Dutch Passion DP Ultimates first

I usually start the late bloom boosters around the middle of week 8 (day 55 ish) by giving PK 13/14 for 3-4 days, then switching to Top Shooter (or F1, or Overdrive in your case) at half strength for 1 week.... that's week 9, day 62 ish..... then the next 2 weeks at full strength (if they can handle it.....) bringing you to around the beginning of week 12.... close to flush time, so keep an eye out, and if they need it you can continue the OD until they are ready to flush. I think on reflection, I should start everything a week later for XXL plants

a chip off the old block..................

What i wanted to know if there is a visual sign on the bud to let you know that its time to put that OverDrive stimulant but i guess i will learn this throu experience...

3-4wks after the sweet leaf has stacks of trichomes on....................then you boost............ keep in mind, and if you look at my harvest pics ................. the silverback bud shots !!..................."I Only Use Pk 13/14" along side mono saccharide sugar supplements, during late fruiting,............ to lift the trich load to max.......at full Autumn,n ripeness........

All strains have trichome load limits, it's a matter of finding the one that hold a whole lot more... that work and time spent is done for you @DP genealogy............. the "Jouke Affect" we call it !!.................

my man of the day, and my era really;
right back to the "Really Wild" days,
the leader of the "@Extinction Rebellion".......... power to his elbows ;), as he needs no introduction nowaday's.......... CGP as we know him, Christopher Gary Packham.......... 100% quality human being.
Extinction Rebelelion chris.jpg

most recent loss of world heritage; =

now "Functionally Extinct"................ no longer extant............. RIP, last of a very rare kind, man is to blame, they ate them all ????????????????????????? the "Little" thick brained freaks........................ AutoLowRyder
now "Functionally Extinct"................ no longer extant............. RIP, last of a very rare kind, man is to blame, they ate them all ????????????????????????? the "Little" thick brained freaks........................ AutoLowRyder

My friend....Picture this...Picture this for me, for you, for us All!
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we can go every feed now from next week, with the bud candy and bud candy,......day 67 onwards..... we can start overdrive at day 70.................... that gives around 2 weeks on it before the flush starts.............. dependent on what we see happen with the final weeks ahead ok...............

we will up the G/M/B B52 Ec to 1.2 + 0.3 = 1.5 around day 75 also white ok.............. and feed to run off every other feed......... and when thewy are looking quite "Autumnal" in color.............. and holding massive trichime volume, we then begin the 8-10 day flush zero nute Ph 7.0..........

I did a run off test with plain water = Ec 0.3 Ph 6.5 @24C (soil temp 22C)

Ultimate1 = Ec 4.1 PH 6.6

Ultimate2 = EC 3.9 PH 6.5

Amnesia = EC 4.3 PH 6.4

Starting today i will feed them with G/M/B B52 OverDrive BudCandy = EC 1.5 (1.2+0.3)

ALR i was thinking to give them plain water between the feeds from now on to bring down EC slowly before flush?

Ultimate2 has curled her hairs and she is swollen but she all green up! Below i will post some microscope photos for trichrome reference...

UPDATE info 06/05/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 70cm distance from canopy (50 from amnesia 3 tall colas...)
Temps 26C Light ON / 21C Light OFF
Soil temps 20C - 22C
Leaf temps 24C
Humidity 40-50%

Day 71 since got in the dirt (69 days since got a head up in the soil)




Day 71 since got in the dirt (69 days since got a head up in the soil)





Amnesia xxl
Day 68 since got in the dirt (66 days since got a head up in the soil)




So ALR what is going on with Ultimate 2? She looking ready to flush? Im not in a hurry to harvest or anything i am just looking at her and she looks so fat and dence plus her hair are not pointing out like the other 2 plants....I hope the trichrome photos are clear enough...I will take more microscopic photos tonight when lights off...

P.S...Finally i made up my mind for the next strain to fill up the cab....GlueBerry OG by Dutch Passion!!!
white, the aroma in the back room with the door shut, = negative air pressure room, the aroma must be right pungent................ your shirt must smell of it for at least a half hour after the photo shoot !!!...........

white at peak heat period, can you go outside onto the balcony, and with the main extractor fan on it's highest speed, ............... that you have it set to............... Qs = "Can You Smell The Aroma" coming out of the exhaust hole through the door where we have the exhaust outlet point......... just to check at peak heat times in the tent, the aroma is not seeping past the twin carbon filters ??????..................... now is the time to check they work at full speed, and at top temps etc..................... check for aroma bypass off the filters etc................ male sure it cant be smelt outside yea ???..................

21C Light OFF

this tells me probly a bit early to put the 600w in the cooler housing........28c lights on is better for lights out temp and RH control......... or another answer to low lights out temp = the lights out heater is not turned up enough ?/................. we need a couple degree's above 21c really........... the low temp lights out will spike the RH...................... as below........

Humidity 40-50%

we dont want to get into the 55-60% bracket with the RH................. as it affect the carbon filter........ efficacy...

Temps 26C Light ON

28-30c.preferable................as it drops the RH to 45%................ good stuff....

Ultimate1 = Ec 4.1 PH 6.6

Ultimate2 = EC 3.9 PH 6.5

Amnesia = EC 4.3 PH 6.4

are you defo sure you have checked the "Calibration" of the Ec pen white'ty yea ??.......... your feed Ec sensitivity tells me the Ec pen is within the calibration range............ and we only had a minor tip burn when you jumped Ec to 1.7 from 1.0.................... so the high Ec remain a mystery as we do not have any feedback or signal from the plant ultimates that there is a high Ec of the 4.1 nature !!.............

the amnesia has show full yellow leaf color signal,........... whats more failed to respond the the G + B52 higher nitrogen every other feed................ so it must be phos lock out.............. but the amnesia run off "Ph" @6.4 is perfect..............so dose not bear out the phos lock which occurs due to low Ph............... the amneasia sit rep remains a mystery for now................. however it will not affect the final loading...........

if you look close you can see she is actually begun to re green in some area's of the mid and upper fan leaf sets...............at the outer edges where the nitrogen is now being taken up.............

ALR i was thinking to give them plain water between the feeds from now on to bring down EC slowly before flush?

the high Ec run off remains a mystery, say you feed monday wednesday friday sunday.............inbetween one of these days............... one of the dry days, inbetween a feed day.............you could hit the amnesia with a plan water flush out.................. and on the end of week, or run off feed................ check the Ec & Ph see if the Ec has moved..........

we will keep the ultimates on the current schedule........... i see you have dropped the "Big Bud".......... on the expert schedule it stops wk4-5 of flower.............. we are 40 days flower 5.7wks............. is when we star the overdrive.............. now.............

she is swollen but she all green up!

ultimate 2 pic 4 is a cracker white'ty............. she has a nitrogen sensitivity, as she is a sativa with very thin pure breed sativa leaves !!.......................looking cracking..................

compared to ulti 1, with broader indica dom leaves, she is just started to show the first signs of going into final ripening..................the under leaves are starting to yellow as the plant begins the nutrient recovery process from the nutes stored in the leaves......................"Autumn" has begun for ulti 1................ on the road to ripening, the final load...................... the full load will not go on the flowers for another 2-3wks yet.......... = full Autumnal effects (The Wind Down) to death, fully set in......... then the trichs load up big time................... = most peoples cut to early, before the full "Weight" is loaded.........the full power put apon on the flowers.....

ALR what is going on with Ultimate 2?

she is going to be the last to finish loading up the trichs......................the bottom leaves have not even begun to yellow, the under story leaves are still full green................. firing on all cylinders !!......................ulti 1 is just begun to show sign of ripening........................ulti 2 is still full at it.................. fully somatic growth rages still !!............... she will be the heaviest of the 3...................... a week to 9 days from now we will start the flush on the amnesia................ to ensure a low nute value in the flowers = good detox before the yellow sets rigfht in denying us the nute extract or removal via the flush................you cant flush late autumnal leaves !!...............

just looking at her and she looks so fat and dence

she will do in 3wks from now white'ty................... they are only 2 thirds loaded yet !!.......

stick to the schedule, drop the nitrogen every other feed on the amnesia, give her the same as the other two from now on.................the flowers can use it................... inc overdrive etc.........

hit the amnesia with intermittent plain water once in between the weeks feed rota..............

raise lights off temp 2 to 3c if pos................... lights on at 28-30c is fine ok........................it wioll drop RH a bit.....

re the Glueberry OG................. you are doing glueberry fems ??.......a sat dom strain..... for the summer period............. is handy as the lights are out at "6AM"................. before the days heat comes up !............ during the 12/12 flowering period fore the fems...................the lights go off at 6AM................ so no heat issues during the day period to worry about................... the hot day air, helps to keep the "Lights Out" temp up in the cab during the day !1...................... save on the lights out tent heater etc..............

the fem = gorrilla glue x chem sister, is 'Sativa Dominant" hybrid, gorilla glue is a popular USA variety, this strain was the successful result of crossing Chem's Sister with Sour Dubb and Chocolate Diesel. These parents ensured the connoisseur taste and high of this amazing strain.
  • Prize winning strain
  • Distinct kush aroma and fruity flavor
  • Compact and extremely resinous buds
  • Easy-to-grow plant indoors and outdoors.
after sampling the cured ultimate white'ty you will wish you did one more of it !!............ the issue is, the more the different strains you have in one tent.................the more lickely they are to "Differentiate" nutrient requirement wise yea................. in other words, one will like it the other wont................. you see this with the amnesia foyables yea............. i grow 3 different strains every grow, re peats yea, but 3 different ones every time. For choices sake............. i like to have a choice of 3 flovones in my vape juce and friday night king blunt...........when i watch newsnight !!................ and gardeners world with the inimitable "Monty Don' BBC1 Friday eves 8.30pm !!............

Just keep the nute power back / down / low / in control / !!................... they will all love it............... only over nute'ing causes nute issues............................. see you next monday for the day 78 update white ok.........

coming along ok.................the trich mother load is going on at a good pace................ good work white'ty mate, they are looking fine my man................. the bad news for teetee is the "West Ham United" women's football team, in the women's FA Cup Final, at wembly.......... lost it 3:0 to man city women team, while the man city mens team won the FA cup the following day !!......... what a laugh................ ALR


this came out today................. i think 5yrs to produce the data global coagulation's, to get the up to date species extinction acceleration 'Speed"........ the little turtle below is high on the CITES one critically endangered list.......... like the 'Yankzie River Soft Shelled Turtle"......... soon to be gone from this planet..................... at mans hand.............. one million species are endangered now............... read below,..............................ALR


it make my heart sink to the very depths of the bottom of my soul, and then some, the loss of so many of "Darwins" species.............. my marine habitat is the hardest hit, the aqueous environment............. is full of plastic micro balls............. and 38% of all species on the CITES red list........... 80% of Australia's northern coral bleached now = gone.........
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80% of Australia's northern coral bleached now = gone.........
Yup, I can vouch for that.... back in '92/3 went upto the Ningaloo Reef, up the NW coast of WA.... a lovely spot called Coral Bay......
Coral Bay002.jpg

Was expecting to see some Whale Sharks but the Chinese fishing fleet had been in a month before.... none left.
Went for a snorkel to see the fabled reef..... it was a sea of bleached coral... like a forest of death under there.... and that was 27 years ago, fuck knows what's left of it now.

On the plus side, we put some bread in a bag, went for a swim, and caught this....
Coral Bay003.jpg
it was a sea of bleached coral... like a forest of death under there.... and that was 27 years ago, fuck knows what's left of it now.

Coral bay, western Australia......... the bleaching has just progressed......... here is coral bay today, with brown algae colonizing the dead coral..........

put some bread in a bag, went for a swim, and caught this....

the marine fish, you landed, is a "Spangled Emperor" (Lethrinus nebulosus), here is a pic of the fish, actually close in at coral bay.................. spangled emperor............. can grow to a meter in length............ you can see the white coral debris, and coral sand the bleaching creates........ under the emperors, in the shot.... beyond it, just one color, white coral.............


spangled emperor (Lethrinus nebulosus)............ = spangled operculum = (Blue Flashed Cheeks)


wonder how the NW reef, emperor population has fared since 1993, when you where there tee............. no telling, it's diet is totally dependent on the reef = the species feeds mainly on mollusks, echinoderms, and crustaceans. It also eats polychaetes and other fish, but less commonly. One thing for sure, it's a 100 year to get it back to anything like pre 1980 levels................ is it acheivable ??............. ALR


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@Teetee wow man thats a big fish you catch using only bread! Usually in my country to catch a demon like this you need sonars, an expensive rod, good bait, a lot of experience and ofcourse a boat xD...But i will tell you something our ocean is giving us the last couple of months that im sure its hard to find!! WEED!!! Yes! Our sea is throwing out on the shore boxes full of mj. The police have taken 3 boxes around 30 kilos each until now. I can imagine there are people who took a lot more and didnt report it so the numbers are much higher.....Suddenly everyone is going to swim and excercise on the sea shore xD

Its a big shame what is going on on the tropical areas like Australias coralsystem with the carbon polution...Somewhere i was reading that now they dumping iron(fe) so they activate the organisms in the water to start sucking carbon from the atmosphere....It sure amazes me that we know so much yet we do so little...We claiming to go to Mars and Moon but we cant work up our planets safety.....What is all these organisations doing?? So many funds raising all these years and instead of seeing pracitcal solutions and shrink of the polution we get exactly the opposite outcome! Who is funding, who is running all these researches and why the power of scientific provement is not taking action?
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''Can You Smell The Aroma" coming out of the exhaust hole through the door where we have the exhaust outlet point......... just to check at peak heat times in the tent, the aroma is not seeping past the twin carbon filters ??????

ALR everything safe! No smell outside...

I added a second fan to help fan [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] because the bending of the ducting + the 2 filters where not using the full pottential of the 580m3/h.
I have the Fan [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] on a speed controller little bit more than Half power and now my GHC fan controller is working 52% on intake Fan (580m3/h) and 100% on excaust Fan (580m3/h) and like this i have just a little negative pressure enough to pull the tent walls slighty inside and like this i know the system works because the intake should be half power of the excaust.
20190513_122427 (1).jpg

this tells me probly a bit early to put the 600w in the cooler housing........28c lights on is better for lights out temp and RH control......... or another answer to low lights out temp = the lights out heater is not turned up enough ?/................. we need a couple degree's above 21c really........... the low temp lights out will spike the RH...................... as below........

Yes i am back to the normal temperature schedule 24C lights off and 28-30C lights on ALR. Thank you

I was just looking at other grow journals i see in there that they drop the temp 21C at night...

But as we know root temperature must be 21C atleast to make the root zone work better so with 21C cab temp Root Temp will be 17C?18C? and this is not suitable...Ok got it...!!

the amnesia has show full yellow leaf color signal,........... whats more failed to respond the the G + B52 higher nitrogen every other feed................ so it must be phos lock out.............. but the amnesia run off "Ph" @6.4 is perfect..............so dose not bear out the phos lock which occurs due to low Ph............... the amneasia sit rep remains a mystery for now................. however it will not affect the final loading...........

if you look close you can see she is actually begun to re green in some area's of the mid and upper fan leaf sets...............at the outer edges where the nitrogen is now being taken up.............

the high Ec run off remains a mystery, say you feed monday wednesday friday sunday.............inbetween one of these days............... one of the dry days, inbetween a feed day.............you could hit the amnesia with a plan water flush out.................. and on the end of week, or run off feed................ check the Ec & Ph see if the Ec has moved..........

Yes i give her plain water every second feed. I see that her EC is raising up again!! Mystery girl! Her PH is good @ 6.6
But as you will see on the photos she green up at the top and buds grow bigger!

we will keep the ultimates on the current schedule........... i see you have dropped the "Big Bud".......... on the expert schedule it stops wk4-5 of flower.............. we are 40 days flower 5.7wks............. is when we star the overdrive.............. now.............

I am now going with G/M/B B52 OverDrive and BudCandy ALR PH 6.5 and EC 1.5

ultimate 2 pic 4 is a cracker white'ty............. she has a nitrogen sensitivity, as she is a sativa with very thin pure breed sativa leaves !!.......................looking cracking..................

I did something stupid. I had a fan rotating on them at full strenth and the leaves of Ulti 1&2 but mostly Ulti 2 have make the canoe up and the tips turn up and on the side...
I remove the fan completely as my RH is below 50%. The leaves was feeling dry too but now they feel more soft...Oops! xD

the full load will not go on the flowers for another 2-3wks yet.......... = full Autumnal effects (The Wind Down) to death, fully set in......... then the trichs load up big time................... = most peoples cut to early, before the full "Weight" is loaded.........the full power put apon on the flowers.....

I swear those buds get bigger and bigger day by day....
My only concern is that Ultimate 1 which has been LST'ed pretty good has a lot of small buds in the middle which are covered by leaves....I dont what to do maybe some defolation in the middle to let more light in??

a week to 9 days from now we will start the flush on the amnesia................ to ensure a low nute value in the flowers = good detox before the yellow sets rigfht in denying us the nute extract or removal via the flush................you cant flush late autumnal leaves !!...............

So Amnesia is ready?? How i will make the flush? With my 0.3 plain water or buy some distilled water? How to make a proper flush? I give her a good wash with 20 litres and then give her plain water (or distilled) every second day?

re the Glueberry OG.....

the fem = gorrilla glue x chem sister, is 'Sativa Dominant" hybrid, gorilla glue is a popular USA variety, this strain was the successful result of crossing Chem's Sister with Sour Dubb and Chocolate Diesel. These parents ensured the connoisseur taste and high of this amazing strain.
  • Prize winning strain
  • Distinct kush aroma and fruity flavor
  • Compact and extremely resinous buds
  • Easy-to-grow plant indoors and outdoors.
She has 4no known phenotypes. I will list them as seen in seedfinder:
  1. short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
  2. long, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
  3. long, stretched, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
  4. long, compact, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
With 4 seeds out of the 6 i will order i hope i get the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] phenotype

Glueberry OG takes around 8 weeks for flowering...And her height is controllable (propably i will do the Topping again right?)

Also in seedfinder eu she has a very high overall score of 7.75!! Pretty high score from this strain! Im so excited for my next grow allready!

General Impression Indoor: Glueberry O.G. is all together extremely good and very recommendable

i grow 3 different strains every grow, re peats yea, but 3 different ones every time. For choices sake............. i like to have a choice of 3 flovones in my vape juce and friday night king blunt...........when i watch newsnight !!................ and gardeners world with the inimitable "Monty Don' BBC1 Friday eves 8.30pm !!............

Just like a king! You remind me my self back when i was in the university...It was the time when the hybrids hit the market in Athens and we was getting really good buds it was very difficult to hide the smell in the bus xD

Just keep the nute power back / down / low / in control / !!................... they will all love it............... only over nute'ing causes nute issues.................

The Ec 1.5 is doing miracles xD

it make my heart sink to the very depths of the bottom of my soul, and then some, the loss of so many of "Darwins" species.............. my marine habitat is the hardest hit, the aqueous environment............. is full of plastic micro balls............. and 38% of all species on the CITES red list........... 80% of Australia's northern coral bleached now = gone.........

Hold on ALR because we allready enter the final phase...Dont forget that common good will never lose from personal interest and there are powers that awakens people right now from the bubble they live and taking them out of their selfsish little world....Soon people will realize the purpose of their life and thats when things will really change....

UPDATE info 13/05/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 50cm distance from canopy
Temps 28C Light ON / 24C Light OFF
Soil temps 21C - 23C
Humidity 40-50%

Grow Micro Bloom, B52, OverDrive and BudCandy and sometimes a little bit of RhinoSkin.
Ph 6.5 and Ec 1.5

Amnesia gets plain water every second time. Her run off shows that Ec is going up but her Ph stays to 6.4 - 6.6.

Day 78 since got in the dirt (76 days since got a head up in the soil)



Day 78 since got in the dirt (76 days since got a head up in the soil)



Amnesia xxl
Day 75 since got in the dirt (73 days since got a head up in the soil)

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But as you will see on the photos she green up at the top and buds grow bigger!

she could be finally responding to the extra nitrogen white'ty............. the amnesia sure starting to look heavy

I had a fan rotating on them at full strenth

these are lethal in a tent, for one good reason................. if you have a hermi, and fail to spot it,............. the strong fan blowing air in all directions, "Spreads The Pollen" round the whole tent !!!!!!!!! pollinating the lot, if no fan, and you fail to spot the herm sac open................. only a few bottom branches get the pollen............. so not ruining the whole crop etc................. theres 580m3/hr moving through the tent so plenty of air change and sedate air movement.................... keeping the co2 and o2 coming in fresh........ all you did was excelerate dehydration, is why the leaves folded up, to slow down hot air transit leaf dehydration, = 'Transevaporation".......... !!

Ultimate 1 which has been LST'ed pretty good has a lot of small buds in the middle which are covered by leaves

what we do, is "Leaf Tucking" where needed round the covered buds white,.............. just tuck the offending fans under the flower out of the way................ you may have to repeat tuck it, as it try to move back to the light.......

So Amnesia is ready?? How i will make the flush? With my 0.3 plain water or buy some distilled water?

RO @Ph ??............ you dont need to Ph the RO just "Oxygenate It" then made up to @23c, RO is the best flush water, as RO "Collects" salts, as it trickles down through the medium, as it has none in it !!....... oxygenating the water well, improves the flush capability....... the Ph of RO after oxygenating will be 8.0 or more................... this is just the co2 & oxygen giving the Ph reading ok.............. dont worry re the high Ph.......... just give it to em as it is after 24hrs aeration............ Ec will be non existent = great flush water.....

You can buy RO from a marine aquarium & fish outlet, (If You Can Find One?) = RO in 20ltr containers, (Marine Tank Top Up Water) =very cheap RO............ use it the same as your are now,................ water one day, the next let dry, water the next again................. water untill run off every water flush...................... and then remove the run off from under the plant, as to not let it sit in salt rich flush water.

If you can not get marine aquarium RO................ use the 0.3Ec bottled water, again do not Ph down, just use at the Ph it's at post the 24hr aeration...................... Ec0.3 is pretty low in salt anyhow white ok........ flush for 10 days............. you can monitor the Ec on each bi-daily run off from the flush, you should see the Ec slowly dropping down, except the amnesia, who's Ph will rise !!........... as the lime starts to break down after 75 days of acidic nute, begins to break down the bonds in the CaCo3 calcium carbonate.............

we are at day 75..........i would go to "85" days....... "before" we consider starting the 10 days, for amnesia flush = 95 days, a tad over the standard 3 months, for an auto grow........... the amnesia has not quite finished loading up the trichs at the mno white ok................ patients is a virtue here ok........ we wait for her to start to "Retract" the "Mobile Nutrient Elements NPK"............. you can see this happen, as the leaves begin to take on the autumnal colors............as nute move back into the flowers, the critical final loading period ok.......

you will first see the light brown break out as the leaf dies back after returning its mobile nute back to the fruits white ok......... 1st signs of ripening................ the amnesia may stay mid yellow, as she is now, but she will begin to move to brown, as she ripens off ok.................. there is no anthocyanin in cannabis "Leaves", so no "Red" hues, during autumnal ripening !!................... it's the anothcyanins though, that turn the canna stems red though,.......... usually during a phosphorus deff event !!........... or a cold snap will also bring out the red stem !!..........

so day 75 bang on 2.5 months now................ another 10 day till amnesia flush, if she is ready then !!....... plus another 10 days of the flush when we get it started = 20 days at least till the amnesia might be ready....................... re leaf color, you see teetee's color at harvest white yea ??

once the flush is done and Ec is low in run off water.................. not critical but is nice if we can get it down,............. more the plant color dictates when the flush is done.............. once flushed, we leave leave her for 2-3 days "No Water' on the same light pattern, to dry the flowers a little while on the plant white ok........

now we have an issue, as the 2 ultimates will need more days than the amnesia.................... "Qs" how to trim the amnesia, as we wont be able to use the tent to sit in ???..................... we still have negative pressure in the room, so if you sit on a stool and trim in the room, but outside the tent........ no smell should make it out of the room right ??.................

the trim smell will be sucked back into the cab, and treated with the carbon filters as usual......... the only issue is, when you go in and out of the room white, each door opening will let a large amount of aroma into the house...............

after 5 mins trimming in the room white, you will not be able to smell anything at all in the house, but your misses will tell you "it's Stinks In Here" !!!!!.................... your olfactory in your nose will shut down to the smell white.................. you wont smell a thing !!!!!!!!............. just keep all the windows and doors shut, and put lots of smelly candles around the house to adsorb the aroma etc............. with two fans sucking air out of the tent, and out of the space,................. two fans should create a nice amount of negative air pressure in the room now......

once trimmed to walnut sized buds................. hang them in the A4 brown bags inside the tent, to dry, using the brown bag drying method, = 1 day for every 10% of RH the day of the trim............ + one day...... if RH is 50% then 5 days plus one @23-26c...................... that might be the temp at floor level, then just hang them as close to the floor as possible white'ty, as we dont want them up in the 28-30c zone at top of tent ok....... dry to fast there ok................ i gave the exact drying protocol earlier in the thread etc.........

the ultimates are no where near the flush yet white ok.............. another 14 days at least, then flush, but we will see how they go the next 10 days................. after the amnesia final feed period ends, 10 days from now.........i can just see a small amount of yellow beginning to show in the ultimates 1-2 leaves, autumn has started with these, but early days yet................ they will be well heavy by the time they reach the end of the flush 30 day from now minimum !!................. thats 105 days at that point................. 15 days short of the fems tee just finished at 115 days............. so only ten days between them, but the fems usually hall "Marginally" heavier though, but are cheaper on the lecky, by 6hrs a day in flower, 6hrs x 60 days in flower (Fems) = 360hrs saved right......... on fems compared to 18/6 all the way for auto's....................

see you next Monday white'ty, all looking pretty good...................... nice culture work there man......... you are 70% of the way there now.................... day 75...................

did you see what the top shooter overdrive type auxin chem stims did to the DesFran flowers ??............... lots of micro bud spirals. Coming up off the bud crowns................. shooting them all into spirals............ if you dont want that, drop the overdirive and swap it out for "Pk13/14".................. you wont get the foxtailing bud spirals that way, just plump fruits, with all the energy going into "Trichome manufacture"........ i prefer the non auxin chem stims, au natural bud,................ with no spirals............... but each to their own white yea .... ALR
did you see what the top shooter overdrive type auxin chem stims did to the DesFran flowers ??............... lots of micro bud spirals. Coming up off the bud crowns................. shooting them all into spirals............ if you dont want that, drop the overdirive and swap it out for "Pk13/14".................. you wont get the foxtailing bud spirals that way, just plump fruits, with all the energy going into "Trichome manufacture"........ i prefer the non auxin chem stims, au natural bud,................ with no spirals............... but each to their own white yea .... ALR

This got me into panic mode since last night...I;ve been researching what is foxtailing and it does linked to OverDrive or shooters in general!!!

I will replace OverDrive with BigBud...

So i will be using 1,5ml of G/M/B + 1ml of B52, BigBud, BudCandy

Total NPK Ratio = 8-6.5-19

OR use 1:2:3 base ratio with 1 =Micro 2 =Grow and 3 =Bloom PLUS b52 Bigbud and Budcandy

Total NPK ratio = 9-11-27

Question is since i dont have a pk 13/14 can i go back to using Big Bud??
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