Indoor Fanboy Grow #2

Day #19
Girls seem to be doing very well. Not too much to report other than what appears to be good solid growth :biggrin:
Today was a feed day
Gold Leaf liquid nutrients/RO water
PH 6.1

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I have noticed something during lights out which is pretty neat.
It seems the plants “go to sleep” during lights out and they lay their leaves down and just barely move with the cycling of the exhaust system through the night.
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When the lights come back on in the morning they shoot right up LOL. They almost appear to be breathing :smokeit:
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I find myself mesmerized fast-scrolling through the overnight video playback feature of the camera lol.
Absolutely nothing showing from the other two seeds I dropped, I’m beginning to think those two right grow bags are cursed :coffee2:

Anyways thanks for hanging with me.
How long have you waited for the seeds to sprout in the cursed grow bags, having the same trouble in one of my posts, it's been 9 days now? :shrug:
How long have you waited for the seeds to sprout in the cursed grow bags, having the same trouble in one of my posts, it's been 9 days now? :shrug:
I dropped them in the dirt January 16th around 11pm. They had soaked for 8 hours or so if my calculations are adding up. If these two don’t come up, which it doesn’t appear they will after realizing how long it’s been. I will dump both grow bags in my compost pile and start over with a new soil mixture. Hopefully yours will show up soon also. I’m away from home today but can watch them on the cameras anyways. Can’t see in the cups though.
Thanks @Pigskin Fanboy , hopefully yours sprout soon too.
When I got home last night I started digging around. No sign of any seed whatsoever lol. Have no idea what going on with those bags but I’m gonna dump them in my compost pile and get ready for something else. I may go back to starting them in solo cups for awhile, see how that does.
Ive been trying to avoid stressing during a transplant but I may just cut the bottom off one solo cup and then slice it in half vertically and set it inside another one. Start the seed and then when it comes time to transplant it will be a smooth operation.
Nice progress on the ones you have going. I've been running a modified Ronin for germination. I think it's easier to start them in a peat pellet or root riot and then transplant the plug to the final pot.
Day #23 not much to update really, I’ve been away from home every day this week which helps keep me from “messing” with the plants too much during the day when I get bored :thumbsup:
Thinking back on this learning experience that’s probably where I always start to run into trouble lol. I need to learn to let them grow :) and keep my paws off of them for a couple days at a time.
I am able to watch everything remotely and I feel like it’s going well. When I get home in the evenings I am filling the humidifier(s) and just making sure I don’t see anything that looks off. Been paying more attention to my new hydro bucket setup to make sure I keep the PH down every couple days.
As long as I leave the tent closed the RH seems to stay around 54%, temperature around 77f
I did add some pole mount solo cup holders that come in handy. Got one camera mount and one “table” also but shoulda just ordered another camera mount since the table needs to be metal to keep a Wyze camera (magnetic base) in place. I’ll be ordering one for this tent today now.
I’ll probably remove the two “Cursed” 5 gallon grow bags on the right when I get home this evening.
It looks like I need to make a decision on any type of training for these two Jean-O’s strains quick, they are really doing well it seems and afraid to mess up my Mojo lol. I could start scrogging I guess! I definitely welcome any training, trimming, LST advice y'all might have.

Thanks for hanging out with me on this journey
Day #28
Been a busy 5 days since the last update !
Had son#2 dump the “cursed” grow bags in my compost pile. He is my “back saver” with lots of muscles to handle the heavy work lol
Cleaned and reorganized the tent and eventually there will just be the two JeanO’s strains in this one.

I fed and watered heavy Saturday at around 3 pm with full strength Gold Leaf . I used a mixture of top and bottom feeding. I hit them from both ends to get an idea how dry the bottom was after top watering. I had been intentionally refraining from a really heavy watering by just slightly misting the mulch surface on the “water-only” days. They sucked it right up lol. I used 1 gallon between the two plants.
Right after feeding


Sunday around 8/9ish I opened the tent and was completely blown away with the amount of obvious growth since watering them the day before :drool:
Sunday Morning blowout


I don’t know if I just hit the stretch stage or they really needed some love but it’s been a wonderful journey watching these two grow. I had luckily stuck a ruler up against the BBC the day before feeding and had something to compare it too. It was right around 3” vertical growth in only a couple days.


After talking about how happy I am with the growth me and a friend decided it was time for a haircut
So we trimmed back all the huge fan leaves


They don’t seem to have been affected by it at all and right around 3am they started their waking up regiment and by the time the lights popped back on they were staring at the heavens again

It’s just incredible to watch how they react throughout a 24 hour period of 18/6. It’s almost like they know when the light is about to go out and prepare for sleep and then they start waking up at the same time in the early morning. As the tent exhaust kicks on and off throughout the night they appear to be breathing, in-Synch with the sides of the tent moving. I’m sure there’s a scientific explanation and probably has to do with the pressure variance in the tent between fan off and on but it’s slick to watch on a time-lapse replay.
A couple more overhead shots before trim, just because ;)

Anyways having lots of fun, still mesmerized by the plants and couldn’t be happier with the way this 2nd journey is going.
Hope everyone is doing well and having as much fun as I am ! Thanks for hanging with me and the plants throughout this journey !
Day #31 , 1 full month update !! The two Jean-O’s appear to have recovered from the haircut. They have been filling back in the last few days. I added a few freebie training clips I received with my solo cup and camera holder orders to the BBC, just to try them out

Overhead shot

Really looking good, although I think I may have a bleaching issue with the tips I need some advice on. It’s possible my light is starting to give them too much light since they are getting taller :)



Let me know what y’all think of the tip issue but as a precaution I’ll move my light to 30” from the canopy and recheck Lux level today, just in case
Up to this point I have only fed Gold Leaf nutrients and hoping the tip bleaching issue is from the lights and not a nutrient problem as I had hoped to go from seed to harvest with just Gold Leaf as an experiment :)
So far I’ve been using the dosing schedule 4ml/gal on feed days and their recommended “maintenance” dosage 2ml/gal (can only be found in their FAQ’s section of their website), on water-only days for dechlorination and PH.
Our weather has been going crazy from 5f-60f lol. I’m having to make minor adjustments daily to the room AC unit before lights out and after lights on.
Humidity has been on the higher side but controllable.
Will be starting the next feed level dosing of 6ml/gal Sunday due to the flowers popping up
Thanks a bunch for hanging with me on this journy
For anyone that was wondering about the wayward child
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It has now been located :)
The one closest to the camera is the one from this morning and the BBC. The other is the WMN I “lost”.
Now I gotta figure out how & when to separate them !!!
The cover crops are starting to turn green.
This happened to me. You can let them go but there can be some problems. I couldn’t find a seed I had planted so I planted another. New seed Came up in three days, and days later the original popped. You can just simply pluck one out. Their roots shouldn’t be tied together or anything as they just have a tap root for now