Dutch Passion DP Ultimates first


i chopped the part i found it. i clean them buds and put them in paper bags....

I found also in ultimate 1 a little bit. I chopped the hole cola on that! xD

I am trying to have a deep look but im affraid the more i look the more i will find moulded spots....

The RH was normal but in the afternoon it got high...Its not the tent or the water...Its the bloody weather!!

From now on dehumidifier will be ON all the time...

I am afraid if i let it for the next 10-15 days it will become bigger...

Anyway i will give a good check tonight...I will hang the paper bags with the cleaned buds for 6 days...If i find more spots i will just pull out the mould spots with my hand
I am afraid if i let it for the next 10-15 days it will become bigger...

we will let them dry out for 2 days white ok,...................just miss one watering, and let em dry a tad ok.............. when the moisture declines in the flowers, after the 2 day dry off, there should be no further outbreaks ok............. we will need to get at least 6 flushes through before we let them dry out 3 days lights on no water................

you have done 2 flushes ??..................... so 4 more over 8 days, "After" the 2 day dry out ok............

can you post pics ?/............... and stats ?/...........
what is temp in the tent now white and RH ??....has air temp gone down outside now ??......... down from 39c ??..................... i,ll log back in in the morning white ok.................

Ps; bothrytis mould dose not affect the potency in the trichome ok, it just likes a drop of frsh squishy sweet green leaf, on the edge the flower................. dont forget to write the date you hung up all the different bags etc......... as the tent floor is at 26c and the top 28-30c.........................might be better to put the bags at floor level,.......................so it's not to hot for the drying etc ok................. ALR
we will let them dry out for 2 days white ok,...................just miss one watering, and let em dry a tad ok.............. when the moisture declines in the flowers, after the 2 day dry off, there should be no further outbreaks ok............. we will need to get at least 6 flushes through before we let them dry out 3 days lights on no water................

you have done 2 flushes ??..................... so 4 more over 8 days, "After" the 2 day dry out ok............

can you post pics ?/............... and stats ?/...........
what is temp in the tent now white and RH ??....has air temp gone down outside now ??......... down from 39c ??..................... i,ll log back in in the morning white ok.................

Ps; bothrytis mould dose not affect the potency in the trichome ok, it just likes a drop of frsh squishy sweet green leaf, on the edge the flower................. dont forget to write the date you hung up all the different bags etc......... as the tent floor is at 26c and the top 28-30c.........................might be better to put the bags at floor level,.......................so it's not to hot for the drying etc ok................. ALR

ALR today was the first flush with zero EC water @ 23C

So next watering will be after 48 hours normally. But i will give 24 hours extra to dry well and oxygenate the soil...I dont think RH will come a long way down because of waterings...My RH can start 45% in the morning and by afternoon it can blow up to 70%...Ambient humidity is really unstable...

So next watering will be on Tuesday...Today, Monday, was watering no1 and no2 on Tuesday ok....

I have prepared the upstairs toilet for Drying use...I put the second portable a/c unit and its excausting from the small window...Smell is not an issue as its high and wind there takes away the smell fast...I will dry there with 24C and 40-50% RH....I dont want to dry in the tent as the temps are 28-29C...

In the photo below you see the dry leaves on the cola?? The leaves that coming out of the bud and are 100% brown dry and dead thats exactly where i found the rot!! And surprisingly every spot i checked with dry leaves i found rot....

So ALR, i will continue looking at the buds for rot? And if i spot more, i will pinch it off? Or should i cut the stem just below the rot and clean the bud and paper it?

UPDATE info 03/06/2019

Light: Dual Spectrum 600w @ 50cm distance from canopy
Temps 28C Light ON / 24C Light OFF
Soil temps 21C - 23C
Humidity 50% with dehumidifier
Feeding is:
I made the last feed 2 days ago with EC 1.5 = base nutes m/g/b (0.6 EC) b52 (0.1 EC) budcandy (0.1 EC) and pk13/14 (0.4 EC) + 0.3 EC bottle water
Today it was the first flushing zero EC RO water and 200-300ml run off
Run off readings was PH 6.9 and EC 5-6

This is Amnesia, she is looking clean of rot. I think her stracture lets her breath more. Not a lot of leaves too which dont create moisture enviroment...
Webp.net-resizeimage (1).jpg

Ultimate 1...Needs more checking tomorrow as now lights went off...ALR what i should do if i spot more rot? Pinch it off?
Webp.net-resizeimage (2).jpg

Ps; bothrytis mould dose not affect the potency in the trichome ok, it just likes a drop of frsh squishy sweet green leaf, on the edge the flower................. dont forget to write the date you hung up all the different bags etc

ALR are you saying that i can use the bud that i remove? I can dry it and smoke it? I read many saying that bud rot should not be smoked cause it creates health problems....I have smoked too many things and nothing happened tho xD...Im waiting for your comments on this...I hope i can stop the spread of this thing...But im looking forward to explain me what do you mean ''it just likes a drop of fresh squishy sweet green leaf''

I found this article https://moldresistantstrains.com/stop-botrytis-on-cannabis-bud-rot-gray-mold/
i will make a good disinfection in the grow room and cab. Also will remove fan leaves. Also i will put a fan down in the cab to increase circulation. Right now i have 2 small fans hit the canopy.
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White mate.......(Your Autumn Has Arrived!)........ i just want to say white'ty mate,................... the combi of new duel spec HPS, fresh nutes, timely application, 1005 tuned and stable environmental conditions maintenance, and good husbandry application, combined, has delivered 100% 3no stonking Dames De Canna.......... they look cracking white mate............. just about as a maximum, an expression of genetics, as you can get / promote, from the genes provided........ all the hall marks of a show grow................ some lovely looking, large show type flowers.

Ok, lets deliver answers;
My RH can start 45% in the morning and by afternoon it can blow up to 70%...Ambient humidity is really unstable...

that has to be local summer meteorological conditions, ramping up the outside air RH like that, over that amount of increase over a short time period....... you say your dehumidifier drops it to 50% from 70% in the afternoon................ there is some hope of being able to adjust "Down" the high RH of the "Incoming" air then white................ this means you can maintain environ through the worst of summer heat & RH push !!............

I have prepared the upstairs toilet for Drying use...I put the second portable a/c unit and its excausting from the small window...Smell is not an issue as its high and wind there takes away the smell fast...I will dry there with 24C and 40-50% RH....I dont want to dry in the tent as the temps are 28-29C...

you can get 'In-Line" carbon filter to fit 100mm duct, and fit it in the exhaust duct run.......

white, when the grow ends, we re tune the tent to suit, we turn off the lights after the 3 days drying no water before the chop starts....... you can leave em for 48hr in the dark @26c.............. we wont as we have a RH surge window ahead of us ok....... so we just go 3 days no water lights on 18/6 as now ok.......

then get a house lamp in the tent for a working light to trim by, (Do Not Use HPS To Sit Under During Trim),......... use house light in the tent............... trim buds as video link i gave you previously, trim buds to walnut sized pieces white,.......... maximum one and a half coffee cups volume in the A4 brown bag when you clip it up on the sock rak white ok.......... when you open A4 bag, pimp in the corners of the bag, to "Billow" it out a bit,............ i hang 2 A4 bag on one clip on the sock rak................

use the 1kw floor heater, or AC unit to get the temp around 24 to 28c for drying white ok............

the higher the RH the longer the drying will take, the less amount you put in the brown bags, so if RH is 70% just one cup in each bag etc ok........

we need a lower RH to dry by, this is a trade of with temperature, so we run cab at 26-28c the RH will be lower around 50%.......................is better for drying, temp at 28-29c dose not matter, as it will deliver a lower RH to dry by ok.....................it's drying RH that matter most, as high RH promotes "Botrytis Mold".........

remember, even if you do "Over Dry" the buds a little, @28c@Rh50%..................YOU CAN RE-HYDRATE THEM IN THE KILNER JARS WITH THE 2NO "BOVEDA" PACKS ok white............. so dont worry to much re the accuracy of the drying ok............... better to jar the buds a little "Drier" then wetter ok............. to high an RH in the flowers when Jared will lead to bud rot in the jars ok.................. you have been taught the 62% kilner jar rule...................if you jar at 55% the boveda packs will re raise it 9Hydrate) it back to 62%......

i will continue looking at the buds for rot? And if i spot more, i will pinch it off? Or should i cut the stem just below the rot and clean the bud and paper it?

yea just 'Snip" it out with your new trim scissors........... turn the plants while inspecting with the magnifier, just after lights out.......

The leaves that coming out of the bud and are 100% brown dry

welcome to autumnal ripening........ what day was it ? UPDATE info 03/06/2019 = 93 + 5 = day 98 ?

last feed 2 days ago with EC 1.5 = base nutes m/g/b (0.6 EC) b52 (0.1 EC) budcandy (0.1 EC) and pk13/14 (0.4 EC) + 0.3 EC bottle water

that PK has done a stonking job in just 3 or 4 applications @Ec0.4................. shows me how potent that kit really is,................. i set it at 0.4, as had to pack some ijn in a short period of time,.................due to late arival, however, nothing was lost by the look of those donkey chonker coke can sized mega "Silverback" super chunk heavy trich weight colas !!..................... conversely, there can be little complaint, as to the efficacy of the AN set we adapted for our needs............. done a good job............ only down side is low concentration and high cost of separated nutrient elements for financial gain,............... only got one and a bit grows from the whole nute set used................ for one third of that cost, but improved outcomes, comparatively, the genesis 2 part nute set (3 Set With Gen Pk), is concentrated, and value based... double the grows less than half the cost........... (Ex Pk13/14)

200-300ml run off
Run off readings was PH 6.9 and EC 5-6

the increased Ph of the run of is the nute coming out of the medium, and the increase in 02 going in with zero nute and zero salt RO flush water..................... a mgic combi to usher up to a creshendo the terpens values............ which will be delivered in the kilner jar terp and THCv cure to THC........

Amnesia, she is looking clean of rot. I think her stracture lets her breath more. Not a lot of leaves too which dont create moisture enviroment...

you have a lot of air moving through the tent white, and good movement, this is why the outbreak in those conditions is very minimal...................good air transit................ considering the shear amount of bud in the tent, and it's small size................ and RH up at 70% "Plus Or Minus" 10% ! + could be the dreaded botrytis trigger RH "80%" !...............................by chance it's 80%RH that begins to "FAIL" the carbon filter, the combination is a grow "Killer" !@!.............. as you say "it's the dam weather'................ pressing in on your controlled climate..................your local climate outdoor, putting outside external environment pressure on the tent environment control.......

are you saying that i can use the bud that i remove? I can dry it and smoke it? I read many saying that bud rot should not be smoked cause it creates health problems....I have smoked too many things and nothing happened tho xD..

as mentioned, the "Hyphae" of fungus mold, the hyphae perform a variety of functions in fungi. They contain the cytoplasm or cell sap, including the nuclei containing genetic material. Hyphae absorb nutrients from the environment and transport them to other parts of the thallus (fungus body). is a necrotrophic fungus that affects many plant species, in cetain conditions, that rigger this "Indiginous" hyphae spores to germinate, although its most notable hosts may be softer more succulent plant types, high in sugars, it is commonly known as "botrytis bunch rot"; in horticulture.

However, it is usually called "grey mould" or "gray mold". The fungus gives rise to two different kinds of infections on more tender plant and flowers. The first, grey rot, is the result of consistently wet or humid conditions, and typically results in the loss of the affected bunches. The second, know as, noble rot, in some culture cuircles, occurs when drier low RH conditions follow wetter, higher RH conditions............ which is what happens when you get an inverse RH spike and temp hike.......

the hyphae of the fungus only use the nutrients locked up in the plants tissue, it dose not affect the trichomes at all,.....................so potency is retained, but the terpens are affected, and are broken down by the botrytis hypae......... once dried, the hypae are dead and harmless,..... if combusted at 150c in a duby............ not a lot survives !!............ to cause an issue !!......................however, the way may be to use it for BHO extraction............ as the trichs are un touched..................... as you would be making some BHO for that new 02 folding cartridge CBD & BHO vape pen, no harm is done nothing lost............................as for 2g of BHO crstal you need to butane 14g od dry bud,.............and two 250ml cans of pure butane (ExtractOutDoors)

what do you mean ''it just likes a drop of fresh squishy sweet green leaf''

the 'Botrytis" 'Hyphae".................... split, break up, deaminate, soft juicy, squishy plant cells, full of energy and sugars............... they like a drop of fresh soft squishy plant cells to eat !! to make grey mold......... the cycle begins.......

i will make a good disinfection in the grow room and cab. Also will remove fan leaves. Also i will put a fan down in the cab to increase circulation. Right now i have 2 small fans hit the canopy.

as for disinfection,..................... can help white, but as soon as the next lot of fresh air come in through the window,................ the hyphae are ubiquitous, omnipresent............... indigenous, = every where in nature, in the air white, you cannot sterilize it. Your only control is to avoid the perfect environmental conditions that trigger the white one, "Botrytis" white ! walter white !.............

to answer a previous Qs, yes i did watch the NARCOS mexico, after the "Pablo" story.................... "ESCOBAR"....... but the canna field the DEA found had to be the biggest ever done !! it had an horizon !!

other than that........................ what a stonking sight the 3 look,.........................autumnal loading will continue despite the Boty minor out break............... minor due to good environ control and monitoring tuning, in genuine tropical conditions temps in the 30's......upper 30's Celsius............ is a job well done white, i will be back on in a bit............

as i just gotta go order my life saver kit !!...................this is un real this kit, the up lift in health is second to none........ if you use cannabis you must replace the vits & minerals it uses to create the fun...... ALR

amazing grass raw reserve
this shite actually works, 25bl pro-biotics included........... just one tea spoon a day = Veg RDA +
White mate.......(Your Autumn Has Arrived!)........ i just want to say white'ty mate,................... the combi of new duel spec HPS, fresh nutes, timely application, 1005 tuned and stable environmental conditions maintenance, and good husbandry application, combined, has delivered 100% 3no stonking Dames De Canna.......... they look cracking white mate............. just about as a maximum, an expression of genetics, as you can get / promote, from the genes provided........ all the hall marks of a show grow................ some lovely looking, large show type flowers.

I am in love with my grow room my tools my tent the plants themself, the science behind the problems i meet, the hours i spent on this pc searching, talking to forum, learning from respective guys like you..I just love the way things are right now...I dont have hobbies in my life...Photography and this fills my soul..But i had to sell all my camera and equipment to get this started...But i know i will get it back one day so i am not disappointed xD

I realize a lot about my climate so far and i know that my next grow should be sativas....

This knowledge plus the fact that dinafem's credit card system was refusing my purchase for 2 days drove me to delicious seed bank and from there to super silver haze and super lemon haze (3 seeds each)

I wanted so much to grow the glueberry o.g but if i couldnt buy the seeds with UPS or FedEx then i would prefer to find other solution....

I tried another spanish seed bank which offers UPS to order the glueberry but they are using the same credit card system as dinafem which they both refused my card...

We have a saying here that every obstacle is for the good, so i tent to believe that these sativas will go hand to hand with the summer climate...

Glueberry should hold on in line for the grow after October when heat is breaking to 30C at pick...

I have been reading bad things about green house seeds and the hermies their seeds give so may god show mercy on me xD

So i will have 6 seeds in their 3 litre pots soon and from there i will choose 4 plants that look strongest repot them to 15litre fabric and apply topping and lst, same style as you teach me with autos...

I just hope to get the stracture of amnesia so the plants can get good aeration...

that has to be local summer meteorological conditions, ramping up the outside air RH like that, over that amount of increase over a short time period....... you say your dehumidifier drops it to 50% from 70% in the afternoon................ there is some hope of being able to adjust "Down" the high RH of the "Incoming" air then white................ this means you can maintain environ through the worst of summer heat & RH push !!............

Yes ALR since i monitor the temps and humidity i can see that there are days that humidity is just way over...And its happening mostly afternoon and during night....
Thats why i got the 400w dehumidifier. It can fill up a 15 litre bottle with dehumidified water in a difficult day...
The aircondition can take the tent to 26C if its working continuesly and with the heat the dehumidifier produce inside the tent the temp goes to 28C-29C and 50% humidity...

This is what i had in mind when i decided to go for sativas...

you can get 'In-Line" carbon filter to fit 100mm duct, and fit it in the exhaust duct run.......

Ok since the botryitis happened and i had to paper bag some buds i came up with this solution that it seems it will be my drying method....
The passive intake of the tent also takes the smell and filter it out of the balcony like this....
I will add some holders to hold the sock racks where i will hang the paper bags...
The temperature in this space is 26C and humidity stay low as long the portable is working...
I think it should give me a nice dry for 4-5 days and then go to curing...

The way i have the setup working is really the best i could make...I wonder how im going to make it happen when i brinng in the 2.4m x 1.2m tent with 2 x 600w for winter grow xD

white, when the grow ends, we re tune the tent to suit, we turn off the lights after the 3 days drying no water before the chop starts....... you can leave em for 48hr in the dark @26c.............. we wont as we have a RH surge window ahead of us ok....... so we just go 3 days no water lights on 18/6 as now ok.......

ALR i will go on and give them the dark cycle for 24 hours at 26C...Humidity will be under cover with the dehumidifier...Air condition + dehumidifier + lights off will give me no problem to maintain 26C and 40-50% humidity ok?

the higher the RH the longer the drying will take, the less amount you put in the brown bags, so if RH is 70% just one cup in each bag etc ok........

we need a lower RH to dry by, this is a trade of with temperature, so we run cab at 26-28c the RH will be lower around 50%.......................is better for drying, temp at 28-29c dose not matter, as it will deliver a lower RH to dry by ok.....................it's drying RH that matter most, as high RH promotes "Botrytis Mold".........

remember, even if you do "Over Dry" the buds a little, @28c@Rh50%..................YOU CAN RE-HYDRATE THEM IN THE KILNER JARS WITH THE 2NO "BOVEDA" PACKS ok white............. so dont worry to much re the accuracy of the drying ok............... better to jar the buds a little "Drier" then wetter ok............. to high an RH in the flowers when Jared will lead to bud rot in the jars ok.................. you have been taught the 62% kilner jar rule...................if you jar at 55% the boveda packs will re raise it 9Hydrate) it back to 62%......

Yes i have it cover as i stated in the comments above...Like this i will be drying and in the mean time have the new seeds in their 3 litre pots with the cling film + metal halide...I will be using new dual spectrum on the switch to flower...

Like this the drying area is staying 50% humidity because of the air condition and inside the tent around 55-60% humidity because i will not use dehumidifier...
By not using dehumidifier in the tent i can use it at the drying area if i need to bring down humidity!!

yea just 'Snip" it out with your new trim scissors........... turn the plants while inspecting with the magnifier, just after lights out.......

Sherlock Holmes mode activated xD I hope and i feel i will not see more botryitis as long as the humid stays 50%...

I also added a fan on the floor of the tent pointing up and in circulation...I connected it to the fan balancer so its just creating a smooth breeze from down to up....

I also gave a defoliation!! I know its wrong and i shouldnt but on my panic i did it...I remove a lot of fan leaves....I just dont want to see more brown patch on the bud...It is heart breaking....

welcome to autumnal ripening........ what day was it ? UPDATE info 03/06/2019 = 93 + 5 = day 98 ?

Day 99 since got in the dirt (97 days since got a head up in the soil)

Amnesia xxl
Day 96 since got in the dirt (94 days since got a head up in the soil)

that PK has done a stonking job in just 3 or 4 applications @Ec0.4................. shows me how potent that kit really is,................. i set it at 0.4, as had to pack some ijn in a short period of time,.................due to late arival, however, nothing was lost by the look of those donkey chonker coke can sized mega "Silverback" super chunk heavy trich weight colas !!..................... conversely, there can be little complaint, as to the efficacy of the AN set we adapted for our needs............. done a good job............ only down side is low concentration and high cost of separated nutrient elements for financial gain,............... only got one and a bit grows from the whole nute set used................ for one third of that cost, but improved outcomes, comparatively, the genesis 2 part nute set (3 Set With Gen Pk), is concentrated, and value based... double the grows less than half the cost........... (Ex Pk13/14)

ALR i like your descriptions ''donkey chonker coke can sized mega "Silverback" super chunk heavy trich weight colas'' Oh bro you really are a firestarter xD
Love the Pk 13/14...Best addition ever...I cant wait to see the crystals on the new grow when i will use all the compination you told me :D

ALR quoted: ''the genesis 2 part nute set (3 Set With Gen Pk)''
- I thought it was 3 part? I found the 3 part micro grow2 bloom and it will be ordered soon, i will also need the genesis pk?

the increased Ph of the run of is the nute coming out of the medium, and the increase in 02 going in with zero nute and zero salt RO flush water..................... a mgic combi to usher up to a creshendo the terpens values............ which will be delivered in the kilner jar terp and THCv cure to THC........

I hope everything goes as planed. The aerated RO water i test the ph and it is around 7.9. No adjustment to the ph as we need the plant to eat whats left in soil for the first 2-3 waterings and then eat from the leaves right?

you have a lot of air moving through the tent white, and good movement, this is why the outbreak in those conditions is very minimal...................good air transit................ considering the shear amount of bud in the tent, and it's small size................ and RH up at 70% "Plus Or Minus" 10% ! + could be the dreaded botrytis trigger RH "80%" !...............................by chance it's 80%RH that begins to "FAIL" the carbon filter, the combination is a grow "Killer" !@!.............. as you say "it's the dam weather'................ pressing in on your controlled climate..................your local climate outdoor, putting outside external environment pressure on the tent environment control.......

I am pushing with all my weapons and the experience i get from every day. Enviroment is so important and i have to combine everything to keep the balance. I do a lot of checking but now i know what going on and how to act its more simple..

as mentioned, the "Hyphae" of fungus mold, the hyphae perform a variety of functions in fungi. They contain the cytoplasm or cell sap, including the nuclei containing genetic material. Hyphae absorb nutrients from the environment and transport them to other parts of the thallus (fungus body). is a necrotrophic fungus that affects many plant species, in cetain conditions, that rigger this "Indiginous" hyphae spores to germinate, although its most notable hosts may be softer more succulent plant types, high in sugars, it is commonly known as "botrytis bunch rot"; in horticulture.

However, it is usually called "grey mould" or "gray mold". The fungus gives rise to two different kinds of infections on more tender plant and flowers. The first, grey rot, is the result of consistently wet or humid conditions, and typically results in the loss of the affected bunches. The second, know as, noble rot, in some culture cuircles, occurs when drier low RH conditions follow wetter, higher RH conditions............ which is what happens when you get an inverse RH spike and temp hike.......

the hyphae of the fungus only use the nutrients locked up in the plants tissue, it dose not affect the trichomes at all,.....................so potency is retained, but the terpens are affected, and are broken down by the botrytis hypae......... once dried, the hypae are dead and harmless,..... if combusted at 150c in a duby............ not a lot survives !!............ to cause an issue !!......................however, the way may be to use it for BHO extraction............ as the trichs are un touched..................... as you would be making some BHO for that new 02 folding cartridge CBD & BHO vape pen, no harm is done nothing lost............................as for 2g of BHO crstal you need to butane 14g od dry bud,.............and two 250ml cans of pure butane (ExtractOutDoors)

the 'Botrytis" 'Hyphae".................... split, break up, deaminate, soft juicy, squishy plant cells, full of energy and sugars............... they like a drop of fresh soft squishy plant cells to eat !! to make grey mold......... the cycle begins.......

as for disinfection,..................... can help white, but as soon as the next lot of fresh air come in through the window,................ the hyphae are ubiquitous, omnipresent............... indigenous, = every where in nature, in the air white, you cannot sterilize it. Your only control is to avoid the perfect environmental conditions that trigger the white one, "Botrytis" white ! walter white !.............

Interesting information. I hope it will not affect the drying buds in the paper bags. As you said its nearly impossible to delete the virus from the grow space. A lot of air echanges can bring the pathogens back. We can only make sure to not wake him up. We have to be carefull with dead leaves and waterings to not create a humid enviroment for him to develop. Lessons learned, the hard way but not a lot of damage...I hope i dont see another brown patch until i cure this

to answer a previous Qs, yes i did watch the NARCOS mexico, after the "Pablo" story.................... "ESCOBAR"....... but the canna field the DEA found had to be the biggest ever done !! it had an horizon !!

Viva la Mehico xD It must have been sativas. Biggest sativa field ever discovered? :) Such a great plant and so much fuzz about it...One day their biggest fear will come true..One day human life will be in coordination with the natural organic life and there will be no pain at all

other than that........................ what a stonking sight the 3 look,.........................autumnal loading will continue despite the Boty minor out break............... minor due to good environ control and monitoring tuning, in genuine tropical conditions temps in the 30's......upper 30's Celsius............ is a job well done white,............

Thank you teacher

as i just gotta go order my life saver kit !!...................this is un real this kit, the up lift in health is second to none........ if you use cannabis you must replace the vits & minerals it uses to create the fun...... ALR

amazing grass raw reserve
this shite actually works, 25bl pro-biotics included........... just one tea spoon a day = Veg RDA +

I run across some interesting person some days ago...We have a doctor here who is holistic...I found interesting his story...He was saying to an interview about his life...Around 20 years old he got sick and he couldnt get better for many years as he explained...He then traveled to UK where a holistic doctor there heal him with natural ingedients...It was then that he devoded his life on studying in universities about this natural ways of healing with botana, chrirapractik technics etc...He is a man of light, a true good commoner...
When he finish his studies he came back...He then start healing people based on his knowledge using natural remedies...He explained that the prescription of medicine, like antibiotics is just a temporary measure and is not solving anything!!...The 'normal' doctors didnt like this and they have take him to the court many times as he explained. Many times the police has put him hangcuffs into his own office or house as he said...Offource his diplomas and all his studies are official and recognized by the health organization, so they just cant shut him off, as they wish!!

The interview got more interesting when he start explaining that by using specific Hz frequencies, special machines can break the cells of an organism, for example cancer cells, and then the cells after they break they are dead and be absorb by the system...He explained that everything has frequence and by finding that frequence you can manipulate it...Just like a tenor can break a glass with his/her voice...Its because the voice got in the frequence of that specific glass xD....Amazing staff...Things they dont want us to know...like heavy metal detox and how to do it...

But i guess you allready know these things xD You are in the same path as mr Georgios Georgiou mr ALR...Nice staff here...
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my climate so far and i know that my next grow should be sativas.

These where the first to be discovered, and the most wide ranging of gene lines, higher terestrial plants, de canna............ these are "Urythermal" strains, indicas cannot handle high tropical temps, they dont like 30-33c....... respiration slows (Stoma cells), at these latitudes sativas get the sun glasses out and just lay back and soak it up, is why the leaves are "Thin" width wise, and not indica broad, indica more a part shade plant ! hence broadness of leaves..... sativas drout tolerant for sure........... hence the 3 day lights on no water drying period after flush...............they hold onto the water............. it is the whole medical side of cannabis sativa......... = sativex prescription drug........terminates breast cancer..............Uk gov wont buy it to costly at 100k a year of treatment.....

super silver haze and super lemon haze (3 seeds each)

you are talking high class traditional sativa heritidge here................... Haze................. lemon = say no more............. 100% bullseye........................and tasty too !!............................it will stink like a dinnerplate show Dahlia on heat, as below;
pinkie swear.jpg

pinkie swear = giant dahlia 30cm across 18oz bloom
treat yourself worldwide shipping

so i tent to believe that these sativas will go hand to hand with the summer climate...

100%................... peruse seedfinder.eu the keeper of world gene bank !

bad things about green house seeds and the hermies their seeds give

few men have captured, genuine pureness of strain, where no intersex gene is prescient.............. Henk is one of those men, he just happened, to discover it, while he was at it, (Strain Hunting, Global), and his breeding experiments, whith the strains he brought back ("4no"), during these experiments, is when he discovered the very weak, nearly, relatively ineffective pollen, captured of a stressed, intersex displayed female, who threw intersex, weak pollen can be used to backcross the previous female line of the same group, to produce 98% female seeds............. on the hatch line........................... is pure class.............

however "Ruderralis" was discovered somewhere else on this planet................ high northern latitudes, the "Short" stuff............ the Rudy strait to photo flower,............ dose not care for day length, just that light is there............ light patterns wait for no rudy................ she off to flower automatically.......... and unlike others, will grow in very, "very" low light intensities....... northern latitudes.....

So i will have 6 seeds in their 3 litre pots soon and from there i will choose 4 plants that look strongest repot them to 15litre fabric and apply topping and lst, same style as you teach me with autos...

3ltr is just right, as by the time the root comes out the bottom 14 days.....................you get to see the pheno type at 10" canopy................ to re pot you place the plant and pot in the larger pot, pack lightly but firmly the grow soil around the 3ltr plastic "germ & Selection" pot, lift pot to reveal imprint pop out the chosen one, slide into the perfect matching hole in new pot soil.................... water to run ASAP with rizotonic and 0.5 Ec grow 2 + microbase !!.............genesis......................................GreenAir Genesis = "Showmans Kit".......

Thats why i got the 400w dehumidifier. It can fill up a 15 litre bottle with dehumidified water in a difficult day.

better for it to be in the room treating air coing in, then the tent sucks in the lower RH air............

the tent to 26C if its working continuesly and with the heat the dehumidifier produce inside the tent the temp goes to 28C-29C and 50% humidity...

better to keep the DH unit in the room................... that way the heat from it rises and collects at the ceiling, away from the tent passive screen air intakes correct ??

.I wonder how im going to make it happen when i brinng in the 2.4m x 1.2m tent with 2 x 600w for winter grow xD

you exactly 'Double" the exact set up you have now,............. one set up Y piece either end of the tent........... better fit 6no PV panels, "Photovoltaic" electrical power solar generator panels to the roof,.........to offset visually, high consumption,........otherwise your domestic electric supplier................... might wonder why you are using 1.7 times a domestic supply in one, 2 bed property !!!....................... the panels actually pay you money back, after you get your entire years electricity free from the panels............ the over production of electricity is then put into the national grid and they pay you for each kilowatt generated by your panels......

The temperature in this space is 26C and humidity stay low as long the portable is working...
I think it should give me a nice dry for 4-5 days and then go to curing...

is the spot then to dry in bags white'ty............. outside the cab, while the seedlings are cracking on ;) do the trim outside the tent in the room, all stink will be sucked into the tent trweated and pumped out clean....... scrubbed clean by the double on the Y piece !!

ALR i will go on and give them the dark cycle for 24 hours at 26C...Humidity will be under cover with the dehumidifier...Air condition + dehumidifier + lights off will give me no problem to maintain 26C and 40-50% humidity ok?

good solution.................. approved........................ same as teetee dose it........

new seeds in their 3 litre pots with the cling film + metal halide...I will be using new dual spectrum on the switch to flower...

metal halide ?..........................forget that for veg,.......................use the duel from start to finish,.............. same as daylight spectrums.................... same as in the wild......................full blast sunlight on 2cm seedlings of sativa............................they lap it up..........................photon's.......................bring it !! = sativa the more light intensities the faster the somatic tissue will be constructed in the exolem !!..........................drink like fishes mind !!..........................stoma sweat like pigs on heat = big plants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = sativa "Shiva"

By not using dehumidifier in the tent i can use it at the drying area if i need to bring down humidity!!

100%........................... using the environ tools at hand to best effect of management

Sherlock Holmes mode activated xD I hope and i feel i will not see more botryitis as long as the humid stays 50%...

50%................. you should not be in the range of bothy untill 60% or more................. 75-85% and very hot, 30-33c....................... you will trigger the 'Hyphae"............ like a 100,000,000m hungy for flesh scarab beetles............ flesh being soft watery squishy new sugary, nectar laden plant tissue......

I also gave a defoliation!! I know its wrong and i shouldnt but on my panic i did it...I remove a lot of fan leaves....I just dont want to see more brown patch on the bud...It is heart breaking....

this is not to much of an issue during late flower, as the fans are evacuated of nute,................ the buds are on the light themselves in late flower..................... the surface area of the micro fans in the buds is phenomenal............ and alows them to permeate the final sugar load............ sugar = soft, hard = resin, resin = a form of plastid............ = plastique !!..................

Day 99 since got in the dirt (97 days since got a head up in the soil)

so as i said wey back at the start.......................she will go 100 days............... time your done 115, that is your life span planner figure !1................ 365 day a year = 3 grow ?? 115 x 3 = 345, with overlapping seedling hatches it can be done.................... perpetual grow planning

Oh bro you really are a firestarter xD

ow yes,................. my 'Viking" Norwegian genetic inheritence, influences me a lot ! and i am left handed, as Vikings are...... one of my hero's is, Johannes Klebo, Viking & Norwegian, skier world class, this man goes up hill, like most go downhill !!............... he is mental strong skier................ below "Klebo" is on the far right of image.... collecting the world cross country 1st place.....................
no man on earth can catch the "Klebo's" boss !!...................he can figure strategy, while incredibly stressed...

Love the Pk 13/14...Best addition ever...I cant wait to see the crystals on the new grow

we dont deal in fake new or fake product here at ALR advice studio !!..... it's "Dutch" say no more yea.....

ALR quoted: ''the genesis 2 part nute set (3 Set With Gen Pk)''
- I thought it was 3 part? I found the 3 part micro grow2 bloom and it will be ordered soon, i will also need the genesis pk?

you have a choice, "Grow 1", or "Grow 2"................ so grow 2 + microbase = 2 part, upto flower nute switch wk 3 flower, = drop grow 2 then = "Microbasenutrient" + "Bloomnutrient" + Pk13/14nutrient = 3 part, not inc palm tree ashes or PK top dressing.........

The aerated RO water i test the ph and it is around 7.9. No adjustment to the ph as we need the plant to eat whats left in soil for the first 2-3 waterings and then eat from the leaves right?

Ph7.9 is good as shows good oxyge & co2 levels in the RO water................ this fluffs the tissues, aiding the release of secured mobile nutrients........and liberates them well.......as zero salt water going in = like "Liquid" a salt sponge, sponging out the rested nute salts..........

I do a lot of checking but now i know what going on and how to act its more simple..

quite away along the learning cure you are....................... may the canna force be with you allway's..... padwan

A lot of air echanges can bring the pathogens back. We can only make sure to not wake him up.

100% surrounded, dont give it the environ triggers it's "Indigenous Self" awaits.....................

We have to be carefull with dead leaves and waterings to not create a humid environment for him to develop. Lessons learned,

water management above all the other intellectual sectors of the grow total, is the most important..........over watering is common................... but the way i taught you, the application of hydration..........is key..............

when i said leave the water in the tray to temper the drinking, i thought they where still drinking a lot, as it turned out, they had begun to slow down the drinking, so they did not drink all the water,.............. so the flowers where wetter than i planned, in combi with a well timed RH spike.................. it = Botrytis outbreak.......... they where further along the final path than i could see................. so a vital lesson learned there white'ty.............. re hydration application................. which proves, you have to nbe there with them every day to sync in with thier drinking profile................ something you cannot see via a screen shot........

Biggest sativa field ever discovered? :) Such a great plant and so much fuzz about it...One day their biggest fear will come true..One day human life will be in coordination with the natural organic life and there will be no pain at all

a a great story,.....the canna feilds of latin America..............probly true, as "Pablo" was in it also, he never did things bye halves,.............. the Pablo story, ultimately is very sad,.......... most who get involved end up the same way, south of the border................

But i guess you allready know these things xD You are in the same path

yes, it has to be said,..................... fresh cooked food every day, is a pain but essential, then the amazing grass supplement,................... good clean low salt water, good for skin and lot of other, i take a 50+mens vit&min supplement, daily one number, along with another super vector of health............ = "Monolaurin" = monolauric acid = "Coconut Oil".......... a HUFFA = highly unsaturated fatty acid.............. = read the ten things your doctor did not want you to know about cocconut oil..... for a start monolaurin vectors the affects of THC/CBD uplifting by 10-15%.............. and extending duration of the effect................... we like that health and pleasure combined...........................ALR
Goodmorning all!

I had no access to AFN the last three days. It happened again a week ago..Back to life now and its time for the update..

Its been a harsh week so far. You can see layers of humidity laying across the earth near the sea...It looks like a constant fog, everywhere you look. The distanced mountains almost invissible!

2 days ago it was very high humidity(photo below). A big battle in the grow room to keep the RH to 55%. No problems so far and i hope weather will go back to normal. Allready today its better!


Today they will take the flush number 5 with RO water. I will try to get Run Off samples and post them later. I didnt take Run Off on the flush no 4 as @AutoLowRyder instructed because i was trying to keep the tent close at any cost. Today the tent is back to 50% RH so i can work better and take the samples.

My seeds arrived and im now waiting for the chop to happen so i can plant them. I dont want to give them the 24hour (maybe 48 hour) dark cycle so i will plant them when i harvest these. I rather lose a week than to create any unbalance in the new grow champs...

I have 29 grams from the time i chop some buds, due to botryitis curing in the jar with the boveda. I keep the jar in a small wooden cup board in the portable air condition area. I have a hygrometer inside the jar. The humidity inside the jar is 60% and the temp will be 25C during the heat pick of the day and drops to 21C during the night. I burp the jar for 5 minutes every 2nd day. The buds dont feel dry or wet. They have a kind of soft feeling but i think if they stay out of the jar for a little bit they will feel more dry on the outside. The smell when i smell inside the jar is great but when i remove the buds and smell them one by one they dont have such a great smell. Its almost i smell grass....Its almost none weed smell...I hope this will change post 2 weeks of curing. Its being now 6 days since i jar this 29grams. I dryied them inside paper bags. I must say here that my paper bags are not like the mcdonalds paper bags. They are more thick. I think they are double layer. Its like those paper bags you put presents inside...I hope they are good for the job...When i dryied i think i let them over dry a little bit. The first test i made with a handfull of buds inside the jar had the humidity to 77% after 1 hour, so i put them back to paper bags and 2 days after i test again and it was to 55% and i jarred all of the 29grams...I should be more carefull next time to jar them with a humidity 60-65% before i add the bovedas....

Curing buds are looking nice with the white crystals and the brown hair...and a small sample i smoked had me tripping in joy. I havent smoked for a long time and a tiny piece of Ultimate 1 brought me in a good mood xD It was a happy afternoon, we went to the beach, ate 1 ice cream on the way and 2 ice creams on the beach from the local ice cream truck xD A constant smile on my face and i just couldnt stop talking xD

We are now in the 100+ day and with a week left i am very happy with what i got for my first grow...
Temp in the canopy level is 28C and on the bottom level 26C
Humidity is a constant battle but i am in the range of 50%-60% as 60% the less for a time period...
RO flush water goes in @ 23C and 24C (once) and my soil temp readings are 21C-22C!!
2 small clip fans on each corner of the tent hits the canopy level creating a smooth breeze and a bigger fan attached to a fan controller creates a recirculate smooth breeze from the bottom of the tent through the plants and up...Also this bigger recirculate fan is placed at the tent's passive entrance of air contidioned air and like this its spreading along the tent the conditioned air!!

Lights off temps are 23C-25C witht the humidity @ 50%-55%....

Its a pain in the ass to grow in the summer here. You need the right equipment and you have to be prepare for anything! My worst fear is a electricity black out as it happens during the summer months due to compressors exploding from the heat!!! It can last from 2 to 4 hours or worst 10 hours!! I just cross my fingers and hoping for the best. On my 3 years living in this area i didnt experience any black outs so this gives me hopes!

Day 108 since got in the dirt (106 days since got a head up in the soil)




Day 108 since got in the dirt (106 days since got a head up in the soil)

Ulti [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] its a pheno with purple calyxes. I hope you can all see it in the photos. The purple pheno is sensitive to foxtail too!





Amnesia xxl
Day 105 since got in the dirt (103 days since got a head up in the soil)




Edit = Update = Run off results

I just make the flush no 5
Ultimate 1 = EC 5.1
Ultimate 2 = EC 2.0
Amnesia = EC 5.6

It looks like i might have to make 10 flushes OR give them a good 10 litre RO flush each one and finish at flush no7?
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