Dutch Passion DP Ultimates first

Is it possible to change the light schedule now?

NO,.................. we have to stay with the 'Bio Ingrained Photo Imprinting" cycle................... to change it would be like you going on night duty............ you feel sick the first week of bio clock 100% reversal !!!!!!!..................next grow, will be mid summer June, to august so we can go 18/6 fem veg then 12/12 fem flower,...................lights off 12/12 at 6am, back on at 6pm = 12/12.......................18/6 = on at 6pm off the following day at midday...................... this way only from say 7pm to 12 midday is the air hot outside..................

we wont need the AC unit till further into summer white, but yea, can run a trial in the room, see if the AC in the room has an impact on the tent temp yea............. i think you need to have a 2c difference in air into the unit, compared to air in the room......... so as long as the air outside is cooler than the air inside you should be ok...................

so the 'Hole" in the balcony door panel, will be to "Bringing In" air from outside, duct'ed straight into the AC unit correct ???.................. which put "Positive" incoming air pressure intro the room, (Some Will Leak Out Under The Room Entrance Door), but the extractor in the cab will take the AC input air pressure and "Equalize" it by pumping air out of the room at the same time right................

leveling out the room air pressure differential right.......... to check this, close the room door, from outside the closed door, put a whetted finger at the door bottom and see if you get a cold finger from air coming out from under the door bottom...............if you do, you air in from AC exeeds that being pushed out by the extract fan.......

with the door shut inside the grow room, where the tent is, put your wetted finger, at the door bottom again, and you should fell air being brought in under the door, 'Into" the room if we have a negative air pressure in the room, which is what we want........... meaning the extractor fan is pushing out more air than the AC unit can bring in, a negative room pressure is good...... so the extractor fan pushing air out of the room will also be sucking a bit of air in via the AC unit external ducted cold air in............. into the AC unit..........

if we end up with a "Positive" air presure due to AC unit bringing in more air than the extractor can remove, the stink of canna will 'Weep" out under the room entrance door, "Gap" at the bottom, stinking out the main house, we dont want this chronic bleed of stink into the house white ok.................... make sure you have a "Cold" wet finger at the door bottom when "Inside" the tent room................... so we have air being brought in under the room entrance door bottom ok..............a negative room pressure is what we need to succeed !!

What is happening now here is unbelievable....Still raining...thunders...cold days and nights...We are still in the 20-22C during day and 10-12C during night...Unbelievable!!

we have just had 4 nights of frosts here in the south coast of Uk................ when the low temp should be 8c !!.......... another extended winter period, merges over spring, snubbing spring out. Then the temp will jump tropical style to 22c over night, straight into summer !!!..................... little spring or autumn.............. like a tropical zone invading a "Temperate" one !!................... eradicating spring and autumn.

you dont get an spring and autumn in tropical zones like the Azores to the south of us, is where southern n Uk weather is dictated from nowadays.......... bang on prediction from 1990 = shorter hotter drier summers, colder longer wetter winters................ = is about right, as carbon dioxide in air "Exceeds" 500mg/ltr1...................... we warm faster, the more co2 is put in to the system...................... this leads to a more worrying issue, as we continue to warm up the planet, as ozone layer thins further, mother nature replaces the lost water through the 3 holes in the ozone layer, our water now resides on "Uranus" the ice planet............... which has "Enlarged" !!................. to replace this water lost off our planet.........

mother nature is compensating, breaking off huge chunks of ancient ice off the north and south pole ice sheets and ice shelves every other day it seems ??........the last one chris packham was on, that broke off with 15 ice bears on it !! was 70km wide both ways !!.......... every 11,000 years, sea level has risen, we are in another sea level rise event right now, southern Indian delta is 80 foot below sea level, and the margin is 1.5 foot retaining sea level !!............. how long is that piece of string, ??................... 1.5 billion Indian peoples live in the souther delta region.............. sea water soil salination awaits.................. = you will grow nothing there at all after, for a long long time......................... ALR

Ps; talking of water, the amnesia and ultimate s will drink like pigs when they get going !!........ as you have done above white, keep an eye on what they are drinking............... another valuable run off feed back, along with Ph and Ec status................... i suspect they would drink 3ltrs daily at the mo !!........... but we must dry the soil a little between waterings, to keep good oxygen flow through the soil ok......nice work white....... ALR
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if we end up with a "Positive" air presure due to AC unit bringing in more air than the extractor can remove, the stink of canna will 'Weep" out under the room entrance door, "Gap" at the bottom, stinking out the main house, we dont want this chronic bleed of stink into the house white ok.................... make sure you have a "Cold" wet finger at the door bottom when "Inside" the tent room................... so we have air being brought in under the room entrance door bottom ok..............a negative room pressure is what we need to succeed !!

It will take me some time but eventually i will make everything working clockwise.

Now im thinking to use my extra fan to cool down the reflektor...Its a 580m3/h fan. I can run it at half strength and take out to the balcony the heat from the lamp..

I will have to make an extra hole on the cab tho and i will need a 150mm flange like this:

About the portable air condition i have i still didnt decide and still dont know how i will use it at the end...

Most propably it will be out of the cab in the house room and connected to the inkbird temp controller witht the sensor placed inside the cab. The a/c unit will have ducting bringing air at the passive intake of the cab like this:

The weather here doesnt seem to raising the temps so until now the cab running under total control and the 3 of them are happy!

I really hope our summer temps will be lower this year as normally in August we go to 40's C!!

If its not then August will be a shutdown of operation until the temps drop down to 30's...

I dont think i will manage to harvest the next grow before August so a lot can go wrong on the finishing of my next grow...

At least i bought 2 portable units and i can be prepared for any scenario...

Atleast now they are thriving under this climate...

Dutch Passion's Ultimate 1 & 2 have a really nice structure and their height is very controllable...

Topping them at the 4rth node has created 8 main colas that starting to bud up and keep them on a 70-80cm from the soil.

This gives the 600w HPS space to work wonders imo if i was running 4 auto ultimates!

Next grow will be more tidy i think because of the experience and it will be only topping at the 4rth internode.

I wanted to run 2 x 400w lights but i decided to continue with my 1 x 600w dual spectrum light because of heat worries.

Not a lot of weeks left for the 3 beauties to harvest...

Today i placed the order of 10 x 8 gram (62% rh) Bovedas and 5 x 1Litre Kilner jars with the screw top system.

So the 8 gram boveda is used for 28g in the jar. I will use 2 onces per jar so 2 x bovedas each jar or 1 x boveda per once.

They will arrive on time before the harvest.

Also im waiting the 2 x hygrometers to check the RH inside the jars...

I got 5 x hanging socks things ( i dont remember their name) and i have around 20 x a4 brown paper bags.

I also got my harvest scissor!!

So lets proceed with details for the grow...

They are now in week 6 to 7 and i have take Run Off tests last night.

Feeding water went in at 24C with PH 6.5 and EC 1.2. The run off came out like this:

* in the ( ) its the previous readings

Ph Ec Temp

So onto the update ALR

UPDATE info 15/4/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 70cm distance from canopy
Temps 27C-29C Light ON / 24C-26C Light OFF
Soil temps 21C-23C
Leaf temps 23-25C
Humidity 45-55%

Amnesia is been under a treatment to raise her nitrogen levels. She is responding well. Leaves starting to green up. Will continue the treatment as instructed...First to feeds with Micro & B52 and then every other feeding.
ALR the treatment will go until the flush for amnesia?

Overall they are getting 1ml/L of G.M.B B52 BigBud BudCandy and 0.5ml/L RhinoSkin every other feed...Ph 6.5 and Ec = 0.9 nutes + 0.3 bottle water = 1.2 Ec

Day 50 since got in the dirt (48 days since got a head up in the soil)


Day 50 since got in the dirt (48 days since got a head up in the soil)


Amnesia xxl
Day 47 since got in the dirt (45 days since got a head up in the soil)

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normally in August we go to 40's C

40c will only be around the 11am to 4pm......................then temps drop, you will be on fems, with a bit of luck, you will be inside the 12/12 flower period, of the next grow white, so your lights go off at "6AM"............ no where near the hottest part of mid summers day heat.............

it's more about what temp the night air in summer will drop to ??............... as that is the cooler night air being drawn into your cab.................. if it drops at lowest temp part of the night, to what 22c ? 25c ? from 35-38-40c early PM high temp ???

so on summer fems, during 18/6 veg, (5Wks 35 days)............ from say 7am when temps begin to rise in summer, till your lights off @12 midday = 18hr veg............... your hot period will be from 7am to 12 midday light off white, this is where your AC unit will be needed.................

this is with the separate duct'ed 'Cool Tube" in and running, taking 50% of heat straight out of the cab to outside................. via a silencer, as it's a short run of duct from the cool tube etc...............and a big fan ! 580m3/hr......all be it turned down a tad.......................

means you should be able to manage the fems during the hot peak periods white,............... as your light will be off during the hot day period !! and the AC units on standby also..........

then August will be a shutdown of operation until the temps drop down to 30's

you should be ok white.................... remember sativa's like the Power Plant & DesFran, prefer 29-32c !!! with lights of tewmp at 26-28c....................... they prefer the heat, not keen on the lower temps 26c etc......... i have had them not blink an eyelid at 36c spikes for 4-8 days........... upto 18/6 veg lights off midday temps........

I dont think i will manage to harvest the next grow before August so a lot can go wrong on the finishing of my next grow...

not if we set up as above white, and avoid indica's that dont like it above 28c at all white'ty ok......... sativa is more potent than indica usually last a lot longer, thann the 20min indica wonder !!.............. much higher medical value in sativa, comparative to indica.............. case in point phizers "Sativex"........

Topping them at the 4rth node has created 8 main colas that starting to bud up

and 20-25% more trichome crystal weight also........... allowed light & air into the plant centre.......... and co2 out !!................. along with the height control we deemed necessary from the get go.......... improved plant vigor and vitality............ and over all health............

1Litre Kilner jars with the screw top system.

So the 8 gram boveda is used for 28g in the jar. I will use 2 onces per jar so 2 x bovedas each jar or 1 x boveda per once.

in a half ltr 500ml jar i get 2 oz in easy, so you should get 2.5 to 3 in a litr jar....... just dont "Pack" it in white, very light compreshion, the less you handle the dry kit, the less trichomes "Fall Off" !!............. reducing potency,................... rough handling and repetative compreshion during storage knocks off the goodies.......... the 70 micron trich balls........................ all are 70 microns in diameter, in all cannabis strain, on a sugar stalk

and i have around 20 x a4 brown paper bags.

4no fair handfulls, "Wett Cut" per "Dry" ounce, so 4 bag per ounce, you will need 40 to 50 A4 brown paper bags white ok for your harvest................ do not put more than a "fair Handfull" into each brown bag, puffing out the bottom of the bag to ensure, no squishing when hung on the clip on the sock rack......... you have a hygrometer on the way, to check flower RH, before you jar it up..................... run tests in the 1ltr jar, lock in a hand full with the meter for an hour................read through the jar side.................. if it's 55% say 50%, and you think you have over dried it a bit......................the bovida packs will "Re-Hydrate" to 62%............

make sure it is not above 62%.................... when you lock it down................. 1 bovi pack per oz etc..........2-3 in a ltr jar = fine..... wonce in and locked down the de carboxylation process begins for 10-15 days......... the "Cure"................. burp the jars every 3-4 days...................and check for white mold and the RH is good still........ then re lock down............. once done, your good in the jar un oppened for 2.5 to 3.5 months, if kept in the dark and in a temp range 22-28c................

I also got my harvest scissor!!

yey.................... allway's trim buds to a walnut size for bag appeal,.......... and an even size to ensure drying is the same throught the drying cut crop................. thick cut flowers take much longer to dry right through to the inside,.............. but will be dried to a crisp on the outside, feeling like it's over dried, but in the middle it will be still very wet........................... when jared, if to wet, this inner moisture makes it's way out to the rest of the flowers.................... the RH rises and white mold will break out in the jars......................hence the "Walnut" sized " flower should be "Cut Down" to...................from the large flowers on the plants............... this is the Amsterdam "Bud Tenders" job !!....................the perfect bag appeal flowers.......................a walnut flower will dry to 50% it's size = the perfect flower size.................. for use !!................. = even size = even dry = even moisture = even regulation by boveda packs......... = long jar life !!!

ALR the treatment will go until the flush for amnesia?

na, just untill she greens back in to the perfect green hue,................... middle earth green !!.......... then revert to the current schedule, which is now "Expert Bloom", as calculator product item, you are adding these at the mo white yea as bloom expert

You can start these two now white'ty,..........ok......... they wont affect Ec reading greatly, as sugar and other los salt stims............. begin to add these now at half dose, White'ty ok = "EVERY OTHER FEED"

BUD CANDY..........from week one of flower, the flower stim = good, start now will be fine ok......

BIG BUD from week 2 to wk 5 of flower...........is a carbo sugars boost..........to the now established flowers white,...............

Note; OVERDRIVE is the "last 2" weeks of flower as AN calculator expert bloom bloom schedule white yea..

Amnesia is been under a treatment to raise her nitrogen levels. She is responding well. Leaves starting to green up. Will continue the treatment as instructed..

yes continue every other feed as i directed, when she re greens ease back off to the current schedule for the other 2 plants the Ulti 1 & 2...............

re the two ultimates (Auto's) the ulti auto is a product of an indica mazar auto cross, so the auto ulti has the mazer in her..................

However, white, if you look, one has thin leaves (Sativa Dom) the other wide fat broad leaves (Indica Dom)......... so you have one of each of the pheno types white yea........ ulti 2 i would say is sativa dom....

i would get those two AC units serviced white !!.............. ypu may need them come summer......... sucking hot air out of the cab into the AC unit wont work, as the unit needs cooler air into it to work............ is why it has a duct port at the rear.....................

if it aint got a 100mm round duct port to attach flexi ducting to, then it is not an AC unit as such................ but an air cooler, that don't have a refrigerant part to cool air flowing over the cold refrigerant rad etc............ if its AC unit it will be 1.5kw/hr at least.................

post a pic of them both white with the make and model................ i will av a look see if they are air coolers or proper free standing refrigerant AC units etc...........................

WEEK 7 = 50 DAY'S OF 90.

as we have no tip burn, and the plants are at wk 7...................we can move up (Push) up to, a
(Total Nute Only) Ec of "1.0" white ok.............. up from 0.9 = total Ec 1.0+0.3 = 9Total Combined Nute & Water Ec) = Ec 1.3 .............if you see any micro tip burn by the second feed of the increased feed Ec........... back it back to 0.9 ok...... they are looking fine white'ty, bang on the money all round.......... and all round nice work there @WhiteLight, top work.............up date a pleasure to read................. nice culture husbandry white...... ALR

Next update; after the bank holl (Easter).........have a good one out there all you "Canna Stonners"....... ALR
40c will only be around the 11am to 4pm......................then temps drop, you will be on fems, with a bit of luck, you will be inside the 12/12 flower period, of the next grow white, so your lights go off at "6AM"............ no where near the hottest part of mid summers day heat.............

it's more about what temp the night air in summer will drop to ??............... as that is the cooler night air being drawn into your cab.................. if it drops at lowest temp part of the night, to what 22c ? 25c ? from 35-38-40c early PM high temp ???

so on summer fems, during 18/6 veg, (5Wks 35 days)............ from say 7am when temps begin to rise in summer, till your lights off @12 midday = 18hr veg............... your hot period will be from 7am to 12 midday light off white, this is where your AC unit will be needed.................

this is with the separate duct'ed 'Cool Tube" in and running, taking 50% of heat straight out of the cab to outside................. via a silencer, as it's a short run of duct from the cool tube etc...............and a big fan ! 580m3/hr......all be it turned down a tad.......................

means you should be able to manage the fems during the hot peak periods white,............... as your light will be off during the hot day period !! and the AC units on standby also..........

Something tells me im going to pay a lot of electricity this summer :)

Here is the 2 specs of my portable ac units...
Webp.net-resizeimage (2).jpg

Webp.net-resizeimage (3).jpg

The paradox of the climate is that we are still at the 20C temp!!!!! It was snowing on the Olympus mountain yestarday!!! Heavy snow almost May in the middle east area LOL

Ive been searching around and decided to setup the port ac like this...
ac unit.jpg

But i will use a second hole on the cab as the first hole, the factory hole, is for intake air fan from the window.

With a little bit of experimental time with the inkbird i will make it work...

Im more thinking to use the 2.6KW unit and save the other for emergency use....

you should be ok white.................... remember sativa's like the Power Plant & DesFran, prefer 29-32c !!! with lights of tewmp at 26-28c....................... they prefer the heat, not keen on the lower temps 26c etc......... i have had them not blink an eyelid at 36c spikes for 4-8 days........... upto 18/6 veg lights off midday temps........

ALR DF has 2 phenos as i read right? With 3 seeds in my order what chances i get to have the normal flowring pheno?...

I need to clear up the info on DF to finally make up my mind.....Please Help!

Really it seems so difficult to make the selection. Everyday and different thoughts...

4no fair handfulls, "Wett Cut" per "Dry" ounce, so 4 bag per ounce, you will need 40 to 50 A4 brown paper bags white ok for your harvest................ do not put more than a "fair Handfull" into each brown bag, puffing out the bottom of the bag to ensure, no squishing when hung on the clip on the sock rack......... you have a hygrometer on the way, to check flower RH, before you jar it up..................... run tests in the 1ltr jar, lock in a hand full with the meter for an hour................read through the jar side.................. if it's 55% say 50%, and you think you have over dried it a bit......................the bovida packs will "Re-Hydrate" to 62%............

make sure it is not above 62%.................... when you lock it down................. 1 bovi pack per oz etc..........2-3 in a ltr jar = fine..... wonce in and locked down the de carboxylation process begins for 10-15 days......... the "Cure"................. burp the jars every 3-4 days...................and check for white mold and the RH is good still........ then re lock down............. once done, your good in the jar un oppened for 2.5 to 3.5 months, if kept in the dark and in a temp range 22-28c................

I made an order of 10 x bovidas. And finally i got my 1 litre Kilners x 5 jars...So it will be like 3 once per jar = 15 once LOL i wish!!

Ok i got it cover with the brown bags and jars and bovidas...I got it cover i think xD

yey.................... allway's trim buds to a walnut size for bag appeal,.......... and an even size to ensure drying is the same throught the drying cut crop................. thick cut flowers take much longer to dry right through to the inside,.............. but will be dried to a crisp on the outside, feeling like it's over dried, but in the middle it will be still very wet........................... when jared, if to wet, this inner moisture makes it's way out to the rest of the flowers.................... the RH rises and white mold will break out in the jars......................hence the "Walnut" sized " flower should be "Cut Down" to...................from the large flowers on the plants............... this is the Amsterdam "Bud Tenders" job !!....................the perfect bag appeal flowers.......................a walnut flower will dry to 50% it's size = the perfect flower size.................. for use !!................. = even size = even dry = even moisture = even regulation by boveda packs......... = long jar life !!!

ALR you preparing me to smoke the best bud ever!!

They are allready looking very yuuuuuummmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Specially the sativa pheno Ultimate is smelling lemony allready...What a smell!! My wife got a snip when i opened the door and she was like wow it smells so nice xD

Its been a week and we make progress in the cab...

So onto the update ALR

UPDATE info 22/4/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 70cm distance from canopy (50 from amnesia 3 tall colas...)
Temps 26C-28C Light ON / 21C-23C Light OFF
Soil temps 20C-22C
Leaf temps 22-24C
Humidity 34-45%

Amnesia has been under nitrogen treatment...It was going ok but again she is back to her old habbits...I am very generous with her so i up the feed gradually to EC 1.6...

I now feed all 3 of them per litre= 2ml G/M/B, 1ml BigBud, 1ml B52, 2ml Bud Candy and 0.5ml Rhino every other feed = 1.6 EC (1.3 nute + 0.3 bottle water)

Ultimate 1 and 2 are getting the feed = PH 6.5.....23C

Amnesia = PH 6.8 23C

Day 57 since got in the dirt (55 days since got a head up in the soil)
She is not developed like her sister yet. Her buds are forming more slowly and i think she will get 1-2 extra weeks...


Day 57 since got in the dirt (55 days since got a head up in the soil)
What to say about this girl...She is my pride! My smelling pina colatal!! Her color and everything on her is superb! Her buds beginning to make this red hair...Im not sure what that means...Is these red hairs the trichromes? Is this means she is at her finishing 2-3 weeks? How long before i switch her to OverDrive?!


Amnesia xxl
Day 54 since got in the dirt (52 days since got a head up in the soil)
She is just getting bigger and bigger...I will feed her more and see how she acts...


This is it until now...Happy holidays everyone! Me im all working again...Havent spent easter or xmas on my last 6-7 years with my people yet because of...Oh well just have fun guys...Fight for your dreams if you are not into the privilaged ones and guess what...Sooner or later you get what you wish!!

Everyone be good AND fair to each other..
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DF has 2 phenos as i read right? With 3 seeds in my order what chances i get to have the normal flowring pheno?...

a 50% chance of the oxyacou pheno turning up............. rather than the meow thia pheno, you dont want... the issue is, you cannot tell the DF pheno's apart untill 3-4th wk of flower............ by then the only option is, if it is the meow pheno, to chop it, as its 12-14wks in flower !!........ i can only speek for the DP Df......... the cannabiogen version, i cannot vouch for, but is genetically bound to be the same % pheno outcomes..

seems so difficult to make the selection. Everyday and different thoughts...

i still recon for you the power plant and night queen............. as both are top kit zero issues........... easy to grow out............. zero gender issues.................. some times i pays to just go on a hunch,............ you will live and learn if you go it alone, i recommend the PP & NQ as i have done and seen done,............... very good strains.......

My wife got a snip when i opened the door and she was like wow it smells so nice xD

there is nothing like 100% fresh !!.................. those aromas will be passed to the dried flowers..........

Amnesia has been under nitrogen treatment...It was going ok but again she is back to her old habbits...I am very generous with her so i up the feed gradually to EC 1.6...

since the last update, the 3mm yellow tip burn has appeared, due to high nute......... i mentioned to move the Ec nute only up to 1.0, in my last post............ drop the (Nute Only) Ec down from 1.0 from 1.3, as 1.3 is to strong, and has shown tip burn for the first time...........

I now feed all 3 of them per litre= 2ml G/M/B, 1ml BigBud, 1ml B52, 2ml Bud Candy and 0.5ml Rhino every other feed = 1.6 EC (1.3 nute + 0.3 bottle water)

feed at Ec 1.0 + 0.3 water Ec................ Ec1.0 being G/M/B + B52, to make the Ec @q1.0...........
the big bud and bud candy have very little salts in to affect Ec.............. so add those after you make up the G/M/B + B52 feed.................... then add the big bud and bud candy see if the Ec goes up a great deal.......

Her buds beginning to make this red hair...Im not sure what that means...Is these red hairs the trichromes? Is this means she is at her finishing 2-3 weeks? How long before i switch her to OverDrive?!

on the AN schedule (Bloom Expert) it says begin use overdrive at week 5 of flowering, that means after the 12mm size stage, that was 2-3 weeks ago white........... so not yet with the overdrive for a couple more weeks ok...... overdrive same as teetee BACS F1 contains flowering, and flower growth hormones, that promote flowers to continue growing past the natural cycle................. as with tee this can lead to the foxtailing that we see from the F1 tee has used,................ not something i would use, but if you want to try it white, then go ahead.............. i prefer the natural flower cycle hormone rise and fall, through the flowering cycle.......... the overdrive hormone complex, prevents the plant from shutting down the flowering, and using up the stored nute in the plant,............. it prevents the natural 'Nutrient Reclamation" from the plant stores, instead tells the plant to continue making calyxes........... not trichomes.........

the red hairs, are pistils, and do redden up a tad in some strains well before they should !............ nothing to worry about white ok................... just a first sign we are entering flowering proper ok.....

the red hairs are not trichomes, they are only 2 thirds on a millimeter in size............. = 70 microns diameter

red pistils and trichs !

re the amnesia...................... the yellowing is beginning to return in the "veins" of the leaves....... on the whole plant. Showing the soil Ph is slipping again.................. check it with a run off test (Once)............. if Ph is below 6.1................... we will need to raise the Ph of the feed above 6.8.........

in the ultimate 2 bottom pic the close up, the veins on the leaf at the front of the pic, seem to show the same thing, the veins are beginning to yellow................. and the leaf edge serrations (Ulti 1+2) are curled up, from 'Mild" nute burn......... the amnesia is also riper than the ultimates........... notice the amnesia has no leaf edge serration curling.................. but is still showing the 3mm leaf tip burn............... even though a few of the lower leaves are going whole yellow, leave them on the plant as they hold nute reserves the plant will use latter ok....

Each once a week we water to a small run off %............ take the Ec and Ph this week from the run off and post em up white,.............. just want to see the difference from the last run off data ok......... especially the amnesia................... will drop back in on wednesday eve to see if we have the run off data etc............ we may need to re tune !................... remember to drop Ec down white ok.............. keep the nitrogen every third feed on the amnesia.................. feeds remain at Ec 1.0 for the 3................ so total Ec = 1.3............. nothing to much to wortry about, all looking ok.......................good work white'ty................... hope you didant work to hard during the bank hols !!....................... hope you get day's off in lou etc.................. ALR
a 50% chance of the oxyacou pheno turning up............. rather than the meow thia pheno, you dont want... the issue is, you cannot tell the DF pheno's apart untill 3-4th wk of flower............ by then the only option is, if it is the meow pheno, to chop it, as its 12-14wks in flower !!........ i can only speek for the DP Df......... the cannabiogen version, i cannot vouch for, but is genetically bound to be the same % pheno outcomes..

Still both phenos must be exceptional bud and smoke and 1 extra month im sure its not a problem. Lets say someone does 6 plants Desfran he will have 2 chops. So having 50% of each pheno and 6 plants it means that for for 4-6 weeks the 50% reamining (3 plants) Will have a better LUX PAR for their full development and end up giving you more yield!! Not bad at all in my opinion...

i still recon for you the power plant and night queen............. as both are top kit zero issues........... easy to grow out............. zero gender issues.................. some times i pays to just go on a hunch,............ you will live and learn if you go it alone, i recommend the PP & NQ as i have done and seen done,............... very good strains.......

I know its a good strain Bro! You know from first hand the capabilities of Dutch Passion Strains and from what i 've been reading here and there the stability and power of DP strains is top notch!
The thing here is that we use a 0.3gramm mix with tobacco. This is our standard mode. So we get around 3 spliffs from 1 gramm xD I know it may sounds funny but that is the system here...And for this reason i decided to go with Indica Mazar which is a strain with Prizes on its back and a good consentration of psychoactive THC. Maybe i will throw in the cab 1 seed of Power Plant just to get a better idea... But for now after changing my mind day by day i want to run Mazars for my next grow. I think i will go with 9-11 litre fibre clothe pots and run 5 Mazars and 1 Power Plant.

there is nothing like 100% fresh !!.................. those aromas will be passed to the dried flowers..........

Cant explain how wonderfully the cab smells right now! The ultimate really has the best smell ever!

since the last update, the 3mm yellow tip burn has appeared, due to high nute......... i mentioned to move the Ec nute only up to 1.0, in my last post............ drop the (Nute Only) Ec down from 1.0 from 1.3, as 1.3 is to strong, and has shown tip burn for the first time...........
feed at Ec 1.0 + 0.3 water Ec................ Ec1.0 being G/M/B + B52, to make the Ec @q1.0...........
the big bud and bud candy have very little salts in to affect Ec.............. so add those after you make up the G/M/B + B52 feed.................... then add the big bud and bud candy see if the Ec goes up a great deal.......

1ml of each G/M/B + B52 + BigBud + Sweets per litre takes the feed to EC 1.2 so i think im keeping this...

on the AN schedule (Bloom Expert) it says begin use overdrive at week 5 of flowering, that means after the 12mm size stage, that was 2-3 weeks ago white........... so not yet with the overdrive for a couple more weeks ok...... overdrive same as teetee BACS F1 contains flowering, and flower growth hormones, that promote flowers to continue growing past the natural cycle................. as with tee this can lead to the foxtailing that we see from the F1 tee has used,................ not something i would use, but if you want to try it white, then go ahead.............. i prefer the natural flower cycle hormone rise and fall, through the flowering cycle.......... the overdrive hormone complex, prevents the plant from shutting down the flowering, and using up the stored nute in the plant,............. it prevents the natural 'Nutrient Reclamation" from the plant stores, instead tells the plant to continue making calyxes........... not trichomes.........

Definetely im going to use it as i payed for it xD Not a cheap bottle at all...
Now i really cant understand how to go with the weeks schedule. I only have what i see and looking at the amnesia i see she is well into Flowering...
If you can help me understand how long she has left before flush then i will use this knowledge as to when to switch to OverDrive...
Also i will tag @Teetee here who is using BACS F1 which is similar to OD to hear what he has to say on when to start using this kind of medicine..
This is her at 60 days old..

So what do i expect to see to start using OD?
Is something i really need some guideness!

re the amnesia...................... the yellowing is beginning to return in the "veins" of the leaves....... on the whole plant. Showing the soil Ph is slipping again.................. check it with a run off test (Once)............. if Ph is below 6.1................... we will need to raise the Ph of the feed above 6.8.........

I made the run off sampling and she was PH 6.4 and EC of 4. I Used 6 litres of plain water @ ph 6.6 as you instructed and washed a bit her salts. So after washing she went to 2.3 EC and her PH 6.6

**ALR i wanted to ask you here as to why do we use more PH in late flowering? We start the veg stage at 6.2-6.4 and finishing it at 6.8+-...Why is this happening on the final feedings???

in the ultimate 2 bottom pic the close up, the veins on the leaf at the front of the pic, seem to show the same thing, the veins are beginning to yellow................. and the leaf edge serrations (Ulti 1+2) are curled up, from 'Mild" nute burn......... the amnesia is also riper than the ultimates........... notice the amnesia has no leaf edge serration curling.................. but is still showing the 3mm leaf tip burn............... even though a few of the lower leaves are going whole yellow, leave them on the plant as they hold nute reserves the plant will use latter ok....

I think amnesia will end sooner than ultimates....Also i want to state here that auto Ultimate in the DP site has 15 weeks to harvest BUT on the dinafem site they give 70 days comprehensive cycle!!! I mean theres a big difference according to DP original breeder of Auto Ultimate 105 days vs 70 days....!!

Amnesia xxl autoflowering is stated to have Comprehensive life cycle 75-90 days...
So based on this info plus the photo i uploaded before does the amnesia has another 3-4 weeks left before flush???

So weather here started to feel more proper and Celcius is climpbing up! Thank god i live in an open space not far from the sea and temps are a bit cooler than the normal city readings i see online...I started to using a bit of external air through the daytime to keep my Temps to 29-31C in the cab! Soon i will need to use the reflectors air capability and see how long it will take me before i run the AC unit....
Speaking of AC units i have to say i am very happy right now as i have discovered that the Chinese are selling complete solar system of split units running on ACDC hybrid mode!! This means with 4 panels i could run a 9000 or 12000 btu system that will keep the room in 24C so i could draw in the cab that air and keep a constant 28C temp!!!
The system will run mostly on solar energy but at the same time will be using a 70-100watt from the house. The sun here hits my roof from 8 in the morning till 6 so i will invest in this unit VERY SOON!!!!

Now i start making thoughts of installing a second cab 1.2 x 1.2 and use a second 600w dual spec to run a second grow!!!

What i found really weird is that the company that sells the hybrid system states that: 'Hight energy efficiency: maximum up to SEER 36; Even if there is no sunshine up to SEER 21'

A bit of high EER giving as all of the systems i checked are typical down to 4-5 EER....

Im talking with them to learn more about this as to the cost to ship me a complete system...But from a look i had it will cost me not more than 800-1000 euros...

This is a video to get an idea on how the system works...

Anyway in the next month or so major decicions will happen here....

I have been learning a lot through AFN the last 2 months and all because of you ALR. Bro you are a legend for me and i feel blessed to met you!

On to the UPDATE now!

UPDATE info 29/4/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 70cm distance from canopy (50 from amnesia 3 tall colas...)
Temps 28C-30C Light ON / 21C-23C Light OFF
Soil temps 21C-23C
Leaf temps 23-25C
Humidity 40-50%

I now feed all 3 of them per litre= 1ml G/M/B, 1ml BigBud, 1ml B52, 1ml Bud Candy and 0.5ml Rhino every other feed = 1.3 EC (1.0 nute + 0.3 bottle water) PH 6.5 @ 24C water temp

Amnesia gets every third feed a Micro 2-0-0 + B52 2-1-4 = 4-1-4 @ EC 0.6+0.3=0.9, PH 6.5, 24C

Day 64 since got in the dirt (62 days since got a head up in the soil)



Day 64 since got in the dirt (62 days since got a head up in the soil)



Amnesia xxl
Day 61 since got in the dirt (59 days since got a head up in the soil)


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Hey @WhiteLight !

I’m just checking in on your grow after a couple of weeks hiatus. I must say your plants have definitely turned around!! Wonderful job my friend, I’m so happy for you. You’ll be rolling in bud soon!
i want to run Mazars for my next grow. I think i will go with 9-11 litre fibre clothe pots and run 5 Mazars and 1 Power Plant.

15ltr pots are the smallest, without affecting the plant size white............ 11ltr pots will deliver smaller plants ok........

in your 1.5m x 1.5m.................."4" plants is a max amount...........................i will tell you what i know from my experiences........................ = MORE is NOT more.................... 6 plants in the 1.5m x 1.5m cab will not yeild more than 4...................... in fact probly a bit less..................

Now i know that sounds weird from a freshmans point of view whirte.................... more must = more right ??........... = "NO".................. 4 plants under one 600w duel spec = max yeild for that cab size.............

if you where using the whole room, and had 6 plants, under a 2no 400w or a 400w and a 600w, and "critically" you where using a "Light Rail"....................then yea 6 would work white'ty...........

6 in a 1.5m cab will lead to bad air flow, overcrowding which = stunting....................the reason is simple............. when leaves over lap each other, (Wet Patch leaf),....................the plant being overlapped can detect the co2 coming from the plant right next door...................... a battle for the niche light and air breaks out among the tightly packed plants..................... some loose this battle and are "Overrun" by the plant next door who won the niche battle.................. as there are so many plants in there, they become "Intertwined"...... and so you cannot 'Turn" the plants or lift them out, or see them properly............

Cant explain how wonderfully the cab smells right now! The ultimate really has the best smell ever!

yes, the first grow, is an eye opener alright......... make you realize how badly grown the rag weed was you used to smoke !!..................... the trouble is, the first friend to smoke the 110% DP.................... will tell the world he just had the best head he ever had !!........................... and you got the stash !!............ nothing in this world will prepare you for the first head from the ultimate................... it mat "White'ty" you white'ty !!........ fresh aromas are like nothing else you have ever had the pleasure of aromatically !!..........

try to pick a few of these to describe it white'ty, it aint easy but what your "Olfactory Cillia" tell you is in there somewhere !!


help me understand how long she has left before flush then i will use this knowledge as to when to switch to OverDrive...

to get these to best ripeness they may go the 100 days, as tee dose often.............. we are day 60 now white,.............. so we may have 40 days left = 6wks................. 5wks if they come in early........

we can go every feed now from next week, with the bud candy and bud candy,......day 67 onwards..... we can start overdrive at day 70.................... that gives around 2 weeks on it before the flush starts.............. dependent on what we see happen with the final weeks ahead ok...............

we will up the G/M/B B52 Ec to 1.2 + 0.3 = 1.5 around day 75 also white ok.............. and feed to run off every other feed......... and when thewy are looking quite "Autumnal" in color.............. and holding massive trichime volume, we then begin the 8-10 day flush zero nute Ph 7.0..........

after washing she went to 2.3 EC and her PH 6.6

see how the amnesia responds to the lowering of the Ec................ the full yellowing, and climbing Ec, after the previous flush down, tell me the lime has begun to break down and deliver massive salt volume to the medium................ but the good side of this breakdown is, it has proven it can be flushed down............. hence the Ec drop from 4.0 to 2.3.............................the ultimate 2 still has a high ec of 4.0.....................but shows no ill effects...................... each wet pot is microcosm of bacteria and beneficial symbiotic life, each is unique to the environ created, by what we use and put in.................. each is running a fine biological line.........

we are out of time now, re anymore recovery treatments, although the amnesia could well benefit from another flush down with 6-8ltrs......................same as you just did................. the amnesia Ph@6.6 tells me all is well,...................the color of the plant tells me it is not................. can you check your Ph pen is calibrated bang on white ok.................... i think i got you the 7.0 calibration fluid previously right ??....

ALR i wanted to ask you here as to why do we use more PH in late flowering?

the reason is the higher Ph, make the "PK" end of the feeds more bio available, as the chart i posted previously..................... also the plant Ph natrually move towards alkaline during late flower....... as the PK salts (Alkaline) begin to build up in the grow medium raising the soil Ph............ after 100 days of nute inputs,..........the Ph moves up,.....................if you have done the early part of the grow correct, with low Ec's........... the low Ec's in veg and early flower .....................ensure low nute residue at flowers end = good soil Ph.........................to much feed to early = soil Ph move off, during laste flowering stopping the full load going onto the flowers.................. like holding back the power till it's needed at the end of the grow...........

see below in soil left side graph..................PK is at max uptake at 6.8 to 7.0, as is Ca & Mg......!!

DP site has 15 weeks to harvest BUT on the dinafem site they give 70 days comprehensive cycle

the DP 105 day = 15wks is for the "Fem"....................the 70 days is for the auto white'ty.......... 70 is a bit short though as is 105 !!...................... like add 14 days to both............;)................even then we go on color, load and how they are generally,................ and then take em to autumnal ripeness !!......... "50% Amber" trichs........ you know the one, when you smoke a joint, nothing happens straight away ??............. then the buzz starts to creep up, and keeps on coming, wiping you out, to a couch lock,..................thats "Full Ripeness" talking !!..........

.I started to using a bit of external air through the daytime to keep my Temps to 29-31C in the cab! Soon i will need to use the reflectors air capability and see how long it will take me before i run the AC unit....

you see why we run the main 18hrs light period "During The Night" period, not the day period white............ we only have a few weeks left now, around 6wks.................... by the time we finish, you will be just before the big heat sets in white............ the next grow will be lights on at night,.....................so you can use the cololer night air all the time during the night hours of the 18hr veg period............... after 5wks veg, you will go 12/12 so lights of at "6AM"............. well before the day's heat come in.................. the hot day air is good for keeping up "Lights Out Temps" right !!..................

Chinese are selling complete solar system of split units running on ACDC hybrid mode!! This means with 4 panels i could run a 9000 or 12000 btu system that will keep the room in 24C so i could draw in the cab that air and keep a constant 28C temp!!!

Photovoltaic PV electricity generating panels.................... in Uk = 8 panels (German type), oer 12mnths = you get 100% free lecky,.................and around 3.5k cash back, for the electricity you sold to the grid, via your converter...............!!...................... it make money PV................ 8 panels hetre around 9k dow...............but once you payed for it,...................you get a rebate of 80%......................due to low carbon technology "EU" rebate.......here it is through the "Carbon Trust"...............they pay you back to money it cost you to install it.............80% is refunded due to green tech rebate.........

i start making thoughts of installing a second cab 1.2 x 1.2 and use a second 600w dual spec to run a second grow!!!

here is the rub here white'ty................... you domestic electric consumption on the island will be, "Known" for a 2 bed, 3 bed, 4 bed and so on......................your lecky company has consumption averages for each house type............... in the Uk a 3 bed house uses around 900-1300 quid a year on lecky.................. your previous bills will tell you, or you can ring and find out what your yearly consumption is...........

you need to work out your total house Kw's............... see what you are using a year................. if it's below the average fore your house size or flat size....................you can fill the void with the additional tent consumption........... if you exceed the average "Used" by more than 30%................or more, will bells begin to ring at the electric supply company ???.................. eg

auto's 18/6 24/7..........= total tent + AC watts per year added to the existing use, (Domestic)............ you have to add it all up, see if you have margin you can use on the second cab............... ask your self what can i save electricity on ??......................... if the second cab means you exceed you top end kw for a 2 bed flat by 30%.......say............ you may be able to bluff it off, saying you fitted two AC units and are going electric heating now ??......... swings and roundabouts add it up...........

cost to ship me a complete system...But from a look i had it will cost me not more than 800-1000 euros...

that is cheap................. a PV assisted AC unti here is 2.5k not fitted !!.................. better to fit the "PV" panels to the whole roof, and get payed for the exess electricity you add back to the grid.................... 37p/Kw/1 for every Kw added back to the grid here...............................so you earn 3.5k or 4.5k euro's a year........

with the Ph being 6.6 at the amnesia run off test last run off, there is no reason the plantr should be yellowing from top to bottom,................... the other plants proove that all is ok with the water, feed, dry, and wet schedule we run................. it is to late in the day to address the issue now................

hopefully now the Ec has dropped from 4.0 to 2.3..................she may green back in a small amount........... but she aint far away from Autumn colors anyhow.................. so no telling why she has thrown the big yellow....... we will watch her and see how she move now the Ec is down white ok................. she will continue to load up the trichs, so dont worry threre................. she wil finish ok white ok................

the ultimate 2 is the "Sativa" dom, and is the best of the 3 now.................... "Sativa" = reliable !! = potent !! + Heavyweight !!!!!!!!!............................ they look very nice the two Ultimates......................shame the amnesia has thrown a late tantrum,.................... but it's to late, as she has the gold on board !!............ nice work with the run off data set collection white'ty................. 5 maybe 6 weeks to the flush white ok................ keep your nerve now white'ty !!................

Souvla, is longer, slow cooked BBQ, rather than souvlaki which is the usual "Quick" BBQ right ??........... sounds right nice white'ty mate...................... slow cooked lamb !! nice............ specially after middnight mass man !!.................. then the aperitif "The Ultimate, Ultimate" !!......... when i was in Thessalonika........... with the ex pat SAS guy's, we met, they took us back for some food, swapped for our green !!....................the motto was, eat a bit, drink a bit, smoke a bit................."Repeat" !!................ untill you fall asleep !1 ALR


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Also i will tag @Teetee here who is using BACS F1 which is similar to OD to hear what he has to say on when to start using this kind of medicine..
No worries Bro, I gotta say, the plants are looking fantastic, you are set for a life of top shelf bud!

I usually start the late bloom boosters around the middle of week 8 (day 55 ish) by giving PK 13/14 for 3-4 days, then switching to Top Shooter (or F1, or Overdrive in your case) at half strength for 1 week.... that's week 9, day 62 ish..... then the next 2 weeks at full strength (if they can handle it.....) bringing you to around the beginning of week 12.... close to flush time, so keep an eye out, and if they need it you can continue the OD until they are ready to flush. I think on reflection, I should start everything a week later for XXL plants that would take a bit longer to finish.... cos the bigger plants that I've grown have gone on to 90-110 days+ so they end up getting close to 5 weeks of the Top Shooter/F1... which is a bit more than the 3 weeks they recommend... it just prolongs the finish time and the bud that matured early on will have degraded a bit in the time it takes for the newer bud (generated by the stimulants) to mature.

I love using Top Shooter / BAC F1, but I am gonna try using less in the way of late bloom boosters on my next grow, and see what happens. I'm hoping to see a plant with a more even maturity of bud, rather than a mix... I can't find the right words to explain, but I hope you get the idea.
No worries Bro, I gotta say, the plants are looking fantastic, you are set for a life of top shelf bud!

I usually start the late bloom boosters around the middle of week 8 (day 55 ish) by giving PK 13/14 for 3-4 days, then switching to Top Shooter (or F1, or Overdrive in your case) at half strength for 1 week.... that's week 9, day 62 ish..... then the next 2 weeks at full strength (if they can handle it.....) bringing you to around the beginning of week 12.... close to flush time, so keep an eye out, and if they need it you can continue the OD until they are ready to flush. I think on reflection, I should start everything a week later for XXL plants that would take a bit longer to finish.... cos the bigger plants that I've grown have gone on to 90-110 days+ so they end up getting close to 5 weeks of the Top Shooter/F1... which is a bit more than the 3 weeks they recommend... it just prolongs the finish time and the bud that matured early on will have degraded a bit in the time it takes for the newer bud (generated by the stimulants) to mature.

I love using Top Shooter / BAC F1, but I am gonna try using less in the way of late bloom boosters on my next grow, and see what happens. I'm hoping to see a plant with a more even maturity of bud, rather than a mix... I can't find the right words to explain, but I hope you get the idea.

So i am day 65 (from pop up their head in the dirt) that means i am 9 weeks old minus 4 weeks the veg = 5 weeks old (entering the 6 week). So i still have some days before the switch...What i wanted to know if there is a visual sign on the bud to let you know that its time to put that OverDrive stimulant but i guess i will learn this throu experience...

Thanks for the info TT!!

You remember you was doing the superscrop and i was wondering if there is a method to snap the stem without worry to cut off the stem??
I found this guy using a method that it looks secure...
The method starts @ 2:07....Check it out
The only modification i would do to this method is use a plastic tape and not the paper tape one...
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