WMN has surpassed the BBC in growth !
Just been misting the surface of the straw and will give them a good dose of water tomorrow


I’m going to have to move my light up some if this keeps up :drool: I received my new camera mounts for this tent and will have to do some rearranging anyways to get a good view of them all at the same time.

Still having all sorts of fun with this.
On a side note my solo cup has been droopy for a few days, at least. Going to have to figure that out before it’s a goner lol.
Thanks for hanging with me on this journey of learning and exploration, as always.
Been playing around with the time lapse function of my cameras but files are too large to upload here. I’ll have to play around with the settings some more.
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Day #37 Update from the Mountains
I got some bad news for @Jean-O , the Olympic committee called and What’s My Name has been officially banned from any future canna grow competitions for life. :biggrin:
I don’t even know what to say about the growth this girl has been showing lol. I’m sure some of y’all have grown autos that are “tall” but this is my first time actually experiencing this. I’ve been wanting to “do something” with the two Jean-O’s to increase yield but I’m sorta afraid to mess with them now and ruin my good luck lol.
I’ll just keep moving the light up till I run out of room:woohoo:

Soil temps 66f in these bags but since they are doing so well I’m not gonna try and lift them any higher off the ground LOL.
I was given some collapsible-locking, milk crates last week that work very well for getting them off the ground and the soil temperature has been closer to the tent temperature on the ones that are on those now.

The BBC is just hanging out and looking pretty :)
I’m contemplating trading my 3x3 tent for a 4x6 tent but I kind of enjoy having the separate tents now.
I did end up purchasing another Marshydro light (FC-E3000) for one of my other tents, since I am really impressed with the FC-E4800 in this one.
I should be setting it up sometime today and rearranging my plants again LOL !!
I’m going to be trying out some tall 3 gallon grow bags soon, to see how they will do for me. I’ve got 5 and 7 gallon going now. Will be fun to see what they can do and compare results.
Already starting plans for an outdoor greenhouse and growing a couple outside this year
As you can see I’m having way too much fun and I “Got it Bad” now.
Thanks for hanging with me, as always !
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Update time from the Mountains of Virginia !
Has it been 43 days already ?? Phew !
Brothers and sisters, these JeanO’s are like my grand babies. They won’t stop growing !!
I slapped a net across them last week to try and bend over WMN.
As stated in my last update haven’t seen this yet and I probably shoulda spread the net sooner LOL.
Either way they are both looking great and healthy. They have been on the 6ml/gallon level of Gold Leaf on feed days and water only days they are getting the minimum 2ml/gal. Just in case anyone wasn’t aware of that, it’s in their FAQs section.
“TIP: When in main Veg or Flowering, add the minimum dosage of Gold Leaf (2mL/Gal) on water only days. This will instantly dechlorinate and pH your water without feeding your plants too much.”

That being said I can tell you “for sure and for certain” that this is too much food for small container plants LOL. But it appears to be perfect, so far for these two JeanO’s in 5gal grow bags.
These are my first JeanO’s so I can’t say this is normal or it’s the Gold Leaf but it seems to be a great combination I will be doing more “research” on, in the future :headbang:
Now to the good stuff lol
Random photos from the last several days


BBC starting to catch up too

They appear to be fully “asleep” around 1:15am and start the waking up ritual around 2:00am.

T6 Data for the month. The crazy spots are most likely me opening the tent to play around LOL

As I mentioned in my G&S post, I have an ACI 4x8 CloudLab 894 on the way. Can’t wait to get it setup and spread them out in the big tent.
Thanks for hanging with me on this crazy journey of fun and growth !
Looking very nice in there! I've only had a chance to run one Jean-O seed so far and it was a right banger. Not surprised to see them thriving for you.