my climate so far and i know that my next grow should be sativas.
These where the first to be discovered, and the most wide ranging of gene lines, higher terestrial plants, de canna............ these are "Urythermal" strains, indicas cannot handle high tropical temps, they dont like 30-33c....... respiration slows (Stoma cells), at these latitudes sativas get the sun glasses out and just lay back and soak it up, is why the leaves are "Thin" width wise, and not indica broad, indica more a part shade plant ! hence broadness of leaves..... sativas drout tolerant for sure........... hence the 3 day lights on no water drying period after flush...............they hold onto the water............. it is the whole medical side of cannabis sativa......... = sativex prescription drug........terminates breast cancer..............Uk gov wont buy it to costly at 100k a year of treatment.....
super silver haze and super lemon haze (3 seeds each)
you are talking high class traditional sativa heritidge here................... Haze................. lemon = say no more............. 100% bullseye........................and tasty too !! will stink like a dinnerplate show Dahlia on heat, as below;
pinkie swear = giant dahlia 30cm across 18oz bloom
treat yourself worldwide shipping
so i tent to believe that these sativas will go hand to hand with the summer climate...
100%................... peruse the keeper of world gene bank !
bad things about green house seeds and the hermies their seeds give
few men have captured, genuine pureness of strain, where no intersex gene is prescient.............. Henk is one of those men, he just happened, to discover it, while he was at it, (Strain Hunting, Global), and his breeding experiments, whith the strains he brought back ("4no"), during these experiments, is when he discovered the very weak, nearly, relatively ineffective pollen, captured of a stressed, intersex displayed female, who threw intersex, weak pollen can be used to backcross the previous female line of the same group, to produce 98% female seeds............. on the hatch line........................... is pure class.............
however "Ruderralis" was discovered somewhere else on this planet................ high northern latitudes, the "Short" stuff............ the Rudy strait to photo flower,............ dose not care for day length, just that light is there............ light patterns wait for no rudy................ she off to flower automatically.......... and unlike others, will grow in very, "very" low light intensities....... northern latitudes.....
So i will have 6 seeds in their 3 litre pots soon and from there i will choose 4 plants that look strongest repot them to 15litre fabric and apply topping and lst, same style as you teach me with autos...
3ltr is just right, as by the time the root comes out the bottom 14 get to see the pheno type at 10" canopy................ to re pot you place the plant and pot in the larger pot, pack lightly but firmly the grow soil around the 3ltr plastic "germ & Selection" pot, lift pot to reveal imprint pop out the chosen one, slide into the perfect matching hole in new pot soil.................... water to run ASAP with rizotonic and 0.5 Ec grow 2 + microbase !!.............genesis......................................GreenAir Genesis = "Showmans Kit".......
Thats why i got the 400w dehumidifier. It can fill up a 15 litre bottle with dehumidified water in a difficult day.
better for it to be in the room treating air coing in, then the tent sucks in the lower RH air............
the tent to 26C if its working continuesly and with the heat the dehumidifier produce inside the tent the temp goes to 28C-29C and 50% humidity...
better to keep the DH unit in the room................... that way the heat from it rises and collects at the ceiling, away from the tent passive screen air intakes correct ??
.I wonder how im going to make it happen when i brinng in the 2.4m x 1.2m tent with 2 x 600w for winter grow xD
you exactly 'Double" the exact set up you have now,............. one set up Y piece either end of the tent........... better fit 6no PV panels, "Photovoltaic" electrical power solar generator panels to the roof, offset visually, high consumption,........otherwise your domestic electric supplier................... might wonder why you are using 1.7 times a domestic supply in one, 2 bed property !!!....................... the panels actually pay you money back, after you get your entire years electricity free from the panels............ the over production of electricity is then put into the national grid and they pay you for each kilowatt generated by your panels......
The temperature in this space is 26C and humidity stay low as long the portable is working...
I think it should give me a nice dry for 4-5 days and then go to curing...
is the spot then to dry in bags white'ty............. outside the cab, while the seedlings are cracking on

do the trim outside the tent in the room, all stink will be sucked into the tent trweated and pumped out clean....... scrubbed clean by the double on the Y piece !!
ALR i will go on and give them the dark cycle for 24 hours at 26C...Humidity will be under cover with the dehumidifier...Air condition + dehumidifier + lights off will give me no problem to maintain 26C and 40-50% humidity ok?
good solution.................. approved........................ same as teetee dose it........
new seeds in their 3 litre pots with the cling film + metal halide...I will be using new dual spectrum on the switch to flower...
metal halide ?..........................forget that for veg,.......................use the duel from start to finish,.............. same as daylight spectrums.................... same as in the wild......................full blast sunlight on 2cm seedlings of sativa............................they lap it up..........................photon's.......................bring it !! = sativa the more light intensities the faster the somatic tissue will be constructed in the exolem !!..........................drink like fishes mind !!..........................stoma sweat like pigs on heat = big plants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = sativa "Shiva"
By not using dehumidifier in the tent i can use it at the drying area if i need to bring down humidity!!
100%........................... using the environ tools at hand to best effect of management
Sherlock Holmes mode activated xD I hope and i feel i will not see more botryitis as long as the humid stays 50%...
50%................. you should not be in the range of bothy untill 60% or more................. 75-85% and very hot, 30-33c....................... you will trigger the 'Hyphae"............ like a 100,000,000m hungy for flesh scarab beetles............ flesh being soft watery squishy new sugary, nectar laden plant tissue......
I also gave a defoliation!! I know its wrong and i shouldnt but on my panic i did it...I remove a lot of fan leaves....I just dont want to see more brown patch on the bud...It is heart breaking....
this is not to much of an issue during late flower, as the fans are evacuated of nute,................ the buds are on the light themselves in late flower..................... the surface area of the micro fans in the buds is phenomenal............ and alows them to permeate the final sugar load............ sugar = soft, hard = resin, resin = a form of plastid............ = plastique !!..................
Day 99 since got in the dirt (97 days since got a head up in the soil)
so as i said wey back at the start.......................she will go 100 days............... time your done 115, that is your life span planner figure !1................ 365 day a year = 3 grow ?? 115 x 3 = 345, with overlapping seedling hatches it can be done.................... perpetual grow planning
Oh bro you really are a firestarter xD
ow yes,................. my 'Viking" Norwegian genetic inheritence, influences me a lot ! and i am left handed, as Vikings are...... one of my hero's is,
Johannes Klebo, Viking & Norwegian, skier world class, this man goes up hill, like most go downhill !!............... he is mental strong skier................ below "Klebo" is on the far right of image.... collecting the world cross country 1st place.....................
no man on earth can catch the "Klebo's" boss !!...................he can figure strategy, while incredibly stressed...
Love the Pk 13/14...Best addition ever...I cant wait to see the crystals on the new grow
we dont deal in fake new or fake product here at ALR advice studio !!..... it's "Dutch" say no more yea.....
ALR quoted: ''the genesis 2 part nute set (3 Set With Gen Pk)''
- I thought it was 3 part? I found the 3 part micro grow2 bloom and it will be ordered soon, i will also need the genesis pk?
you have a choice, "Grow 1", or "Grow 2"................ so grow 2 + microbase = 2 part, upto flower nute switch wk 3 flower, = drop grow 2 then = "Microbasenutrient" + "Bloomnutrient" + Pk13/14nutrient = 3 part, not inc palm tree ashes or PK top dressing.........
The aerated RO water i test the ph and it is around 7.9. No adjustment to the ph as we need the plant to eat whats left in soil for the first 2-3 waterings and then eat from the leaves right?
Ph7.9 is good as shows good oxyge & co2 levels in the RO water................ this fluffs the tissues, aiding the release of secured mobile nutrients........and liberates them zero salt water going in = like "Liquid" a salt sponge, sponging out the rested nute salts..........
I do a lot of checking but now i know what going on and how to act its more simple..
quite away along the learning cure you are....................... may the canna force be with you allway's..... padwan
A lot of air echanges can bring the pathogens back. We can only make sure to not wake him up.
100% surrounded, dont give it the environ triggers it's "Indigenous Self" awaits.....................
We have to be carefull with dead leaves and waterings to not create a humid environment for him to develop. Lessons learned,
water management above all the other intellectual sectors of the grow total, is the most important..........over watering is common................... but the way i taught you, the application of key..............
when i said leave the water in the tray to temper the drinking, i thought they where still drinking a lot, as it turned out, they had begun to slow down the drinking, so they did not drink all the water,.............. so the flowers where wetter than i planned, in combi with a well timed RH spike.................. it = Botrytis outbreak.......... they where further along the final path than i could see................. so a vital lesson learned there white'ty.............. re hydration application................. which proves, you have to nbe there with them every day to sync in with thier drinking profile................ something you cannot see via a screen shot........
Biggest sativa field ever discovered?

Such a great plant and so much fuzz about it...One day their biggest fear will come true..One day human life will be in coordination with the natural organic life and there will be no pain at all
a a great story,.....the canna feilds of latin America..............probly true, as "Pablo" was in it also, he never did things bye halves,.............. the Pablo story, ultimately is very sad,.......... most who get involved end up the same way, south of the border................
But i guess you allready know these things xD You are in the same path
yes, it has to be said,..................... fresh cooked food every day, is a pain but essential, then the amazing grass supplement,................... good clean low salt water, good for skin and lot of other, i take a 50+mens vit&min supplement, daily one number, along with another super vector of health............ = "Monolaurin" = monolauric acid = "Coconut Oil".......... a HU

A = highly unsaturated fatty acid.............. = read the ten things your doctor did not want you to know about cocconut oil..... for a start monolaurin vectors the affects of THC/CBD uplifting by 10-15%.............. and extending duration of the effect................... we like that health and pleasure combined...........................ALR