Dutch Passion DP Ultimates first

I had no access to AFN the last three days. It happened again a week ago

i only come on ere once, maybe twice a week now, so i would not know, i could not get on yesterday, Tuesday eve, for the update................. it's getting worse though the attacks

2 days ago it was very high humidity(photo below). A big battle in the grow room to keep the RH to 55%. No problems so far and i hope weather will go back to normal. Allready today its better!

so you can maintain environ control at peak summer high's................... that is a good bit of news........ sativas can handle the heat anyhow.................... and high RH !!

My seeds arrived and im now waiting for the chop to happen

for long term storage of beans, use the fridge.................. otherwise keep the packs at ambiunt air temp but out of direct sunlight................ i have hatched DP beans, from an open packet, opened 12mnth before......... still 100% hatch rate........

I dont want to give them the 24hour (maybe 48 hour) dark cycle so i will plant them when i harvest these

na probs white'ty.............

I burp the jar for 5 minutes every 2nd day. The buds dont feel dry or wet. They have a kind of soft feeling but i think if they stay out of the jar for a little bit they will feel more dry on the outside.

dry, verry brittle buds are harsh on the throat.................. there is a very large amount of trichomes on the bud, this feels like silk to the touch, and given the bud is at the correct RH 62%..............the combination WILL NOT FEEL LIKE THE OVER DRIED, LOW TRICHOME, HARVESTED TO EARLY GEAR, YOU ARE USED TO,............. THAT WAS THE NORM THEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!! now you have the real kit in your hands,......... you have the new high quality normal !!.......... your never going back to the old dry low potency shite again !!.............. if any of your friends get to see or test the new kit................... they will never leave you alone !! and you cant trust freinds and associates, after they have ytried the best a man can get !!............... the "Gillette" affect we call it.......... once the imfo is out there you cant reverse it !!............. and after what you said re the police giving kickings for growing etc.................... tell no one, give to no one.................... let no one smell it or know of it ever.................... theres no reversing it once done ........ keep the DP genie in the bottle ! or cure jar !! once out you knackered !!!!!

The smell when i smell inside the jar is great but when i remove the buds and smell them one by one they dont have such a great smell.

the botrytis hyepae break up, attack the terpens in the affected area's white.................. so fewer terps the less the smell.......... but on the mini sample you smoked the smallest peice................. stoned you like a never before right !!.................. you dont need to put as much in a duby, as you used to on the old weak shite................ start at one third !!......................... it may look like very little indeed in the joint................. like that just aint enough to do the job right ??...............................wrong !!..................just one quarter of the amount, you used to put in your old smoke, of your old gear, will stone you 10 times more than the old !!....................so your new 100% potency kit, will last 100% more, as you use 75% less than you would on the dry old shite you used to smoke right........... = keep your immunity low, by putting a lot less in from the start with the new kit........

I must say here that my paper bags are not like the mcdonalds paper bags. They are more thick.

they have to be the thin brown paper bags, thick ones will not let the RH = moisture out of the bag through the bag walls................ reverse trans-evaporation........ if the moisture cant perculate out, precipitate out through bag wall....................... mold may break out as moisture is trapped in the bag, 9Top Folded Over Twice)......... must get the thin brown paper bags for the dry out................... the bag lets out moisture while retaining the terpens...............

i think i let them over dry a little bit. The first test i made with a handful of buds inside the jar had the humidity to 77% after 1 hour, so i put them back to paper bags and 2 days after i test again and it was to 55% and i jarred all of the 29grams.

jarring at 55% RH is fine white'ty as the boveda pack re raise the RH up again................... better a bit dry when jarring than to wet.................... to wet leads to mold............

and a small sample i smoked had me tripping in joy. I haven't smoked for a long time and a tiny piece of Ultimate 1 brought me in a good mood xD It was a happy afternoon, we went to the beach, ate 1 ice cream on the way and 2 ice creams on the beach from the local ice cream truck xD A constant smile on my face and i just couldn't stop talking xD

a tiny piece of ulti !!............................. as above, keep the volume you put in right down................... this keeps you immunity to it very low, which gives you a proper all round medi and top head affect............ loosing sensitivity to it.............. leads to more consumption......................... for me, i am a once a day man,............ just before i go to sleep, that means i vape just before i drop off to kip................. maybe half hour before i go kip............. i may have a pinch or a vape on a Saturday morning................ but mainly one in the evening thats it................ it's a medicinal level........ that dose not interfere with your mood, when straight......

We are now in the 100+ day and with a week left i am very happy with what i got for my first grow...

yep, it's been another epic grow out....................... all went to plan, from my point of view...........

Lights off temps are 23C-25C witht the humidity @ 50%-55%...

that is good news.................. the AC unit is doing the job.................. same as i said to teetee, when he was planning to go to Aus...................... you will need an AC unit to grow !!.....................and is the main reason, in these hotter equatorial countries, the green is very very expensive................. as costs of production are very high,.................... and the increase in use of electricity can bring issues.......... tee payed 500 Aus dollar for his first oz in Aus !!............................ you go to a drive through food outlet (Any), and in Aus the roller skating delivery and order girls, roller skate up to the car.................. and take the order................ you just add the green to the order !!........................ the rollerskating delivery service to the car bring the green !!!!!

the green in Aus is run by the biker gangs in cahoots with the totally corrupt police sector...................it's a police state in Aus now.................. nice place shite people tee says..............

My worst fear is a electricity It can last from 2 to 4 hours or worst 10 hours!!

i have had two power cuts ere in the last two year..................... one in full flower 4hrs !!.................. and one for most of the day, in early veg....................... both where ok,............... plants where ok..............

all you can do is stop the stink getting out of the house untill power comes back on.................... lock down all windows.....................doors tape off vents.....................anywhere the stink can get out................... it will all be sucked back through the carbon filter wen it comes back on..................... ALR
I just make the flush no 5
Ultimate 1 = EC 5.1
Ultimate 2 = EC 2.0
Amnesia = EC 5.6

It looks like i might have to make 10 flushes OR give them a good 10 litre RO flush each one and finish at flush no7?

its not about getting the soil medium Ec down, but more about getting the nute residue, as far as possible, as low as possible in the flowers white............

the two ultimate's still have a large % off green leaves, that are still holding the mobile nute back, and this green in the leaves will slowly be pulled back into the flowers, as the flushes progress, we will not go further with the two ultimate's than flush 10............. as the Ec in the soil is holding up the color, as the flushes, are still rendering nute to the root matrix............... but by flush 10 should be showing some autumnal yellowing to the leaves.............

Conversely, the amnesia, is showing the correct leaf color, up to flush 7, and should be ready for the 3 day lights on no water, plant, bud and root ball dry out period, after the 7th RO flush.......

The EC that has dropped in Ulti no2............... to 2.0 !.................. shows the 'Lime" in this pot has broken down, and being used or flushed out of the grow medium, during the flush period underway................ peculiar, as the other 2 are still holding up the same elevated Ec that has been there from day one almost !!................. and no doubt will remain a chemical mystery !!.............. as at this stage 100 days = 50 days of 2ltr feeds and flushes = 100-150ltrs of water has passed through the grow medium !!................ enough to flush down any grow medium to the bare empty fiber !!.......................... but not these three !!

bet you can't wait to rip that apart and feel the joy

we all remember that moment, the moment when after all the hard work and husbandry, the moment finally came post dry / cure............... when you have it in your hand, and are about to light up the first home grown top end duby !!................. the potency is a revelation, as you realize you aint never been this mashed before !!........... and think, i defo dont need to put my old amount in the duby ! with this pro home grow kit......... and the aroma is so potent also.................... as you re enter the smoking room !!............... the fruit is strong aroma !!....................... and that moment, for me, was a "Blueberry" moment !!.................. as when buying street green, only twice in those years, did i ever get me hands on a genuine blueberry smoke.......... and was the reason i tried my first grow, 2 plants under a 250w duel spec "CFL" light 100mm fan in a home made cab, from butyl pond liner !!................... and a heath robinson timber frame home made job !!............... it worked,............ and that blueberry moment was had. I never looked back at the street again........instead, it was me that was holding 2.5oz of the BB..................... i could only dream of the BB........... in the past............

Its like the feeling of getting my first pc

you have had a small, micro sample smoke, of the ultimate,.............. to which you said you had a smile on your face all day.................and 100% satisfaction !!!!................ sounds like a fully payed up member of the life club "Home Growers".........!!........................... no longer the shite street kit cut way to early, and over dried and weak.................... with a buzz that last 20mins instead of 2 to 4 plus hours ! and no chem head, from non flushed nute laden shite street green...............................

you see now white, compared to 10 days ago, just how much trich is loaded up in those critical last 3wks of the grow....................... they look proper trichome stacked and heavy white'ty man !!!!!............. hope you got the extra kilner jars your going to need them man !!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice owrk there @WhiteLight........... ALR
its not about getting the soil medium Ec down, but more about getting the nute residue, as far as possible, as low as possible in the flowers white............

the two ultimate's still have a large % off green leaves, that are still holding the mobile nute back, and this green in the leaves will slowly be pulled back into the flowers, as the flushes progress, we will not go further with the two ultimate's than flush 10............. as the Ec in the soil is holding up the color, as the flushes, are still rendering nute to the root matrix............... but by flush 10 should be showing some autumnal yellowing to the leaves.............

Conversely, the amnesia, is showing the correct leaf color, up to flush 7, and should be ready for the 3 day lights on no water, plant, bud and root ball dry out period, after the 7th RO flush.......

The EC that has dropped in Ulti no2............... to 2.0 !.................. shows the 'Lime" in this pot has broken down, and being used or flushed out of the grow medium, during the flush period underway................ peculiar, as the other 2 are still holding up the same elevated Ec that has been there from day one almost !!................. and no doubt will remain a chemical mystery !!.............. as at this stage 100 days = 50 days of 2ltr feeds and flushes = 100-150ltrs of water has passed through the grow medium !!................ enough to flush down any grow medium to the bare empty fiber !!.......................... but not these three !!

we all remember that moment, the moment when after all the hard work and husbandry, the moment finally came post dry / cure............... when you have it in your hand, and are about to light up the first home grown top end duby !!................. the potency is a revelation, as you realize you aint never been this mashed before !!........... and think, i defo dont need to put my old amount in the duby ! with this pro home grow kit......... and the aroma is so potent also.................... as you re enter the smoking room !!............... the fruit is strong aroma !!....................... and that moment, for me, was a "Blueberry" moment !!.................. as when buying street green, only twice in those years, did i ever get me hands on a genuine blueberry smoke.......... and was the reason i tried my first grow, 2 plants under a 250w duel spec "CFL" light 100mm fan in a home made cab, from butyl pond liner !!................... and a heath robinson timber frame home made job !!............... it worked,............ and that blueberry moment was had. I never looked back at the street again........instead, it was me that was holding 2.5oz of the BB..................... i could only dream of the BB........... in the past............

you have had a small, micro sample smoke, of the ultimate,.............. to which you said you had a smile on your face all day.................and 100% satisfaction !!!!................ sounds like a fully payed up member of the life club "Home Growers".........!!........................... no longer the shite street kit cut way to early, and over dried and weak.................... with a buzz that last 20mins instead of 2 to 4 plus hours ! and no chem head, from non flushed nute laden shite street green...............................

you see now white, compared to 10 days ago, just how much trich is loaded up in those critical last 3wks of the grow....................... they look proper trichome stacked and heavy white'ty man !!!!!............. hope you got the extra kilner jars your going to need them man !!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice owrk there @WhiteLight........... ALR

ALR i am more than pleased with everything. You been a blinds man guide and showed me the colors - the art of growing A class bud.

They do look more potent in this final weeks. Each and every day especially now the white crystals are drooling off the buds. They look like christmas cake.

I cant imagine how strong the final harvest will be compared to the pre harvest bud i tried!

I got my self extra 12 bovedas (22 in total now) and everytime i hit the town i buy couple more jars. I tested the new jars with boveda inside and humidity is locked to 62% so i guess they are air tight enough!!! Got my self 10 jars in total so far 1ltre each...

The 1 litre kilner i am using to cure the pre harvest 29grams is almost full!! So im guessing 30 to 35 gr in each jar....

I have the seeds in the fridge inside this small plastic bottles with the closing cup. Temp in the fridge is 11c and 65% humidity but i think inside the small bottles they will be ok...

I will also order express delivery of 50 paper bags 24cm x 13cm x 8cm
Amazon product ASIN B07P7LTQ9G
It looks like Amnesia will be chopped without a dark cycle???

If its like this, i mean skip the dark cycle (why not right?) then i could bring in the tent the 6 x 3litre pots with the new beans inside with the cling film method and sproud them!!!

What i wanted to ask is that i will run off the seedlings with Voodoo juice lets say 1ml=1litre and then insert the seeds??

I will run a run off test of my soil with my bottle water EC 0.3 to see how much EC there is in the new soil...I will post later my findings...This is to understand on when to start feeding them
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They are going down on Thursday morning....

Humidity is climbing to 60% and its getting out of control.

I have done the 6th flush zero EC water on 15/6 and tonight the lights are going off for 48 hours.
First flush was on 3/6 so they received a good 2 week flush time

The Ultimates have been yellowed the leaves on the top colas and thats enough for me. Amnesia is allready dropping her leaves...

I think the time has come for the harvest of my first grow...

This is the update as i didnt had the chance for photo shoot before lights out last night...

Photos will be taken before i chop them down on Thurday 20/6 and post them after the trimming and brown bagging...

Photos will include the trimming process & the brown bagging drying method plus information

I will run the room air condition for the 3-5 days of brown bagging drying...Drying Temps will be 22C-24C, 50%-60% humidity
soz i was not in on Monday eve....................had to pot up the dames, from 3ltr pots to the 15ltr autopots and auto trays and auto valves............. did not finish till 11.55pm..................... to late to log on...........

white crystals are drooling off the buds. They look like christmas cake.

it's when you take a pic with a flash, you see the volume of trich load, as the 70 micron trichome, reflects the light,....................giving the silverback effect................... yea they are loaded up now.................. to my standard of ripeness,.................... they are correctly ripened, which means the medi value of the sativa is 110%.............

cant imagine how strong the final harvest will be compared to the pre harvest bud i tried!

80% up !!....................................dont put to much in the first cured joint, take it easy it's lethal !!............... or you may have a white'ty = white'ty's white'ty !!.................. dont forget to breath also !!.............. dont drive on the ripe one !!........................your mind "Will" wonder................... have they got the canna lick test for drivers there ???.......... as its potent......................the burnt kit is 100% more stinky than standard low trich kit................. you can smell it for miles white yea......... my advice is,.............. take the battery out of the smoke alarm, while you smoke inside the room the cab is in..........................all canna smoking smell is treated then and pumped out....... when you go out........................"Use The Vape Pen!"............no one will no a thing !!

the pre harvest 29grams is almost full!! So im guessing 30 to 35 gr in each jar....

just drop it in the jar "Very Lightly"............................do not compress it...........................as you "Knock" off the trichome balls you loose the power........................check this under a magnifying glass......................you see stalks but no ball on top.........

express delivery of 50 paper bags 24cm x 13cm x 8cm

that is the kit you need......................thin brown A4 brown bags................... just put a coffee cup amount in the bag..................... puff out bag corners to give a space...............put coffee cup volume of "Wet" bud in........double fold over the top.......................clip it on the rack................... 2 bags to each sock clip............. hang low if temp high...................hang high if temp low..........................26c is max drying temp................... but if 28c........................just watch em more often,........................ as they will rapid dry quicker........................down to 55%RH....................... you dont want to dry em to below 50%RH....................it's difficult to recover from 45%Rh back to 62% etc...............................55% is bang on for jarring up........................ burp jars every 2-3 days for an hour................. 4 or 5 time to get the homogeneity of RH right.....

looks like Amnesia will be chopped without a dark cycle???

na worries...........

i mean skip the dark cycle (why not right?) then i could bring in the tent the 6 x 3litre pots with the new beans inside with the cling film method and sprout them!!!

not a prob to skip it...........................it just adds a low % of extra terps.................... and another day dryiong out in the pot.....................

I will run a run off test of my soil with my bottle water EC 0.3 to see how much EC there is in the new soil..

................... we did do the tests earlier.....................on the two types, i selected one type based on the run off's we did.............................it was in the right parameter range i remember......... the white bag of soil............. universal soil brand ?/..........

Humidity is climbing to 60% and its getting out of control.

i think the AC unit may be adding to the room RH..................... "OR"....................the air coming into the room under the door................... may have increased RH in it ??...................... cooking indoors ??................shower room next door ??.............................other thing can raise RH indoors...................... what is RH outdoor at the mo ??............................. might pay to have a "Outside Air" inlet hole in the door !! with a "Bug" filter on it........2x 15 denier...........................you can then switch to the lowest RH.................house during the day outside lower RH at night white'ty ??...........make sure the bug filter is fine enough ok...

tonight the lights are going off for 48 hours.

....................... keep temps up as normal with the heater 26c.................. and air flow as normal........... helps dry em out further, improves terpen value and trich load even further..................... keep RH as low as is possible...............raise temp to 29c if you need to to get RH down to 50 or below.....................if pos...........the lower the better for dark period............. then get the trimming stool in position !!...................use a house lamp standard to trim with not the "HPS" !!.......................use 1kw floor heater to keep temps up to 26-29c.............. with low as pos RH.............................. use the RH formula = 1 day for every 10% of RH................. + one day...........check RH as you go with a 1ltr kilner RH test jar................. test bud only no boveda packs ion jar when assessing thew bud RH pre lock down........

First flush was on 3/6 so they received a good 2 week flush time

..............................10 days is a good period for the 'Purification" flush period...........................also allows final ripening up................ before the dry out in pot.....................then dark period...............also adding to the dring period....................... if leaves flop don't worry...................just the water coming out......

I think the time has come for the harvest of my first grow...

yey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how old are they ??????????????????? day 115 at chop ????? put it in the diary for that strain = 115 day........... put date on the jar the day you lock it down at 55%rh.............

Photos will be taken before i chop them down on Thurday 20/6 and post them after the trimming and brown bagging...

......................CANT WAIT TO SEE THE BAGS ON THE SOCK RACK WHITE'TY MATE !!!! AND FINAL OZ COUNT = ?............................. 9 ZIPS ??...........DIFFICULT TO TEL UNDER ALL THAT TRICHOME !!

Photos will include the trimming process & the brown bagging drying method plus information

.......................nice job white'ty.................. as of this-morning 5687 watching and 303 replies to the thread............. the top thread in the DP lounge by a long chalk !!...................... and then some white'ty

I will run the room air condition for the 3-5 days of brown bagging drying...Drying Temps will be 22C-24C, 50%-60% humidity

the lower the RH the better for drying white...................it is = to reverse VPd..................... the lower the RH in air is below the bud core RH.......................the faster the dry will be....................... we want RH at 45-55%............55% being an "Ideal" max............. 60% is to high as the bud RH is close to that ok............... the bud is 60-70%Rh get 20% below that to dry it in the brown bags etc........................ we could say at chop, the bud is 80-90% water = RH.........................so 55% is well below but not so much to cause to rapid a drying process etc............................ cant wait to see the pics just before the chop............ !!...............the full load on em................ like you say dripping with crystals.........."The Full Monty" load !!........ nice job white'ty ALR

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! final round up

now you have been along the culture journey, of 100 odd days................... and did it the hard way,.............. watering by hand !!...................... and learning the interpretation of the plants feedback........... and tuning in your canna culture husbandry..................... the next Qs is ??

if you are in the middle of a grow.................and you have to go away for say 3 to 7 days............ WTF do you do about the plants ???............................. Your next culture step is............... "Automation" !!

now this is how i go away on a 6-8 day holliday !!.........

you will need a 4 pot autopot set up with a 20ltr, 1m elevated reservoir "Inside the cab"................

key note is, you need to put the 'AquaTrays" (below) inside a tray 60-70cm square (2no in 1.5m cab= 4 plants).....................

60-70cm 'water catch Tray

the reason is, "IF" a aquavalve fails, through debris in the silicone pad shut of point.................. the res will flow over into the catch tray.............. avoiding a house flood while you are away !!!!

now i hear you say flood !!!!!!..................... well in the 3yr i have been using the aquavalve i have never had a valve fail and let the "15Ltr reservoir".................. flood int the "Safety" flood catch tray...............

the dirtier they get, the valves !! never say never.................just plan for the eventual event !!.............

so 15ltr res, 1m elevated on a stand to give dynamic head to the aquavalves.......................

rig up the four aqua trays in the two flood catch trays................... use a pipe that is light proof to avoid algae build up in pipework................... connect up the aquavalves to the 15ltr res................... AND USE ZIP TIES ON ALL 12MM SUPPLY PIPE CONNECTIONS AND THE 6MM AQUAVALVE SUPPLY SIDE BRANCH PIPES ALSO ZIP TIE EM UP........ HEAT DILATES PIPES AND ALLOWS EM TO SLIP OFF THE CONNECTORS !!

so,................. when you are going away................ just before you leave water the plants to run off in the aquatray,........................ "Top Up" the aqua tray after run off has come out................ top up to 25mm deep.................

so plant watered, tray full, and 15ltrs in the res to continue the feeds while your away............. by the end of the 6-7th day......................the res will be empty..................... but the plants will be watered............... then 2 days without water = no probs.................3 days no water with "Sativa's" = no probs.............

make sure to "LIFT" the lights up "BEFORE" you go away for 10 days.................. by 60cm at least !! better higher than sorry right !!..................... when you come back after 10 days....................... ten fold growth !!................ and they will be ready to drink, a lot !!.........................

i use the aquavalves and tray during the veg period when i am at home....................as is no probs................. i go in there every 3-4 days on the auto set up in veg.....................in flower i switch to hand watering.............. as Ph is more important during the fruiting period...........................although no issue to go away for 10 days during flower either................... i just prefer to keep eye on em in flower..................

heres a couple of pics of the aquatray set up i use, and why i use it................

two number capillary matting wicks, L30cm x W2.5cm............ inserted into the pot bottom..... these wicks sit in the tray with holes in to let the water into the "Round Aquapot Support Tray. This keeps the pot "Up" and out of the water in the black aqua tray.................so no soggy wet bottoms here !!.......... to go anerobic on me !1................... plus oxygen is dragged up the wicks into the awaiting root matrix...............the root eventually comes down into the brown round support tray and drinks direct.................. but pot is not sitting in water !!.......... we like that.............

top shot of inserted wicks into pot bottom.........................spread them out whlie filling with the soil........

the round brown suppoert tray 25cm radius x 3cm deep............... (Aquavalve is 1.5cm deepth) before it shuts of the water.......................so the perfect cappilliary depth............

the clingfilm method of germ......................see the 5cm headroom in pot for the shooter.......

below, we use an empty pot to form the hole for the seedling........... in the background........... pop it out and into the 15ltr pot pre formed hole !!..................= potted up.................. = use mycroryzal root-grow powder in the pre formed hole in the compost.....................then drop the seedling in ontto the mycroryzal powerder in the hole bottom..........

below the 2no posh dutch dames in the 15ltr pots, in the aquatrays............(aquavalves not yet installed)....... these are then sitting in the 70cm square flood catcher trays.................with 4cm tall sides...................will catch the whole 15ltr from the res, if a aquavalve should fail and let the whole 15ltr res into the tray............... the catch tray will catch the whole lot = no flood............ note; i have never had a valve fail.........."YET" !!

i have gone away on a pre watering, and a loaded 15ltr res for the aquavalves many times, during veg and flower periods.......................to come back to much larger plants !!....................... you must raise the light 60-70cm before you go though !!............................... all being well, you will return to much larger plants on the auto set up........................it works, works very well................... i can vouch for the method.............. ALR

Ps; several dahlia show growers use HPS rooms to "Time Up" the flowers to the exact day of the show,,,,,,,,, and cut the blooms the night before transporting the the nationals !!............ an un fair advantage to a garden grower, growing on normal daylight hours !!......and bad weather !................. = no show grow room !!................ the HPS dahlia grow room guy's......................win the prizes as timing up the blooms, and size of blooms counts !! to the show day can all be done in the fully controlled show grow room !!...........

heres a good example of a giant "Decorative Class" show dahlia....... "Hollands Festival"....... room grown timed up to perfection !!................. i will be showing this year in the novice D class !!................ a 3 set of blooms and a single giant !!............... via the grow room ALR
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soz i was not in on Monday eve....................had to pot up the dames, from 3ltr pots to the 15ltr autopots and auto trays and auto valves............. did not finish till 11.55pm..................... to late to log on...........

it's when you take a pic with a flash, you see the volume of trich load, as the 70 micron trichome, reflects the light,....................giving the silverback effect................... yea they are loaded up now.................. to my standard of ripeness,.................... they are correctly ripened, which means the medi value of the sativa is 110%.............

80% up !!....................................dont put to much in the first cured joint, take it easy it's lethal !!............... or you may have a white'ty = white'ty's white'ty !!.................. dont forget to breath also !!.............. dont drive on the ripe one !!........................your mind "Will" wonder................... have they got the canna lick test for drivers there ???.......... as its potent......................the burnt kit is 100% more stinky than standard low trich kit................. you can smell it for miles white yea......... my advice is,.............. take the battery out of the smoke alarm, while you smoke inside the room the cab is in..........................all canna smoking smell is treated then and pumped out....... when you go out........................"Use The Vape Pen!"............no one will no a thing !!

just drop it in the jar "Very Lightly"............................do not compress it...........................as you "Knock" off the trichome balls you loose the power........................check this under a magnifying glass......................you see stalks but no ball on top.........

that is the kit you need......................thin brown A4 brown bags................... just put a coffee cup amount in the bag..................... puff out bag corners to give a space...............put coffee cup volume of "Wet" bud in........double fold over the top.......................clip it on the rack................... 2 bags to each sock clip............. hang low if temp high...................hang high if temp low..........................26c is max drying temp................... but if 28c........................just watch em more often,........................ as they will rapid dry quicker........................down to 55%RH....................... you dont want to dry em to below 50%RH....................it's difficult to recover from 45%Rh back to 62% etc...............................55% is bang on for jarring up........................ burp jars every 2-3 days for an hour................. 4 or 5 time to get the homogeneity of RH right.....

na worries...........

not a prob to skip it...........................it just adds a low % of extra terps.................... and another day dryiong out in the pot.....................

................... we did do the tests earlier.....................on the two types, i selected one type based on the run off's we did.............................it was in the right parameter range i remember......... the white bag of soil............. universal soil brand ?/..........

i think the AC unit may be adding to the room RH..................... "OR"....................the air coming into the room under the door................... may have increased RH in it ??...................... cooking indoors ??................shower room next door ??.............................other thing can raise RH indoors...................... what is RH outdoor at the mo ??............................. might pay to have a "Outside Air" inlet hole in the door !! with a "Bug" filter on it........2x 15 denier...........................you can then switch to the lowest RH.................house during the day outside lower RH at night white'ty ??...........make sure the bug filter is fine enough ok...

....................... keep temps up as normal with the heater 26c.................. and air flow as normal........... helps dry em out further, improves terpen value and trich load even further..................... keep RH as low as is possible...............raise temp to 29c if you need to to get RH down to 50 or below.....................if pos...........the lower the better for dark period............. then get the trimming stool in position !!...................use a house lamp standard to trim with not the "HPS" !!.......................use 1kw floor heater to keep temps up to 26-29c.............. with low as pos RH.............................. use the RH formula = 1 day for every 10% of RH................. + one day...........check RH as you go with a 1ltr kilner RH test jar................. test bud only no boveda packs ion jar when assessing thew bud RH pre lock down........

..............................10 days is a good period for the 'Purification" flush period...........................also allows final ripening up................ before the dry out in pot.....................then dark period...............also adding to the dring period....................... if leaves flop don't worry...................just the water coming out......

yey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how old are they ??????????????????? day 115 at chop ????? put it in the diary for that strain = 115 day........... put date on the jar the day you lock it down at 55%rh.............

......................CANT WAIT TO SEE THE BAGS ON THE SOCK RACK WHITE'TY MATE !!!! AND FINAL OZ COUNT = ?............................. 9 ZIPS ??...........DIFFICULT TO TEL UNDER ALL THAT TRICHOME !!

.......................nice job white'ty.................. as of this-morning 5687 watching and 303 replies to the thread............. the top thread in the DP lounge by a long chalk !!...................... and then some white'ty

the lower the RH the better for drying white...................it is = to reverse VPd..................... the lower the RH in air is below the bud core RH.......................the faster the dry will be....................... we want RH at 45-55%............55% being an "Ideal" max............. 60% is to high as the bud RH is close to that ok............... the bud is 60-70%Rh get 20% below that to dry it in the brown bags etc........................ we could say at chop, the bud is 80-90% water = RH.........................so 55% is well below but not so much to cause to rapid a drying process etc............................ cant wait to see the pics just before the chop............ !!...............the full load on em................ like you say dripping with crystals.........."The Full Monty" load !!........ nice job white'ty ALR

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! final round up

now you have been along the culture journey, of 100 odd days................... and did it the hard way,.............. watering by hand !!...................... and learning the interpretation of the plants feedback........... and tuning in your canna culture husbandry..................... the next Qs is ??

if you are in the middle of a grow.................and you have to go away for say 3 to 7 days............ WTF do you do about the plants ???............................. Your next culture step is............... "Automation" !!

now this is how i go away on a 6-8 day holliday !!.........

you will need a 4 pot autopot set up with a 20ltr, 1m elevated reservoir "Inside the cab"................

key note is, you need to put the 'AquaTrays" (below) inside a tray 60-70cm square (2no in 1.5m cab= 4 plants).....................
View attachment 1072686
60-70cm 'water catch Tray
View attachment 1072687

the reason is, "IF" a aquavalve fails, through debris in the silicone pad shut of point.................. the res will flow over into the catch tray.............. avoiding a house flood while you are away !!!!

now i hear you say flood !!!!!!..................... well in the 3yr i have been using the aquavalve i have never had a valve fail and let the "15Ltr reservoir".................. flood int the "Safety" flood catch tray...............

the dirtier they get, the valves !! never say never.................just plan for the eventual event !!.............

so 15ltr res, 1m elevated on a stand to give dynamic head to the aquavalves.......................

rig up the four aqua trays in the two flood catch trays................... use a pipe that is light proof to avoid algae build up in pipework................... connect up the aquavalves to the 15ltr res................... AND USE ZIP TIES ON ALL 12MM SUPPLY PIPE CONNECTIONS AND THE 6MM AQUAVALVE SUPPLY SIDE BRANCH PIPES ALSO ZIP TIE EM UP........ HEAT DILATES PIPES AND ALLOWS EM TO SLIP OFF THE CONNECTORS !!

so,................. when you are going away................ just before you leave water the plants to run off in the aquatray,........................ "Top Up" the aqua tray after run off has come out................ top up to 25mm deep.................

so plant watered, tray full, and 15ltrs in the res to continue the feeds while your away............. by the end of the 6-7th day......................the res will be empty..................... but the plants will be watered............... then 2 days without water = no probs.................3 days no water with "Sativa's" = no probs.............

make sure to "LIFT" the lights up "BEFORE" you go away for 10 days.................. by 60cm at least !! better higher than sorry right !!..................... when you come back after 10 days....................... ten fold growth !!................ and they will be ready to drink, a lot !!.........................

i use the aquavalves and tray during the veg period when i am at home....................as is no probs................. i go in there every 3-4 days on the auto set up in veg.....................in flower i switch to hand watering.............. as Ph is more important during the fruiting period...........................although no issue to go away for 10 days during flower either................... i just prefer to keep eye on em in flower..................

heres a couple of pics of the aquatray set up i use, and why i use it................

two number capillary matting wicks, L30cm x W2.5cm............ inserted into the pot bottom..... these wicks sit in the tray with holes in to let the water into the "Round Aquapot Support Tray. This keeps the pot "Up" and out of the water in the black aqua tray.................so no soggy wet bottoms here !!.......... to go anerobic on me !1................... plus oxygen is dragged up the wicks into the awaiting root matrix...............the root eventually comes down into the brown round support tray and drinks direct.................. but pot is not sitting in water !!.......... we like that.............
View attachment 1072701
top shot of inserted wicks into pot bottom.........................spread them out whlie filling with the soil........ View attachment 1072700
the round brown suppoert tray 25cm radius x 3cm deep............... (Aquavalve is 1.5cm deepth) before it shuts of the water.......................so the perfect cappilliary depth............ View attachment 1072699
the clingfilm method of germ......................see the 5cm headroom in pot for the shooter....... View attachment 1072698
below, we use an empty pot to form the hole for the seedling........... in the background........... pop it out and into the 15ltr pot pre formed hole !!..................= potted up.................. = use mycroryzal root-grow powder in the pre formed hole in the compost.....................then drop the seedling in ontto the mycroryzal powerder in the hole bottom.......... View attachment 1072697
below the 2no posh dutch dames in the 15ltr pots, in the aquatrays............(aquavalves not yet installed)....... these are then sitting in the 70cm square flood catcher trays.................with 4cm tall sides...................will catch the whole 15ltr from the res, if a aquavalve should fail and let the whole 15ltr res into the tray............... the catch tray will catch the whole lot = no flood............ note; i have never had a valve fail.........."YET" !!View attachment 1072696

i have gone away on a pre watering, and a loaded 15ltr res for the aquavalves many times, during veg and flower periods.......................to come back to much larger plants !!....................... you must raise the light 60-70cm before you go though !!............................... all being well, you will return to much larger plants on the auto set up........................it works, works very well................... i can vouch for the method.............. ALR

Ps; several dahlia show growers use HPS rooms to "Time Up" the flowers to the exact day of the show,,,,,,,,, and cut the blooms the night before transporting the the nationals !!............ an un fair advantage to a garden grower, growing on normal daylight hours !!......and bad weather !................. = no show grow room !!................ the HPS dahlia grow room guy's......................win the prizes as timing up the blooms, and size of blooms counts !! to the show day can all be done in the fully controlled show grow room !!...........

heres a good example of a giant "Decorative Class" show dahlia....... "Hollands Festival"....... room grown timed up to perfection !!................. i will be showing this year in the novice D class !!................ a 3 set of blooms and a single giant !!............... via the grow room ALR
View attachment 1072712

YYYYYYOoooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO !!

I have been facing a lot of busy schedule the last days and i had to do the harvest too! Not an easy thing!

I wasnt prepared of what was coming!!

Lets take things from the begining should we?...

I made the last watering/flush on 16/6 and followed 2 days (16,17,18/6) of drying with the 600w hps on...On 18/6 i switched the light off and let them in a dark period of 24 hours!

Then on 19/6 i received the paper bags i ordered from amazon but only to find out that they where SMALL! I literally lost my mind! They was half the A4 size!! It looks like i made a wrong purchase (bye bye 30 euros)

I decided to make the harvest in the small bags so i started chopping Ultimate [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]...

I got inside the tent with a house lamp over my head and closed the tent so the extraction filter fan takes out the smell....

I start chopping Ultimate [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] and trimming very carefully to create nice looking buds....It took me 4 hours to chop 1 plant xD I was so excausted from the busy schedule and the trimming...My fingers got stuck from that trimming scissor!!

It wasnt long time after that i realize that those small paper bags, 50 pieces in total, was gone and i had more buds to bag!!!

I lost the earth under my feet! Cold sweat all over me!! Without wasting time i run into town...2 Mcdonald shops to get 8 paper bags A4 size and a supermarket to buy some fruits and steal some extra paper bags and then quickly back to my base.....

I wasnt happy with the quality of paper bags as they had ink (chemical) on them but i had to bag the buds!!!

Finally i manage to finish Ultimate [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] after 6-7 hours of adventure....

I decided to let Amnesia and Ultimate [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] going in the dark until i see what to do...Where to find paper bags A4 size!!

The next day on 20/6 i had to visit the capital city to prepare some papers for my wife at the embasy....

I made a quick search in google and found 2 shops selling paper bags!!! So after the embassy i used google map to visit the first shop!!

Guys...It was a relief!! I found the proper bags i was looking for!! FINALLY!!

I grap 4 packages x 25 pieces = 100 paper bags A4 size...Just brown paper, no ink on it, no chemical, thin layer of brown paper!!!!


Now i needed to make some extra shopping of sock racks and by 12:00 i was back in the tent to continue my mission!!

Firstly i removed all the buds from the wrong paper bags i hang on the racks on 19/6 and put them in their new drying paper bags!!

Everything was looking normal now!! Proper job, professionalism, just how i like it!! Stress was gone!

I made the mistake of opening the paper bags after 1 day but i rather do this than let them dry in the wrong paper bags....

So i started chopping Amnesia and Ultimate [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]....I was in the tent from 12:00 until 23:00 last night....Its the most difficult part of growing!! So much trimming to achieve the evenly nice looking bud xD

By the end of the trimming and paper bagging the buds, i used 50 A4 size paper bags

If my calculations are correct there might be 350 grams of dry bud by the end of drying....

---> 1 paper bag A4 size holds average 7 grams of bud when dryied out...----> 7 grams x 50 paper bags = 350 gr....

We will see...I will be posting yield size for each plant soon....Stay tuned!!

Some photos for the reference.....

Here are the plants on harvest time...Grow cycled lasted 115+ days from first soaking the seeds!!!





Some Ultimate [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] photos of BUD...The smell was unreal and these buds was sticking like a gorilla glue!!


One bud from Amnesia xxl over the lg g6 phone device....


How much i put inside a A4 size paper bag....

Final, the paper bags on the sock racks, next to the tent with the extraction FULL ON and also i placed a fan before the sock racks on the lowest setting to circulate air above the paper bags.....50 paper bags, 10 sock racks, 3 A4 sie paper bags per sock rack...I will get another 2 sock racks today to hang 6 bags on the empty space you see on the right side of the hanger....

The drying process is difficult because of our high humidity levels during summer....

Temperature for drying is 22C - 26C and Humidity 55% - 65%....We will see how it goes right?? Hope to make it without and mould presenting...

The root zone looks interesting...After a wash with the water hose, the root zone exposed!

On the left it is the Amnesia xxl Auto inside a 15 litre fibre pot...BUT the pot was half full of soil because i was very NOOB when i started and didnt fill it up xD
Ultimate 1 & 2 are the rest 2 root zones inside 20 litre fabric pots also with 3/4 of soil....

I washed the heavy materials off the fabric pots with the water hose and later on the day i will wash them inside the laundry machine using this:
  • Dettol laundry disinfectant kills 99.9 percent of bacteria even at 20 degrees
  • For hygienically clean laundry
  • Eliminates odour causing bacteria
  • The fresh cotton fragrance leaves your laundry smelling crisp
  • Just add two capsules to your fabric softener draw for every wash
  • Suitable for use on everything from underwear and children's clothes to towels and bedding

ALR AUTOPOT system looks very promising for the need of going away from your base for a period of time...

I will look more into it but to be honest i dont understand much about it and also i think i will have a probem to maintain the res temp and ph??

In any way it looks interesting for the future as now i will continue like you taught me full manual mode as i dont get the privilage for vacations due to the nature of my work....


@AutoLowRyder er

ALR quotes on March 2nd 2019 ''I will see you through to a harvest this time whitty mate ok..................... you are on your weay to harvest. You just lost 100 quid and 30 days........................ that will be the last time you ever loose that dow & time again my freind.....................''

Here we are in the final step ALR!! The harvest has just been completed!!

A 3 month course has come to an end...well almost...we still have the dry and cure steps....

This journal is the most completed journal i have ever seen!!!

Here you can find all the information for a GOOD SOLID START if you are a new noob like me!!

I hope more people like me take the advices of a man like ALR and learn a couple of things through this...

Mr Darky getting suspicious of whats going on in his territory the last couple of days xD
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It took me 4 hours to chop 1 plant xD I was so excausted

yep, you can only imagine, what it must be like to live in Amsterdam as a full time "Bud Tender" there are 3600 professionals, that take harvest contracts !!................... trim all day, coffee vape, biscuits, coffee vape more dutch sweet biscuits !!.................. some posh dutch made 'Milking Stalls"............... for the trim, cushion trimmed !!..... can only dream of, the 100m2 glass house sight !1............... all hot box thermal controlled !!....... trimming can not be automated you see !!!!!

.My fingers got stuck from that trimming scissor!!

i did mention about the laytex gloves,.................... during trimming you poped out to MacDonald, to get more bags with sticky hands white'ty man ??/............... you must have stunk the gaff right out...... lol ;)............ as when you've been trimming for 30 mins.........................your "Olfactory" sensitivity to terpens is at zero.............. you just cant smell it........................your nose is shut down to it...................... it gets in your clothes like thich sweat can !!................... and stink out the whole place !!!!!!!!...................did you get any funny side glances in the que at macky dee's !1.......... bet you wanged a big mac and shake !1...........

Cold sweat all over me!!

just dont smoke to much at one time !!!...................only kidding !1.............. i bet the flavor is 110% bang tidy....... the head, bang on also............

Without wasting time i run into town

Completely and utterly mashed, i bet !!........................but an alert, conversationalists !!........

Where to find paper bags A4 size!!

you achieved it under pressure,.............and with sticky fingers, that deposited 2g of trichome resin onto the steering wheel............. nest time you get in it, you will smell the resin brva !!........ especially in 32c heat of the day, baking the car, when locked,................open the door the heat rush and ultimate flavones !!...........nice

Guys...It was a relief!! I found the proper bags i was looking for!! FINALLY!!

mission done, canna culture warrior !!.............

I grap 4 packages x 25 pieces = 100 paper bags A4 size...Just brown paper, no ink on it, no chemical, thin layer of brown paper!!!!

100% the item needed........

Now i needed to make some extra shopping of sock racks

yep she is looking a heavy harvest there @WhiteLight.................. they look absolutely dripping in trichomes,.......... 100% the silverback load.......... even in daylight shots, a night shot with flash would just be a solid wall of trichomes.......... heavy loaded........packed in.............fruity goodness danko !!

I made the mistake of opening the paper bags after 1 day but i rather do this than let them dry in the wrong paper bags....

not a prob to purp bags, after all you need to open a few the run the kilner jar RH tests with the hygrometer inserted into the jar for an hour...............take reading, if above 60 put back in brown bag for another 24hr, begin to tune into it...............the RH grading......

.I was in the tent from 12:00 until 23:00 last night....Its the most difficult part of growing!! So much trimming to achieve the evenly nice looking bud xD

the more you trimmed, with bare hands, the more mashed you must have got !!............. resin melts at 17c or above............... dissolves straight into your blood stream..................... did you feel mashed white at all man ??.......plus you breath in the fine trich super bud silverback dust...............also helping to mash you .....

i used 50 A4 size paper bags

after use, refold them and re use them................ strike out the strain name and date of chop on the bag, before folding away for the next 115 days !!...........i see you puffed out the A4 brown bag corners to prevent bud squash.... classy man....

If my calculations are correct there might be 350 grams of dry bud by the end of drying....

calk is wet weight in grams (Eg) 100g x 78%RH, minus = 22g dry bud average.......
350g dry = 12.5 oz of dry bud @RH62% = class outcome man........... 200x12.5=2500................you got 10no 1ltr kilner jars the perfect volume......... an oz a jar nice...

Grow cycled lasted 115+ days from first soaking the seeds!!!

bang on my original prediction................. to 100% load and ripeness.... and purification period 10 days even better.........purity.

The smell was unreal and these buds was sticking like a gorilla glue!!

you was mashed right up man..................... superb !!..........

Final, the paper bags on the sock racks, next to the tent with the extraction FULL ON and also i placed a fan before the sock racks on the lowest setting to circulate air above the paper bags.....50 paper bags, 10 sock racks, 3 A4 sie paper bags per sock rack...I will get another 2 sock racks today to hang 6 bags on the empty space you see on the right side of the hanger....

50 bag 10 rack set up[ aerated, and filtered !!......................the rack shot looks professional white'ty man......... nice job there..................... as they where hung in the room, all aroma's pulled through the tent.......... when you went into that room, after your jount to find the bag, and clear your nose, the aroma when re entering the trim dry room, must have been, staggering !1.................... you can bottle that !!

The drying process is difficult because of our high humidity levels during summer.... Temperature for drying is 22C - 26C and Humidity 55% - 65%....We will see how it goes right?? Hope to make it without and mold presenting...

doubt you will get mold at RH60 man............ 22-26c if good temp as not to hot, but not to low to cause an RH surge.......

The root zone looks interesting...After a wash with the water hose, the root zone exposed!

you can see the highly alkaline lime had on the root zone............. the effect was to restrict the root development in terms of filling the whole pot with root matrix............ it stayed in the centre zone, taking into accouint the root stim was used right up to 15mm flower size also.............. overdose worm casting even worse affect i have seen................ no alkaline like lime, but very acidic................which is worse..

Dettol laundry disinfectant kills 99.9 percent of bacteria even at 20 degrees

not a bad idea, due to the botrytis hyphae in the sack fibres................. usually you would not kll the benificial bacteria in the pot material.............

Here we are in the final step ALR!! The harvest has just been completed!!

115 days = 16.4 wks.................... near a half tonne of 5ltr "Bottled" water humped into the gaff over 115 days is 5ltr day !! over 115 days........... AN nute pack stripped bare !!.......... 2500 photon lights on hours.......... 2860 extraction hours................... on the carbon filters service log book !! from new, at the start of this grow................change em at '9000 hrs service.....................

This journal is the most completed journal i have ever seen!!!

yea she is informative about every division of soil growing...................... to silverback end ! remember what teetee said 125 days ago !1............. "Enjoy The Ride White'ty mate".......................you know how he felt now,......... he has never looked back at rubbish flower quality,.................. only the first days out there, he had to go find a roller skating drive through service, delivery girls.................... it was shite, and 3 time the cost !!.............. it got him through to the end of the 115 days................. never went to the drive through again...........

Here you can find all the information for a GOOD SOLID START if you are a new noob like me!!

included, by chance, was the "Ph" recover method, built in !1.........................allway's nice to know how to get out of a deff issue.....................it can save a harvest volume.........

Mr Darky getting suspicious of whats going on in his territory the last couple of days xD

your cat likes the smell of the amnesia !!........................ sweet aromas.............. like cat nip !!.......

we will await the final weights and pics of the jars full and stacked, and boveda pack, packed !!................. 12 1ltr jars...................

in the end, in the DP lounge, 5769 veiws, smashed it white'ty man.............700 the nearest, and this is for one thread one grow journal.....................not 3 journals in the same thread run...................nice man........... loads learned by the watchers also..................... that will improve the quality of future buds yielded............

Final weight of each auto was ??....... Ulti 1, Ulti 2, Ams 1....................... nice job there white man........... you didant miss a beat....................stayed on track, never missed an update, or only one,.................. max effort and husbandry and system control and maintenance...................... consistent adapting to feed back.............. good run off monitoring........................high quality air flow and purity, trim dry and cure, good protocol......

I gota say, as did teetee, you hit the 100% achievement bar, for culture quality, and journey management, and the quality and silverback load.................shows your hard work over 16wks................ nearly 4 months of culture monitoring............... a great job there white my man................... i know it "All" sunk in, and was timelined in your personal culture diary for reference allway's............will round up the grow when you publish the final weights and close the thread white'ty my man.............. well done man, 100% effort, top job, and super sticky fruits and high aroma values, people dream of !....... just in time for the peak summer period, bang tidy !....................... a very enjoyable summer in prospect ! just watch the appetite surge !1............... you hit the ice cream previously already,............... !1 ;)...........best ALR
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yep, you can only imagine, what it must be like to live in Amsterdam as a full time "Bud Tender" there are 3600 professionals, that take harvest contracts !!................... trim all day, coffee vape, biscuits, coffee vape more dutch sweet biscuits !!.................. some posh dutch made 'Milking Stalls"............... for the trim, cushion trimmed !!..... can only dream of, the 100m2 glass house sight !1............... all hot box thermal controlled !!....... trimming can not be automated you see !!!!!
View attachment 1073912

i did mention about the laytex gloves,.................... during trimming you poped out to MacDonald, to get more bags with sticky hands white'ty man ??/............... you must have stunk the gaff right out...... lol ;)............ as when you've been trimming for 30 mins.........................your "Olfactory" sensitivity to terpens is at zero.............. you just cant smell it........................your nose is shut down to it...................... it gets in your clothes like thich sweat can !!................... and stink out the whole place !!!!!!!!...................did you get any funny side glances in the que at macky dee's !1.......... bet you wanged a big mac and shake !1...........

just dont smoke to much at one time !!!...................only kidding !1.............. i bet the flavor is 110% bang tidy....... the head, bang on also............

Completely and utterly mashed, i bet !!........................but an alert, conversationalists !!........

you achieved it under pressure,.............and with sticky fingers, that deposited 2g of trichome resin onto the steering wheel............. nest time you get in it, you will smell the resin brva !!........ especially in 32c heat of the day, baking the car, when locked,................open the door the heat rush and ultimate flavones !!...........nice

mission done, canna culture warrior !!.............

100% the item needed........

yep she is looking a heavy harvest there @WhiteLight.................. they look absolutely dripping in trichomes,.......... 100% the silverback load.......... even in daylight shots, a night shot with flash would just be a solid wall of trichomes.......... heavy loaded........packed in.............fruity goodness danko !!

not a prob to purp bags, after all you need to open a few the run the kilner jar RH tests with the hygrometer inserted into the jar for an hour...............take reading, if above 60 put back in brown bag for another 24hr, begin to tune into it...............the RH grading......

the more you trimmed, with bare hands, the more mashed you must have got !!............. resin melts at 17c or above............... dissolves straight into your blood stream..................... did you feel mashed white at all man ??.......plus you breath in the fine trich super bud silverback dust...............also helping to mash you .....

after use, refold them and re use them................ strike out the strain name and date of chop on the bag, before folding away for the next 115 days !!...........i see you puffed out the A4 brown bag corners to prevent bud squash.... classy man....

calk is wet weight in grams (Eg) 100g x 78%RH, minus = 22g dry bud average.......
350g dry = 12.5 oz of dry bud @RH62% = class outcome man........... 200x12.5=2500................you got 10no 1ltr kilner jars the perfect volume......... an oz a jar nice...

bang on my original prediction................. to 100% load and ripeness.... and purification period 10 days even better.........purity.

you was mashed right up man..................... superb !!..........

50 bag 10 rack set up[ aerated, and filtered !!......................the rack shot looks professional white'ty man......... nice job there..................... as they where hung in the room, all aroma's pulled through the tent.......... when you went into that room, after your jount to find the bag, and clear your nose, the aroma when re entering the trim dry room, must have been, staggering !1.................... you can bottle that !!

doubt you will get mold at RH60 man............ 22-26c if good temp as not to hot, but not to low to cause an RH surge.......

you can see the highly alkaline lime had on the root zone............. the effect was to restrict the root development in terms of filling the whole pot with root matrix............ it stayed in the centre zone, taking into accouint the root stim was used right up to 15mm flower size also.............. overdose worm casting even worse affect i have seen................ no alkaline like lime, but very acidic................which is worse..

not a bad idea, due to the botrytis hyphae in the sack fibres................. usually you would not kll the benificial bacteria in the pot material.............

115 days = 16.4 wks.................... near a half tonne of 5ltr "Bottled" water humped into the gaff over 115 days is 5ltr day !! over 115 days........... AN nute pack stripped bare !!.......... 2500 photon lights on hours.......... 2860 extraction hours................... on the carbon filters service log book !! from new, at the start of this grow................change em at '9000 hrs service.....................

yea she is informative about every division of soil growing...................... to silverback end ! remember what teetee said 125 days ago !1............. "Enjoy The Ride White'ty mate".......................you know how he felt now,......... he has never looked back at rubbish flower quality,.................. only the first days out there, he had to go find a roller skating drive through service, delivery girls.................... it was shite, and 3 time the cost !!.............. it got him through to the end of the 115 days................. never went to the drive through again...........

included, by chance, was the "Ph" recover method, built in !1.........................allway's nice to know how to get out of a deff issue.....................it can save a harvest volume.........

your cat likes the smell of the amnesia !!........................ sweet aromas.............. like cat nip !!.......

we will await the final weights and pics of the jars full and stacked, and boveda pack, packed !!................. 12 1ltr jars...................

in the end, in the DP lounge, 5769 veiws, smashed it white'ty man.............700 the nearest, and this is for one thread one grow journal.....................not 3 journals in the same thread run...................nice man........... loads learned by the watchers also..................... that will improve the quality of future buds yielded............

Final weight of each auto was ??....... Ulti 1, Ulti 2, Ams 1....................... nice job there white man........... you didant miss a beat....................stayed on track, never missed an update, or only one,.................. max effort and husbandry and system control and maintenance...................... consistent adapting to feed back.............. good run off monitoring........................high quality air flow and purity, trim dry and cure, good protocol......

I gota say, as did teetee, you hit the 100% achievement bar, for culture quality, and journey management, and the quality and silverback load.................shows your hard work over 16wks................ nearly 4 months of culture monitoring............... a great job there white my man................... i know it "All" sunk in, and was timelined in your personal culture diary for reference allway's............will round up the grow when you publish the final weights and close the thread white'ty my man.............. well done man, 100% effort, top job, and super sticky fruits and high aroma values, people dream of !....... just in time for the peak summer period, bang tidy !....................... a very enjoyable summer in prospect ! just watch the appetite surge !1............... you hit the ice cream previously already,............... !1 ;)...........best ALR

I think trimming is a kind of art! Its like those tattoo artists, require lots of hours and detail to create the final result!

Its day 2.5 for the 19/6 bagged bud and i did the test in the jar with a handfull of buds and after 1 hour in the jar the humidity was 89%...

I think they are getting proper drying with this setup. It looks like they will need 5 days or more to get them to 55% - 60% humidity before i start the cure...

And the smell....OOOOOOhhhhh that smell!!! xD And it will get better and better!!

Excellent! I feel i achieved the dry - cure method!

I dont think the smell was out with me as i dont have clothes when i trim and also i always have a perfume in the car and i sprayed my hands and clothes and that thing stinks xD

It was a present for my birthday some years ago xD I always knew it will come handy one day xD

ALR i think the only time i missed the update it was because of the 523 error, no?? I dont recall anything else but your memory is 10x mine xD

It was an excellent grow my friend ALR!! Thank you very much for everything!!! From the heart!!

As Jesse from breaking bad would say...''Yeah! Science Bitch!!
lovely looking harvest Whitey, impressive stuff. Plenty to enjoy over the summer! Thanks to ALR for their guidance along the journey !