Harvest & Curing Drying in a brown bag

Very nice thread guys, blown away the old methods are still some of the best hehe...

We used to put the whole plant upside down in the bag (closed end down to catch any hairs) and hang it in the grow place if you can. Walk deep through the bush you can see all these paper bags just hanging if you walk through the right areas lol

Anyway, ive found that taking them out of the jars and turning them, just like N.W's said, im going to try the burping every 2 hours this grow, we used to just open the jar and stare at em for about 5min everyday.

Wow, so many new refinments to teh whole process to take in - its really reinvigorating !

Happy trails!.
Yes you can reuse your brown paper bags.
Great info here & best routine!!!. I get the beer bottom crates,(liquor or grocery store) line w/ newspaper, label crates & line up manicured fatties or long slender nuggets. Then stack in opposite direction once bottom crates are lined loosely filled, same process. Rotate crates daily, keeping in dark/cool area. I don't have a hygrometer, but decades of tactile experience with springy-ness of bud or bendability of stem. Then jar up and rotate buds mentioned by NW's for a week, then, burping jar lids. Smaller branch buds, in paper sacks, or beer crate bottoms.

Don't like the dampness of coffeeshop goods you purchase in Nederland....you're paying for vochtige (damp) weight. But when in Zandvoort/Amsterdam/ Goes, etc.....you schmoke the dampness with a silly grin.:brow:

Much prefer aroma, a little drier for long term storage. Takes a little effort, but well worth it....a nice cure.
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I hang dry with all the sugar leaf on until it feels dry on the outside, wet deep on the inside...you can tell from the snap bend as well. Throw the popcorn in the bottom of a paper bag, then layer the snipped branches (sugar leaf still on) on the top. Close the bag by folding over once, then paper clip shut. Check the bag every 12 hours...the top buds that were dry on the outside should now be moistened again. Leave the bag open for 6-12 hours until most everything feels dry again to the touch. Shut the bag, repeat. You're equalizing moisture across the plant material, using the popcorn as your moisture source to hydrate the upper buds. The process of "sweating" your buds should take about a week or maybe more, depending on cola size/bag volume/rh/whatever. After that I throw 'em in jars, check RH once to make sure it's low 60's, and then it's into storage.
Sound like you have it all worked out bro.... Many ways to gain the same effect really.... I have friends who hang the whole plant for 2 weeks, then break it down trim it and put in to Bags for 5 days....
Ive never really asked exactly why they do it, but it works for them. There bud is always mid 50's to mid 60's on the RH... they swear that they would never do another wet trim if they could help it..:shrug:

Always seemed a bit long winded too me.... lol.... :smokebuds:
I thought it would be easier to just trim it all at once and dry/cure, but trimming once it's dried and sweated is a lot easier and you cure out your sugar leaf so it's just as nice to smoke as the bud!
I hear brother.... I like to save my trimmings for hash runs... Cant beat dry cured bud topped of with hash imo.... :drool:
I use all my sugar leaf for joints...tons of CBD and I can smoke and enjoy a full sized cigarette without getting nauseously high. My current stash of Strawberry Cough is damned near morphine level knockout smoke, I let it go like 11 weeks in 12/12, so there's not a clear trichome to be found on the bud. The sugar leaf, however, is less over-ripe and makes a great daytime pain killer!