Howdy y’all
Week 11 from sprout, Day #81
Went ahead and got scope shots of all 3 of my JeanO’s girls.
Looks like Root Beer Float will need to be harvested probably this evening or tomorrow, depending on my schedule.
The two Grape Cheese may have another week or so. From looking at JeanO’s site that falls right in the range of what he expects out of both of them.
Root Beer Float
This is my first grow of JeanO’s RBF, it has been a strong grower from the start. It’s really a low-maintenance plant and I’ll definitely give these another try with some different techniques.
The bud spacing is spread out more than the two GC plants, more like a golf ball size or bigger (2-3”) , but there’s a lot of them. The buds are very solid.
Overall it will give a nice yield, I’ll update both wet and dry later.
The smell is just an amazing mix of Lemon/citrus. The leaves are fading into a dark purple color and I’m sure it’ll cure up nice and dark. It was topped so only has 2 main colas, it most likely would produce more with a FIM process and LST.
Started with a water soak and placed into solo cup. Transplanted with great white on day #14 and topped on day #17.
Grown in a 5gal GroBucket system, with a mixture of Happy Frog and Organic Pro-Mix (yellow bag). Added some calcium sand to the mixture
She was fed Gold Leaf nutrients throughout the grow and of course supplemented as outlined in this journal at various times .
She’s right at 40” from the top of the soil. Main stalk size was 1 1/4” across.
Grape Cheese #1
This is my first grape cheese run also and like all the other JeanO’s I have grown, they exceeded my expectations and will definitely be on my list of favorites to grow again.
She was started with a water soak and placed in a solo cup. Transplanted on day #14 with great white and topped on day #17. She was grown in a 5gal fabric bag and almost entirely watered/fed from the bottom pan.
She’s 36” exactly from the soil and the colas are 1-2” across and 8-12” long. Had 2 main colas and would produce more if FIM process was used, as you’ll see on her sister below.
She was fed Gold Leaf Nutrients and supplemented as noted in this journal above at various times.
She has a strong/sweet grape smell and is very sticky and resinous.
This one didn’t grow a very thick stalk and as noted in the journal somehow the root system didn’t develop very deep, as she started to lean on me as it became top heavy. The main stalk is right at 5/8” across. As you will be able to see in GC#2 this wasn’t a normal occurrence and I’m sure it was something I did/didn’t do that caused this. Probably another 7-10 days on this one. Will update wet/dry weights upon harvest/cure.
Overall extremely happy with this grow and will grow these again soon.
Grape Cheese #2
This girl started out slower than her sisters but eventually exploded in growth and just turned out amazing.
started with a water soak and straight into a solo cup. Transplanted on day #16 into an 5gal GroBucket system and FIM’d on day #25.
She was fed
@Greenleaf Nutrients Mega Crop(9-7-14) and Sea-K(0-0-18), supplemented as noted in this journal at various times, just to keep everything consistent between the two plants with different nutrient lines.
She’s 38 1/2” tall, had 3 main colas from the FIM process and if I was more careful may be able to get more. The main stalk is right at 1” across. Like her sister she has very long and full colas 1-3” across and 8-14” long. This one really is going to yield a nice amount. She also has the same sweet grape smell. Very sticky and solid buds. Can’t emphasize enough how much I love
@Jean-O creations and will grow these again. I think the Greenleaf Nutrients added a little something to this one that helped boost her above and beyond her sister.
Probably another 7-10 days on this one. Will update wet and dry weights upon harvest/cure.
As always thanks for hanging out with me on this journey